# ESIEEquest A simple adventure game made as part of unit IGI-1002 (Java) at ESIEE Paris. ## Repository structure - /game: the BlueJ project - /website: the project's website - /report: the LaTeX project report ## Continuous integration The website, the LaTeX report, the .jar and the Javadoc are automagically generated through Gitlab CI and published on the [project's website](http://esieequest.pacien.net/). ## Code guidelines For the conventions, see the ["Objects First With Java" style guide](http://www.esiee.fr/~bureaud/Unites/BlueJ/OFWJ-styleguide.htm). Also use the Eclipse code formatter, and tabs instead of spaces for indentation. ## Authors Group 3F: - Pacien TRAN-GIRARD - BenoƮt LUBRANO DI SBARAGLIONE