\chapter{Work progression} \section{Zuul bad} \section{Zuul better v1} \subsection{printLocationInfo} This code duplication has been previously avoided with the printRoomInfo() method. It has been renamed to printLocationInfo(), as part of the commit e52a34789, to match the exercise. \subsection{getExit} The exit attributes have been made private and a getter was added in commit 53c427ff3. A switch statement has been used instead of multiple if statements. \subsection{getExitString} This method has been added as part of commit ca65af2e2. \subsection{HashMap, setExit} Room exits are now stored in an HashMap since commit c9d890b9b. The setExits() method has been replaced by setExit() which takes advantages of the HashMap. \subsection{Vertical direction} In commit 4145a5e8c, the getExitString() method has been modified to be able to print the availability of the new exits, used in the stairwell at wing 3. Due to the architecture of these rooms, the side exits that were previously settled to link them have been kept. \subsection{keySet ?} The keySet() method of the class HashMap returns a Set of the keys contained in the map. \subsection{getExitString ?} The getExitString() method returns a String listing the room's exits. To achieve that, it iterates through the exits Map's keys, that is a Set of Strings, appending each one to the String that it returns. \subsection{getLongDescription} The Room class now uses the previously explained getExitString() method and includes the getLongDescription() method that returns the full description of the room since commit e510b08d0. \subsection{Object diagram} \subsubsection{Changes on execution} \section{Zuul with features} \subsection{look} The look command has been added with the commit 698e3cd25. \subsection{eat} The eat command has been added with the commit 40b9b4816. \section{Zuul better v2} \subsection{showAll, showCommands} This modifications are part of the commit 79d33230b. \subsection{Adding commands} Adding new commands would not require modifying the printHelp() method anymore. However, adding new commands and related functions would still require editing the Game class and its processCommand() method. \subsection{getCommandList} \subsection{Comparison with reference} The printLocationInfo() method, used only twice, has been trimmed by the commit 590a932e5 and has been replaced by a call to the getLongDescription() method of the Room class. A missing getter for the Room description has been added as part of the commit f84606424. The loop building the command list String has been modified to use an Iterator with the commit 0c5793abf. \subsection{StringBuilder} \subsection{Room objects} \section{Zuul with images} \subsection{Game, GameEngine, UserInterface} \subsection{Parser/Scanner} \subsection{UserInterface.addActionListener()} \subsection{UserInterface.actionPerformed()} \section{Zuul MVC} \subsection{Structure} \section{Zuul with items v1} \subsection{Item} \subsection{item description} \subsection{items} \subsection{Collection choice} \section{Zuul with history} \subsection{back} \subsection{back test} \subsection{back back} \subsection{Stack} \section{Zuul with tests} \subsection{tests} \subsubsection{Automatic tests} \subsection{test command} \section{Zuul with items v2} \subsection{Player} \subsection{take, drop} \subsection{Carry several items} \subsection{ItemList} \subsection{Maximum weight} \subsection{Inventory} \subsection{Magic cookie} \subsection{Tests} \section{Zuul with enums} \subsection{switch} \subsection{look with enum} \subsection{help with enum} \section{Zuul extended} \subsection{Time limit} \subsubsection{Real time} \subsection{GUI} \subsection{Trap door} \subsection{Beamer} \subsection{Locked door} \subsection{Tests} \subsection{Transporter room} \subsubsection{alea} \subsection{Inheritance} \subsection{Abstract Command} \subsection{Packages} \subsection{Character} \subsubsection{Moving character} \section{Zuul without BlueJ} \subsection{main} \subsection{jar} \subsection{JApplet} \section{Zuul awesome} \subsection{Room sides} \subsection{Quests} \subsection{Better GUI} \subsection{Music} \subsection{Scenes} \subsection{Save/load game} \subsubsection{save} \subsubsection{load} \subsection{More tests} \section{Not Zuul} \subsection{maximum} \subsection{static} \subsubsection{Properties} \subsubsection{numberOfInstances} \subsection{currentTimeMillis}