

The Universe has encountered an error. Press any key to continue.

This is any key

ESIEE + quest = ESIEEquest

Meet a friend

He will guide you gladly... at one necessary but not sufficient condition.

Obtain the program

The legend says that a sage made ​​a special program, a long time ago.

Find the device

It's impressive to see what they made using a "micro"controller and some adhesive tape.

Reboot everything

Connect everything, press the button, save the world, and we're done.

I'm lost!

Try not to panic();
and catch the

Game map

Need some help pushing buttons?

Moving around

Use and arrows to change your direction, to move forward, and to go back.

Doing things

Use E to pick up an object or to talk to a character.

Using items

Use A to open your inventory and W, X, C, ... to drop or use items from it.

About that game

The project

The development of this game was conducted ​​in part of the project-based learning unit IGI-1002, at ESIEE Paris, in which students are asked to write a simple adventure game in Java.

The team

This game was fully developped by Pacien TRAN-GIRARD and Benoît LUBRANO DI SBARAGLIONE, two first year ESIEE students ('18).