

The Universe has encountered an error. Press any key to continue.

This is any key

ESIEE + quest = ESIEEquest

Meet a friend

He will guide you gladly... at one necessary but not sufficient condition.

Obtain the program

The legend says that a sage made ​​a special program, a long time ago.

Find the device

It's impressive to see what they made using a "micro"controller and some adhesive tape.

Reboot everything

Connect everything, press the button, save the world, and we're done.

I'm lost!

Don't panic();
Throw an Exception and try the

Game map

Need some help pushing buttons?

Moving around

Use and arrows to change your direction, to move forward, and to pick up an object or to speak to a character.

Using items

Use 1, 2, 3, ... to drop or use items from your inventory.

About that game

The project

The development of this game was conducted ​​in part of the project-based learning unit IGI-1002, at ESIEE Paris, in which students are asked to write a simple adventure game in Java.

The team

This game was fully developped by Pacien TRAN-GIRARD and Benoît LUBRANO DI SBARAGLIONE, two first year ESIEE students ('18).