# "à-la-gzip" gzip-like LZSS compressor # Copyright (C) 2018 Pacien TRAN-GIRARD # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import streams import integers # Stream functions proc newEIO(msg: string): ref IOError = new(result) result.msg = msg proc read[T](s: Stream, t: typedesc[T]): T = if readData(s, addr(result), sizeof(T)) != sizeof(T): raise newEIO("cannot read from stream") proc peek[T](s: Stream, t: typedesc[T]): T = if peekData(s, addr(result), sizeof(T)) != sizeof(T): raise newEIO("cannot read from stream") # Utils iterator chunks*(totalBitLength: int, chunkType: typedesc[SomeInteger]): tuple[index: int, chunkBitLength: int] = let chunkBitLength = sizeof(chunkType) * wordBitLength let wordCount = totalBitLength div chunkBitLength for i in 0..<(wordCount): yield (i, chunkBitLength) let remainder = totalBitLength mod chunkBitLength if remainder > 0: yield (wordCount, remainder) # BitStream type BitStream* = ref object stream: Stream bitOffset: int writeBuffer: uint8 proc bitStream*(stream: Stream): BitStream = BitStream(stream: stream, bitOffset: 0, writeBuffer: 0) proc flush*(bitStream: BitStream) = if bitStream.bitOffset == 0: return bitStream.stream.write(bitStream.writeBuffer) bitStream.stream.flush() (bitStream.bitOffset, bitStream.writeBuffer) = (0, 0'u8) proc atEnd*(bitStream: BitStream): bool = bitStream.stream.atEnd() proc readBits*[T: SomeUnsignedInt](bitStream: BitStream, bits: int, to: typedesc[T]): T = let targetBitLength = sizeof(T) * wordBitLength if bits < 0 or bits > targetBitLength: raise newException(RangeError, "invalid bit length") elif bits == 0: result = 0 elif bits < targetBitLength - bitStream.bitOffset: result = bitStream.stream.peek(T) shl (targetBitLength - bits - bitStream.bitOffset) shr (targetBitLength - bits) elif bits == targetBitLength - bitStream.bitOffset: result = bitStream.stream.read(T) shl (targetBitLength - bits - bitStream.bitOffset) shr (targetBitLength - bits) else: let rightBits = targetBitLength - bitStream.bitOffset let leftBits = bits - rightBits let right = bitStream.stream.read(T) shr bitStream.bitOffset let left = bitStream.stream.peek(T) shl (targetBitLength - leftBits) shr (targetBitLength - bits) result = left or right bitStream.bitOffset = (bitStream.bitOffset + bits) mod wordBitLength proc readBool*(bitStream: BitStream): bool = bitStream.readBits(1, uint8) != 0 proc readSeq*[T: SomeUnsignedInt](bitStream: BitStream, bitLength: int, to: typedesc[T]): tuple[bitLength: int, data: seq[T]] = result = (0, newSeqOfCap[T](bitLength /^ (sizeof(T) * wordBitLength))) for _, chunkBitLength in chunks(bitLength, T): if bitStream.atEnd(): return result.bitLength += chunkBitLength result.data.add(bitStream.readBits(chunkBitLength, T)) proc writeBits*(bitStream: BitStream, bits: int, value: SomeUnsignedInt) = let valueContainerBitLength = sizeof(value) * wordBitLength if bits < 0 or bits > valueContainerBitLength: raise newException(RangeError, "invalid bit length") var bitsToWrite = bits if bitsToWrite + bitStream.bitOffset >= wordBitLength: bitStream.stream.write(truncateToUint8(value shl bitStream.bitOffset) or bitStream.writeBuffer) bitsToWrite -= wordBitLength - bitStream.bitOffset (bitStream.bitOffset, bitStream.writeBuffer) = (0, 0'u8) while bitsToWrite >= wordBitLength: bitStream.stream.write(truncateToUint8(value shr (bits - bitsToWrite))) bitsToWrite -= wordBitLength if bitsToWrite > 0: let left = truncateToUint8((value shl (valueContainerBitLength - bits)) shr (valueContainerBitLength - bitsToWrite)) bitStream.writeBuffer = (left shl bitStream.bitOffset) or bitStream.writeBuffer bitStream.bitOffset = (bitStream.bitOffset + bitsToWrite) mod wordBitLength proc writeBool*(bitStream: BitStream, value: bool) = bitStream.writeBits(1, value.uint8) proc writeSeq*[T: SomeUnsignedInt](bitStream: BitStream, bitLength: int, data: seq[T]) = for i, chunkBitLength in chunks(bitLength, T): bitStream.writeBits(chunkBitLength, data[i])