// Function.bind polyfill for Safari < 5.1.4 and iOS. // From https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/bind Function.prototype.bind||(Function.prototype.bind=function(c){if("function"!==typeof this)throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind - binding an object that is not callable");var d=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1),e=this,a=function(){},b=function(){return e.apply(this instanceof a?this:c||window,d.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments)))};a.prototype=this.prototype;b.prototype=new a;return b}); /** * @constructor */ function SlideDeck() { this.curSlide_ = 0; this.prevSlide_ = 0; this.slides = []; this.config_ = null; this.getCurrentSlideFromHash_(); /*document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this.onDomLoaded_.bind(this), false);*/ // Introducing yepnopejs causes DOMContentLoaded before the deck is setup. this.onDomLoaded_.bind(this)(); } /** * @const * @private */ SlideDeck.prototype.SLIDE_CLASSES_ = [ 'far-past', 'past', 'current', 'next', 'far-next']; /** * @const * @private */ SlideDeck.prototype.CSS_DIR_ = 'theme/css/'; /** * @private */ SlideDeck.prototype.getCurrentSlideFromHash_ = function() { var slideNo = parseInt(document.location.hash.substr(1)); if (slideNo) { this.curSlide_ = slideNo - 1; } else { this.curSlide_ = 0; } }; /** * @private */ SlideDeck.prototype.onDomLoaded_ = function(e) { this.slides_ = document.querySelectorAll('slide:not([hidden]):not(.backdrop)'); // Load config. this.loadConfig_(); this.addEventListeners_(); this.updateSlides_(); // Add slide numbers and total slide count metadata to each slide. for (var i = 0, slide; slide = this.slides_[i]; ++i) { slide.dataset.slideNum = i + 1; slide.dataset.totalSlides = this.slides_.length; } // This is an app! Make all links open in a new tab. [].forEach.call(document.querySelectorAll('a'), function(a) { a.target = '_blank'; }); }; /** * @private */ SlideDeck.prototype.addEventListeners_ = function() { document.addEventListener('keydown', this.onBodyKeyDown_.bind(this), false); window.addEventListener('popstate', this.onPopState_.bind(this), false); }; /** * @private * @param {Event} e The pop event. */ SlideDeck.prototype.onPopState_ = function(e) { if (e.state != null) { this.curSlide_ = e.state; this.updateSlides_(true); } }; /** * @param {Event} e */ SlideDeck.prototype.onBodyKeyDown_ = function(e) { if (/^(input|textarea)$/i.test(e.target.nodeName) || e.target.isContentEditable) { return; } switch (e.keyCode) { case 39: // right arrow case 32: // space case 34: // PgDn this.nextSlide(); e.preventDefault(); break; case 37: // left arrow case 8: // Backspace case 33: // PgUp this.prevSlide(); e.preventDefault(); break; case 40: // down arrow //if (this.isChromeVoxActive()) { // speakNextItem(); //} else { this.nextSlide(); //} e.preventDefault(); break; case 38: // up arrow //if (this.isChromeVoxActive()) { // speakPrevItem(); //} else { this.prevSlide(); //} e.preventDefault(); break; case 72: // H document.body.classList.toggle('highlight-code'); break; case 78: // N // If this slide contains notes, toggle them. if (this.slides_[this.curSlide_].querySelector('.note')) { document.body.classList.toggle('with-notes'); } break; case 27: // ESC document.body.classList.remove('with-notes'); break; //case 13: // Enter case 70: // F // Only respect 'f'/enter on body. Don't want to capture keys from if (e.target == document.body) { if (e.keyCode != 13 && !document.webkitIsFullScreen) { document.body.webkitRequestFullScreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); } else { document.webkitCancelFullScreen(); } } break; } }; /** * @private */ SlideDeck.prototype.loadConfig_ = function() { var configScripts = document.querySelector('script[type="text/slide-config"]'); if (configScripts) { eval(configScripts.innerHTML); this.config_ = slideConfig; } var settings = this.config_.settings; this.loadTheme_(settings.theme || 'default'); if (settings.favIcon) { this.addFavIcon_(settings.favIcon); } if (!!!('usePrettify' in settings) || settings.usePrettify) { prettyPrint(); } if (settings.analytics) { this.loadAnalytics_(); } if (settings.fonts) { this.addFonts_(settings.fonts); } if (!!!('useBuilds' in settings) || settings.useBuilds) { this.makeBuildLists_(); } if (settings.title) { document.title = settings.title.replace(//, ' ') + ' - Google IO 2012'; document.querySelector('[data-config-title]').innerHTML = settings.title; } if (settings.subtitle) { document.querySelector('[data-config-subtitle]').innerHTML = settings.subtitle; } if (this.config_.presenters) { var presenters = this.config_.presenters; var html = []; if (presenters.length == 1) { var p = presenters[0] html = [p.name, p.company].join('
'); var gplus = p.gplus ? 'g+' + p.gplus + '' : ''; var twitter = p.twitter ? 'twitter' + '' + p.twitter + '' : ''; var www = p.www ? 'www' + p.www + '' : ''; var html2 = [gplus, twitter, www].join('
'); document.querySelector('[data-config-contact]').innerHTML = html2; } else { for (var i = 0, p; p = presenters[i]; ++i) { html.push(p.name + ' - ' + p.company); } html = html.join('
'); } document.querySelector('[data-config-presenter]').innerHTML = html; } /* Clicking and tapping */ var el = document.createElement('div'); el.classList.add('slide-area'); el.id = 'prev-slide-area'; el.addEventListener('click', this.prevSlide.bind(this), false); document.querySelector('slides').appendChild(el); var el = document.createElement('div'); el.classList.add('slide-area'); el.id = 'next-slide-area'; el.addEventListener('click', this.nextSlide.bind(this), false); document.querySelector('slides').appendChild(el); if (!!!('enableTouch' in settings) || settings.enableTouch) { var toucher = new TouchManager(this); } }; /** * @private * @param {Array.} fonts */ SlideDeck.prototype.addFonts_ = function(fonts) { var el = document.createElement('link'); el.rel = 'stylesheet'; el.href = 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=' + fonts.join('|') + '&v2'; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(el); }; /** * @private */ SlideDeck.prototype.buildNextItem_ = function() { var slide = this.slides_[this.curSlide_]; var toBuild = slide.querySelector('.to-build'); var built = slide.querySelector('.build-current'); if (built) { built.classList.remove('build-current'); if (built.classList.contains('fade')) { built.classList.add('build-fade'); } } if (!toBuild) { var items = slide.querySelectorAll('.build-fade'); for (var j = 0, item; item = items[j]; j++) { item.classList.remove('build-fade'); } return false; } toBuild.classList.remove('to-build'); toBuild.classList.add('build-current'); /*if (isChromeVoxActive()) { speakAndSyncToNode(toBuild); }*/ return true; }; /** * @param {boolean=} opt_dontPush */ SlideDeck.prototype.prevSlide = function(opt_dontPush) { if (this.curSlide_ > 0) { // Toggle off speaker notes and/or highlighted code if they're showing. var bodyClassList = document.body.classList; bodyClassList.remove('with-notes'); bodyClassList.remove('highlight-code'); this.prevSlide_ = this.curSlide_; this.curSlide_--; this.updateSlides_(opt_dontPush); } }; /** * @param {boolean=} opt_dontPush */ SlideDeck.prototype.nextSlide = function(opt_dontPush) { if (this.buildNextItem_()) { return; } if (this.curSlide_ < this.slides_.length - 1) { // Toggle off speaker notes and/or highlighted code if they're showing. var bodyClassList = document.body.classList; bodyClassList.remove('with-notes'); bodyClassList.remove('highlight-code'); this.prevSlide_ = this.curSlide_; this.curSlide_++; this.updateSlides_(opt_dontPush); } }; /* Slide events */ /** * Triggered when a slide enter/leave event should be dispatched. * * @param {string} type The type of event to trigger * (e.g. 'slideenter', 'slideleave'). * @param {number} slideNo The index of the slide that is being left. */ SlideDeck.prototype.triggerSlideEvent = function(type, slideNo) { var el = this.getSlideEl_(slideNo); if (!el) { return; } // Call onslideenter/onslideleave if the attribute is defined on this slide. var func = el.getAttribute(type); if (func) { new Function(func).call(el); // TODO: Don't use new Function() :( } // Dispatch event to listeners setup using addEventListener. var evt = document.createEvent('Event'); evt.initEvent(type, true, true); evt.slideNumber = slideNo + 1; // Make it readable evt.slide = el; el.dispatchEvent(evt); }; /** * @private */ SlideDeck.prototype.updateSlides_ = function(opt_dontPush) { var dontPush = opt_dontPush || false; var curSlide = this.curSlide_; for (var i = 0; i < this.slides_.length; ++i) { switch (i) { case curSlide - 2: this.updateSlideClass_(i, 'far-past'); break; case curSlide - 1: this.updateSlideClass_(i, 'past'); break; case curSlide: this.updateSlideClass_(i, 'current'); break; case curSlide + 1: this.updateSlideClass_(i, 'next'); break; case curSlide + 2: this.updateSlideClass_(i, 'far-next'); break; default: this.updateSlideClass_(i); break; } }; this.triggerSlideEvent('slideleave', this.prevSlide_); this.triggerSlideEvent('slideenter', curSlide); window.setTimeout(this.disableSlideFrames_.bind(this, curSlide - 2), 301); this.enableSlideFrames_(curSlide - 1); this.enableSlideFrames_(curSlide + 1); this.enableSlideFrames_(curSlide + 2); /*if (isChromeVoxActive()) { speakAndSyncToNode(slideEls[curSlide]); }*/ this.updateHash_(dontPush); }; /** * @private * @param {number} slideNo */ SlideDeck.prototype.enableSlideFrames_ = function(slideNo) { var el = this.slides_[slideNo - 1]; if (!el) { return; } var frames = el.querySelectorAll('iframe'); for (var i = 0, frame; frame = frames[i]; i++) { this.enableFrame_(frame); } }; /** * @private * @param {number} slideNo */ SlideDeck.prototype.enableFrame_ = function(frame) { var src = frame.dataset.src; if (src && frame.src != src) { frame.src = src; } }; /** * @private * @param {number} slideNo */ SlideDeck.prototype.disableSlideFrames_ = function(slideNo) { var el = this.slides_[slideNo - 1]; if (!el) { return; } var frames = el.querySelectorAll('iframe'); for (var i = 0, frame; frame = frames[i]; i++) { this.disableFrame_(frame); } }; /** * @private * @param {Node} frame */ SlideDeck.prototype.disableFrame_ = function(frame) { frame.src = 'about:blank'; }; /** * @private * @param {number} slideNo */ SlideDeck.prototype.getSlideEl_ = function(no) { if ((no < 0) || (no >= this.slides_.length)) { return null; } else { return this.slides_[no]; } }; /** * @private * @param {number} slideNo * @param {string} className */ SlideDeck.prototype.updateSlideClass_ = function(slideNo, className) { var el = this.getSlideEl_(slideNo); if (!el) { return; } if (className) { el.classList.add(className); } for (var i = 0, slideClass; slideClass = this.SLIDE_CLASSES_[i]; ++i) { if (className != slideClass) { el.classList.remove(slideClass); } } }; /** * @private */ SlideDeck.prototype.makeBuildLists_ = function () { for (var i = this.curSlide_, slide; slide = this.slides_[i]; ++i) { var items = slide.querySelectorAll('.build > *'); for (var j = 0, item; item = items[j]; ++j) { if (item.classList) { item.classList.add('to-build'); if (item.parentNode.classList.contains('fade')) { item.classList.add('fade'); } } } } }; /** * @private * @param {boolean} dontPush */ SlideDeck.prototype.updateHash_ = function(dontPush) { if (!dontPush) { var slideNo = this.curSlide_ + 1; var hash = '#' + slideNo; if (window.history.pushState) { window.history.pushState(this.curSlide_, 'Slide ' + slideNo, hash); } else { window.location.replace(hash); } window['_gaq'] && window['_gaq'].push(['_trackPageview', document.location.href]); } }; /** * @private * @param {string} favIcon */ SlideDeck.prototype.addFavIcon_ = function(favIcon) { var el = document.createElement('link'); el.rel = 'icon'; el.type = 'image/png'; el.href = favIcon; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(el); }; /** * @private * @param {string} theme */ SlideDeck.prototype.loadTheme_ = function(theme) { var styles = [/*'../../js/prettify/prettify',*/ theme]; for (var i = 0, style; themeUrl = styles[i]; i++) { var style = document.createElement('link'); style.rel = 'stylesheet'; style.type = 'text/css'; if (themeUrl.indexOf('http') == -1) { style.href = this.CSS_DIR_ + themeUrl + '.css'; } else { style.href = themeUrl; } document.querySelector('head').appendChild(style); } var viewportMeta = document.createElement('meta'); viewportMeta.name = 'viewport'; viewportMeta.content = 'width=1100,height=750'; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(viewportMeta); var appleMeta = document.createElement('meta'); appleMeta.name = 'apple-mobile-web-app-capable'; appleMeta.content = 'yes'; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(appleMeta); }; /** * @private */ SlideDeck.prototype.loadAnalytics_ = function() { var _gaq = window['_gaq'] || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', this.config_.settings.analytics]); //_gaq.push(['_setDomainName', '.bleedinghtml5.appspot.com']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + '.google-analytics.com/ga.js'; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); }; // Polyfill missing APIs (if we need to), then create the slide deck. // iOS < 5 needs all of these! #dislike (function() { var body = document.body; yepnope({ test: !!body.classList && !!body.dataset, nope: ['js/polyfills/classList.min.js', 'js/polyfills/dataset.min.js'], complete: function() { window.slidedeck = new SlideDeck(); } }); })();