import { createModule, mutation, action } from "vuex-class-component"; const VuexModule = createModule({ namespaced: "galleryStore", strict: true }) export default class GalleryStore extends VuexModule { galleryItemsRoot: Gallery.Item | null = null; tags: Tag.Index = {}; // --- @mutation setGalleryItemsRoot(galleryItemsRoot: Gallery.Item) { this.galleryItemsRoot = galleryItemsRoot; } @mutation private setTags(tags: Tag.Index) { this.tags = tags; } // --- // Fetches the gallery's JSON metadata @action async fetchGalleryItems(url: string) { fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(this.setGalleryItemsRoot) .then(this.indexTags); } // Indexes the gallery @action async indexTags() { let index = {}; if (this.galleryItemsRoot) GalleryStore.pushTagsForItem(index, this.galleryItemsRoot); console.log("Index: ", index); this.setTags(index); } // --- // Pushes all tags for a root item (and its children) to the index private static pushTagsForItem(index: Tag.Index, item: Gallery.Item) { console.log("IndexingTagsFor: ", item.path); for (const tag of item.tags) { const parts = tag.split('.'); let lastPart: string | null = null; for (const part of parts) { if (!index[part]) index[part] = { tag: part, items: [], children: {} }; if (!index[part].items.includes(item)) index[part].items.push(item); if (lastPart) index[lastPart].children[part] = index[part]; lastPart = part; } } if ( === "directory") => this.pushTagsForItem(index, item)); } // Searches for an item by path from a root item (navigation) static searchCurrentItem(item: Gallery.Item, path: string): Gallery.Item | null { if (path === item.path) return item; if ( === "directory" && path.startsWith(item.path)) { const itemFound = .map(item => this.searchCurrentItem(item, path)) .find(item => Boolean(item)); return itemFound || null; } return null; } }