--- title: "About" --- # Markdown course website example / template This is an example of course website written in Markdown. Inputs: * Markdown files for both the slides and exercises sheets, all pushed in a private git repository. Outputs: * A public website with flattened slides and exercises sheets without the solutions, for the students. * A private website with the solutions to the exercises, for the teaching staff. * PDF Beamer presentations for the lectures. * PDF exercise sheets, with and without solutions, for printing for work sessions without a computer. ## Links - Deployed site: - Source repository: ## Behind the scene Pandoc is the engine used to process and compile the Markdown source files into HTML and PDF through LaTeX. This engine allows easy transformation of the Abstract Syntax Tree of the processed documents, which is used to strip the solutions from the public exercises sheets for example. Quarto is used to generate the website with page navigation and search. Its more advanced features such as code execution aren't used here. Nix is used to manage the build process and its dependencies. Everything is run within a controlled sandbox, which can be run locally or remotely in a reproducible manner. The GitLab platform is used to host the git source repository. The website and PDFs are automatically built for each push through GitLab CI. The website in particular is hosted and published, and updated automatically using GitLab Pages. ## References - [Markdown syntax](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax) - [Pandoc (manual)](https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html) - [Quarto (reference)](https://quarto.org/docs/reference/index.html) - [Nix guides](https://nixos.org/learn.html) - [GitLab CI configuration reference](https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/yaml/)