.TH MYMEMORY 1 "MARCH 2018" UPEM "myMemory manual" .SH NAME myMemory.py \- Memory paging simulator .SH SYNOPSIS myMemory.py [-h] -s
-v -a .SH DESCRIPTION .B foo frobnicates the bar library by tweaking internal symbol tables. By default it parses all baz segments and rearranges them in reverse order by time for the .BR xyzzy (1) linker to find them. The symdef entry is theni compressed using the WBG (Whiz-Bang-Gizmo) algorithm. All files are processed in the order specified. .SH OPTIONS .IP -b Do not write `busy' to stdout while processing. .IP "-c config-file" Use the alternate system wide .I config-file instead of .IR /etc/foo.conf . This overrides any .B FOOCONF environment variable. .IP -a In addition to the baz segments, also parse the blurfl headers. .IP -r Recursive mode. Operates as fast as lightning at the expense of a megabyte of virtual memory. .SH FILES .I /etc/foo.conf .RS The system wide configuration file. See .BR foo (5) for further details. .RE .I ~/.foorc .RS Per user configuration file. See .BR foo (5) for further details. .SH ENVIRONMENT .IP FOOCONF If non-null the full pathname for an alternate system wide .IR foo.conf . Overridden by the .B -c option. .SH DIAGNOSTICS The following diagnostics may be issued on stderr: Bad magic number. .RS The input file does not look like an archive file. .RE Old style baz segments. .RS .B foo can only handle new style baz segments. COBOL object libraries are not supported in this version. .SH EXAMPLE .nf % ./myMemory.py -s 3 -v 5 -a fifo > 7 7xx > 0 70x > 1 701 > 2 201 > p 201 7xxxx > 0 201 > 3 231 > p 231 70xxx > 0 230 > p 230 71xxx > 4 430 > 2 420 > p 420 713xx > x .fi .SH AUTHORS Pacien TRAN-GIRARD Adam NAILI