/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Loading webGL/canvas data function initWebGl (rootElement, directory) { var cvsDataMngr, ninjaWebGlData = JSON.parse((document.querySelectorAll(['script[data-ninja-webgl]'])[0].innerHTML.replace('(', '')).replace(')', '')); if (ninjaWebGlData && ninjaWebGlData.data) { for (var n=0; ninjaWebGlData.data[n]; n++) { ninjaWebGlData.data[n] = unescape(ninjaWebGlData.data[n]); } } //Creating data manager cvsDataMngr = new CanvasDataManager(); //Loading data to canvas(es) cvsDataMngr.loadGLData(rootElement, ninjaWebGlData.data, directory); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class ShapeRuntime // Manages runtime shape display /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function CanvasDataManager() { this.loadGLData = function(root, valueArray, assetPath ) { if (assetPath) this._assetPath = assetPath.slice(); var value = valueArray; var nWorlds = value.length; for (var i=0; i= 0) { var endIndex = importStr.indexOf( "\n", startIndex ); if (endIndex > 0) { var id = importStr.substring( startIndex+4, endIndex ); var canvas = this.findCanvasWithID( id, root ); if (canvas) { var rt = new GLRuntime( canvas, importStr, assetPath ); } } } } } this.collectGLData = function( elt, dataArray ) { if (elt.elementModel && elt.elementModel.shapeModel && elt.elementModel.shapeModel.GLWorld) { var data = elt.elementModel.shapeModel.GLWorld.export( true ); dataArray.push( data ); } if (elt.children) { var nKids = elt.children.length; for (var i=0; i= 0) { this._useWebGL = true; var rdgeStr = importStr.substr( index+11 ); var endIndex = rdgeStr.indexOf( "endscene\n" ); if (endIndex < 0) throw new Error( "ill-formed WebGL data" ); var len = endIndex - index + 11; rdgeStr = rdgeStr.substr( 0, endIndex ); this.myScene.importJSON( rdgeStr ); this.importObjects( importStr ); this.linkMaterials( this._geomRoot ); this.initMaterials(); this.linkLights(); } else { this._context = this._canvas.getContext( "2d" ); this.importObjects( importStr ); this.render(); } } this.init = function() { var ctx1 = g_Engine.ctxMan.handleToObject(this._canvas.rdgeCtxHandle), ctx2 = g_Engine.getContext(); if (ctx1 != ctx2) console.log( "***** different contexts *****" ); this.renderer = ctx1.renderer; // create a camera, set its perspective, and then point it at the origin var cam = new camera(); this._camera = cam; cam.setPerspective(this.getFOV(), this.getAspect(), this.getZNear(), this.getZFar()); cam.setLookAt([0, 0, this.getViewDistance()], [0, 0, 0], vec3.up()); // make this camera the active camera this.renderer.cameraManager().setActiveCamera(cam); // change clear color this.renderer.setClearColor([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]); // create an empty scene graph this.myScene = new SceneGraph(); // load the scene graph data this.loadScene(); // Add the scene to the engine - necessary if you want the engine to draw for you var name = "myScene" + this._canvas.getAttribute( "data-RDGE-id" ); g_Engine.AddScene(name, this.myScene); this._initialized = true; } // main code for handling user interaction and updating the scene this.update = function(dt) { if (this._initialized) { if (!dt) dt = 0.2; dt = 0.01; // use our own internal throttle this.elapsed += dt; // changed the global position uniform of light 0, another way to change behavior of a light rdgeGlobalParameters.u_light0Pos.set( [5*Math.cos(this.elapsed), 5*Math.sin(this.elapsed), 20]); // orbit the light nodes around the boxes if (this.light ) this.light.setPosition([1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed*2.0), 1.2*Math.sin(this.elapsed*2.0), 1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed*2.0)]); if (this.light2) this.light2.setPosition([-1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed*2.0), 1.2*Math.sin(this.elapsed*2.0), -1.2*Math.cos(this.elapsed)]); this.updateMaterials(); // now update all the nodes in the scene this.myScene.update(dt); } } this.updateMaterials = function() { var nMats = this._materials.length; for (var i=0; i= 0) { // update the string to the current object importStr = importStr.substr( index+7 ); // read the next object var obj = this.importObject( importStr, parent ); // determine if we have children var endIndex = importStr.indexOf( "ENDOBJECT\n" ), childIndex = importStr.indexOf( "OBJECT\n" ); if (endIndex < 0) throw new Error( "ill-formed object data" ); if ((childIndex >= 0) && (childIndex < endIndex)) { importStr = importStr.substr( childIndex + 7 ); importStr = this.importObjects( importStr, obj ); endIndex = importStr.indexOf( "ENDOBJECT\n" ) } // remove the string for the object(s) just created importStr = importStr.substr( endIndex ); // get the location of the next object index = importStr.indexOf( "OBJECT\n", endIndex ); } return importStr; } this.importObject = function( objStr, parent ) { var type = Number( getPropertyFromString( "type: ", objStr ) ); var obj; switch (type) { case 1: obj = new RuntimeRectangle(); obj.import( objStr, parent ); break; case 2: // circle obj = new RuntimeOval(); obj.import( objStr, parent ); break; case 3: // line obj = new RuntimeLine(); obj.import( objStr, parent ); break; default: throw new Error( "Attempting to load unrecognized object type: " + type ); break; } if (obj) this.addObject( obj ); return obj; } this.addObject = function( obj, parent ) { if (!obj) return; obj.setWorld( this ); if (parent == null) this._geomRoot = obj; else parent.addChild( obj ); } this.linkLights = function() { var matNode = this.findMaterialNode( "lights", this.myScene.scene ); if (matNode) { this.light = matNode.lightChannel[1]; this.light2 = matNode.lightChannel[2]; } } this.linkMaterials = function( obj ) { if (!obj) return; // get the array of materials from the object var matArray = obj._materials; var nMats = matArray.length; for (var i=0; i= 0) { rtnPath = url.substr( index + searchStr.length ); rtnPath = this._assetPath + rtnPath; } return rtnPath; */ return url; } this.findMaterialNode = function( nodeName, node ) { if (node.transformNode) node = node.transformNode; if (node.materialNode) { if (nodeName === node.materialNode.name) return node.materialNode; } if (node.children) { var nKids = node.children.length; for (var i=0; i= 0); if (this._useWebGL) { var id = canvas.getAttribute( "data-RDGE-id" ); canvas.rdgeid = id; g_Engine.registerCanvas(canvas, this); RDGEStart( canvas ); } else { this.loadScene(); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class RuntimeGeomObj // Super class for all geometry classes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function RuntimeGeomObj() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.GEOM_TYPE_RECTANGLE = 1; this.GEOM_TYPE_CIRCLE = 2; this.GEOM_TYPE_LINE = 3; this.GEOM_TYPE_PATH = 4; this.GEOM_TYPE_CUBIC_BEZIER = 5; this.GEOM_TYPE_UNDEFINED = -1; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this._children; // stroke and fill colors this._strokeColor = [0,0,0,0]; this._fillColor = [0,0,0,0]; // array of materials this._materials = []; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.geomType = function() { return this.GEOM_TYPE_UNDEFINED; } this.setWorld = function(w) { this._world = w; } this.getWorld = function() { return this._world; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.makeStrokeMaterial = function() { } this.makeFillMaterial = function() { } this.render = function() { } this.addChild = function( child ) { if (!this._children) this._children = []; this._children.push( child ); } this.import = function() { } this.importMaterials = function(importStr) { var nMaterials = Number( getPropertyFromString( "nMaterials: ", importStr ) ); for (var i=0; i= 0.001) { var scale = len/sum; rtnVec = []; for (var i=0; i= 0) rtnStr = rtnStr.substr(0, index); return rtnStr; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class RuntimeRectangle /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function RuntimeRectangle() { // inherit the members of RuntimeGeomObj this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeGeomObj; this.inheritedFrom(); this.import = function( importStr ) { this._xOffset = Number( getPropertyFromString( "xoff: ", importStr ) ); this._yOffset = Number( getPropertyFromString( "yoff: ", importStr ) ); this._width = Number( getPropertyFromString( "width: ", importStr ) ); this._height = Number( getPropertyFromString( "height: ", importStr ) ); this._strokeWidth = Number( getPropertyFromString( "strokeWidth: ", importStr ) ); this._innerRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "innerRadius: ", importStr ) ); this._strokeStyle = Number( getPropertyFromString( "strokeStyle: ", importStr ) ); var strokeMaterialName = getPropertyFromString( "strokeMat: ", importStr ); var fillMaterialName = getPropertyFromString( "fillMat: ", importStr ); this._strokeStyle = getPropertyFromString( "strokeStyle: ", importStr ); this._fillColor = eval( "[" + getPropertyFromString( "fillColor: ", importStr ) + "]" ); this._strokeColor = eval( "[" + getPropertyFromString( "strokeColor: ", importStr ) + "]" ); this._tlRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "tlRadius: ", importStr ) ); this._trRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "trRadius: ", importStr ) ); this._blRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "blRadius: ", importStr ) ); this._brRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "brRadius: ", importStr ) ); this.importMaterials( importStr ); } this.renderPath = function( inset, ctx ) { // various declarations var pt, rad, ctr, startPt, bPts; var width = Math.round(this._width), height = Math.round(this._height); pt = [inset, inset]; // top left corner var tlRad = this._tlRadius; //top-left radius var trRad = this._trRadius; var blRad = this._blRadius; var brRad = this._brRadius; if ((tlRad <= 0) && (blRad <= 0) && (brRad <= 0) && (trRad <= 0)) { ctx.rect(pt[0], pt[1], width - 2*inset, height - 2*inset); } else { // get the top left point rad = tlRad - inset; if (rad < 0) rad = 0; pt[1] += rad; if (Math.abs(rad) < 0.001) pt[1] = inset; ctx.moveTo( pt[0], pt[1] ); // get the bottom left point pt = [inset, height - inset]; rad = blRad - inset; if (rad < 0) rad = 0; pt[1] -= rad; ctx.lineTo( pt[0], pt[1] ); // get the bottom left curve if (rad > 0.001) ctx.quadraticCurveTo( inset, height-inset, inset+rad, height-inset ); // do the bottom of the rectangle pt = [width - inset, height - inset]; rad = brRad - inset; if (rad < 0) rad = 0; pt[0] -= rad; ctx.lineTo( pt[0], pt[1] ); // get the bottom right arc if (rad > 0.001) ctx.quadraticCurveTo( width-inset, height-inset, width-inset, height-inset-rad ); // get the right of the rectangle pt = [width - inset, inset]; rad = trRad - inset; if (rad < 0) rad = 0; pt[1] += rad; ctx.lineTo( pt[0], pt[1] ); // do the top right corner if (rad > 0.001) ctx.quadraticCurveTo( width-inset, inset, width-inset-rad, inset ); // do the top of the rectangle pt = [inset, inset] rad = tlRad - inset; if (rad < 0) rad = 0; pt[0] += rad; ctx.lineTo( pt[0], pt[1] ); // do the top left corner if (rad > 0.001) ctx.quadraticCurveTo( inset, inset, inset, inset+rad ); else ctx.lineTo( inset, 2*inset ); } } this.render = function() { // get the world var world = this.getWorld(); if (!world) throw( "null world in rectangle render" ); // get the context var ctx = world.get2DContext(); if (!ctx) return; // get some dimensions var lw = this._strokeWidth; var w = world.getViewportWidth(), h = world.getViewportHeight(); // render the fill ctx.beginPath(); if (this._fillColor) { var c = "rgba(" + 255*this._fillColor[0] + "," + 255*this._fillColor[1] + "," + 255*this._fillColor[2] + "," + this._fillColor[3] + ")"; ctx.fillStyle = c; ctx.lineWidth = lw; var inset = Math.ceil( lw ) + 0.5; this.renderPath( inset, ctx ); ctx.fill(); ctx.closePath(); } // render the stroke ctx.beginPath(); if (this._strokeColor) { var c = "rgba(" + 255*this._strokeColor[0] + "," + 255*this._strokeColor[1] + "," + 255*this._strokeColor[2] + "," + this._strokeColor[3] + ")"; ctx.strokeStyle = c; ctx.lineWidth = lw; var inset = Math.ceil( 0.5*lw ) + 0.5; this.renderPath( inset, ctx ); ctx.stroke(); ctx.closePath(); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class RuntimeOval /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function RuntimeOval() { // inherit the members of RuntimeGeomObj this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeGeomObj; this.inheritedFrom(); this.import = function( importStr ) { this._xOffset = Number( getPropertyFromString( "xoff: ", importStr ) ); this._yOffset = Number( getPropertyFromString( "yoff: ", importStr ) ); this._width = Number( getPropertyFromString( "width: ", importStr ) ); this._height = Number( getPropertyFromString( "height: ", importStr ) ); this._strokeWidth = Number( getPropertyFromString( "strokeWidth: ", importStr ) ); this._innerRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "innerRadius: ", importStr ) ); this._strokeStyle = getPropertyFromString( "strokeStyle: ", importStr ); var strokeMaterialName = getPropertyFromString( "strokeMat: ", importStr ); var fillMaterialName = getPropertyFromString( "fillMat: ", importStr ); this._fillColor = eval( "[" + getPropertyFromString( "fillColor: ", importStr ) + "]" ); this._strokeColor = eval( "[" + getPropertyFromString( "strokeColor: ", importStr ) + "]" ); this.importMaterials( importStr ); } this.render = function() { // get the world var world = this.getWorld(); if (!world) throw( "null world in buildBuffers" ); // get the context var ctx = world.get2DContext(); if (!ctx) return; // declare some variables var p0, p1; var x0, y1, x1, y1; // create the matrix var lineWidth = this._strokeWidth; var innerRad = this._innerRadius; var xScale = 0.5*this._width - lineWidth, yScale = 0.5*this._height - lineWidth; // translate var xCtr = 0.5*world.getViewportWidth() + this._xOffset, yCtr = 0.5*world.getViewportHeight() + this._yOffset; var mat = [ [ xScale, 0.0, 0.0, xCtr], [ 0.0, yScale, 0.0, yCtr], [ 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0] ]; // get a bezier representation of the circle var bezPts = this.circularArcToBezier( [0,0,0], [1,0,0], 2.0*Math.PI ); if (bezPts) { var n = bezPts.length; // set up the fill style ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = 0; if (this._fillColor) { var c = "rgba(" + 255*this._fillColor[0] + "," + 255*this._fillColor[1] + "," + 255*this._fillColor[2] + "," + this._fillColor[3] + ")"; ctx.fillStyle = c; // draw the fill ctx.beginPath(); var p = this.transformPoint( bezPts[0], mat ); ctx.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); var index = 1; while (index < n) { p0 = this.transformPoint( bezPts[index], mat ); p1 = this.transformPoint( bezPts[index+1], mat ); x0 = p0[0]; y0 = p0[1]; x1 = p1[0]; y1 = p1[1]; ctx.quadraticCurveTo( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); index += 2; } if ( innerRad > 0.001) { xScale = 0.5*innerRad*this._width; yScale = 0.5*innerRad*this._height; mat[0] = xScale; mat[5] = yScale; // get the bezier points var bezPts = this.circularArcToBezier( Vector.create([0,0,0]), Vector.create([1,0,0]), -2.0*Math.PI ); if (bezPts) { var n = bezPts.length; p = this.transformPoint( bezPts[0], mat ); ctx.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); index = 1; while (index < n) { p0 = this.transformPoint( bezPts[index], mat ); p1 = this.transformPoint( bezPts[index+1], mat ); var x0 = p0[0], y0 = p0[1], x1 = p1[0], y1 = p1[1]; ctx.quadraticCurveTo( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); index += 2; } } } // fill the path ctx.fill(); } // calculate the stroke matrix xScale = 0.5*this._width - 0.5*lineWidth; yScale = 0.5*this._height - 0.5*lineWidth; mat[0] = xScale; mat[5] = yScale; // set up the stroke style ctx.beginPath(); ctx.lineWidth = lineWidth; if (this._strokeColor) { var c = "rgba(" + 255*this._strokeColor[0] + "," + 255*this._strokeColor[1] + "," + 255*this._strokeColor[2] + "," + this._strokeColor[3] + ")"; ctx.strokeStyle = c; // draw the stroke p = this.transformPoint( bezPts[0], mat ); ctx.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); index = 1; while (index < n) { var p0 = this.transformPoint( bezPts[index], mat ); var p1 = this.transformPoint( bezPts[index+1], mat ); var x0 = p0[0], y0 = p0[1], x1 = p1[0], y1 = p1[1]; ctx.quadraticCurveTo( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); index += 2; } if (innerRad > 0.01) { // calculate the stroke matrix xScale = 0.5*innerRad*this._width - 0.5*lineWidth; yScale = 0.5*innerRad*this._height - 0.5*lineWidth; mat[0] = xScale; mat[5] = yScale; // draw the stroke p = this.transformPoint( bezPts[0], mat ); ctx.moveTo( p[0], p[1] ); index = 1; while (index < n) { var p0 = this.transformPoint( bezPts[index], mat ); var p1 = this.transformPoint( bezPts[index+1], mat ); var x0 = p0[0], y0 = p0[1], x1 = p1[0], y1 = p1[1]; ctx.quadraticCurveTo( x0, y0, x1, y1 ); index += 2; } } // render the stroke ctx.stroke(); } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // this function returns the quadratic Bezier approximation to the specified // circular arc. The input can be 2D or 3D, determined by the minimum dimension // of the center and start point. // includedAngle is in radians, can be positiveor negative this.circularArcToBezier= function( ctr_, startPt_, includedAngle ) { var dimen = 3; var ctr = ctr_.slice(); var startPt = startPt_.slice(); // make sure the start point is good var pt = this.vecSubtract(dimen, startPt, ctr); var rad = this.vecMag(dimen, pt); if ((dimen != 3) || (rad <= 0) || (includedAngle === 0)) { if (dimen != 3) console.log( "circularArcToBezier works for 3 dimensional points only. Was " + dimen ); return [ startPt.slice(0), startPt.slice(0), startPt.slice(0) ]; } // determine the number of segments. 45 degree span maximum. var nSegs = Math.ceil( Math.abs(includedAngle)/(0.25*Math.PI) ); if (nSegs <= 0) return [ startPt.slice(0), startPt.slice(0), startPt.slice(0) ]; var dAngle = includedAngle/nSegs; // determine the length of the center control point from the circle center var cs = Math.cos( 0.5*Math.abs(dAngle) ), sn = Math.sin( 0.5*Math.abs(dAngle) ); var c = rad*sn; var h = c*sn/cs; var d = rad*cs + h; var rtnPts = [ this.vecAdd(dimen, pt, ctr) ]; var rotMat = Matrix.RotationZ( dAngle ); for ( var i=0; i= 0) rtnStr = rtnStr.substr(0, index); return rtnStr; } } function RuntimeFlatMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this._name = "FlatMaterial"; this._shaderName = "flat"; // assign a default color this._color = [1,0,0,1]; this.import = function( importStr ) { var colorStr = this.getPropertyFromString( "color: ", importStr ); if (colorStr) this._color = eval( "[" + colorStr + "]" ); }; this.init = function( world ) { if (this._shader) { this._shader.colorMe["color"].set( this._color ); } } } function RuntimePulseMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this._name = "PulseMaterial"; this._shaderName = "pulse"; this._texMap = 'assets/images/cubelight.png'; this.isAnimated = function() { return true; } this.import = function( importStr ) { this._texMap = this.getPropertyFromString( "texture: ", importStr ); } this.init = function( world ) { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.default; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._shader && this._shader.default) { var res = [ renderer.vpWidth, renderer.vpHeight ]; technique.u_resolution.set( res ); var wrap = 'REPEAT', mips = true; this._texMap = world.remapAssetFolder( this._texMap ); var tex = renderer.getTextureByName(this._texMap, wrap, mips ); if (tex) technique.u_tex0.set( tex ); this._shader.default.u_time.set( [this._time] ); } } } } // several materials inherit from pulse. // they may share this update method this.update = function( time ) { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.default; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._shader && this._shader.default) this._shader.default.u_time.set( [this._time] ); this._time += this._dTime; if (this._time > 200.0) this._time = 0.0; } } } } function RuntimeRadialGradientMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this._name = "RadialGradientMaterial"; this._shaderName = "radialGradient"; // setup default values this._color1 = [1,0,0,1]; this._colorStop1 = 0.0; this._color2 = [0,1,0,1]; this._colorStop2 = 0.3; this._color3 = [0,1,0,1]; this._colorStop3 = 0.6; this._color4 = [0,1,0,1]; this._colorStop4 = 1.0; this.init = function() { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.default; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._shader && this._shader.default) { this._shader.default.u_color1.set( this._color1 ); this._shader.default.u_color2.set( this._color2 ); this._shader.default.u_color3.set( this._color3 ); this._shader.default.u_color4.set( this._color4 ); this._shader.default.u_colorStop1.set( [this._colorStop1] ); this._shader.default.u_colorStop2.set( [this._colorStop2] ); this._shader.default.u_colorStop3.set( [this._colorStop3] ); this._shader.default.u_colorStop4.set( [this._colorStop4] ); if (this._angle !== undefined) this._shader.default.u_cos_sin_angle.set([Math.cos(this._angle), Math.sin(this._angle)]); } } } } this.import = function( importStr ) { var colorStr; colorStr = this.getPropertyFromString( "color1: ", importStr ); this._color1 = eval( "[" + colorStr + "]" ); colorStr = this.getPropertyFromString( "color2: ", importStr ); this._color2 = eval( "[" + colorStr + "]" ); colorStr = this.getPropertyFromString( "color3: ", importStr ); this._color3 = eval( "[" + colorStr + "]" ); colorStr = this.getPropertyFromString( "color4: ", importStr ); this._color4 = eval( "[" + colorStr + "]" ); this._colorStop1 = Number( this.getPropertyFromString( "colorStop1: ", importStr ) ); this._colorStop2 = Number( this.getPropertyFromString( "colorStop2: ", importStr ) ); this._colorStop3 = Number( this.getPropertyFromString( "colorStop3: ", importStr ) ); this._colorStop4 = Number( this.getPropertyFromString( "colorStop4: ", importStr ) ); if (this._angle !== undefined) this._angle = this.getPropertyFromString( "angle: ", importStr ); } } function RuntimeLinearGradientMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeRadialGradientMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this._name = "LinearGradientMaterial"; this._shaderName = "linearGradient"; // the only difference between linear & radial gradient is the existance of an angle for linear. this._angle = 0.0; } function RuntimeBumpMetalMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this._name = "BumpMetalMaterial"; this._shaderName = "bumpMetal"; this._lightDiff = [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0]; this._diffuseTexture = "assets/images/metal.png"; this._specularTexture = "assets/images/silver.png"; this._normalTexture = "assets/images/normalMap.png"; this.import = function( importStr ) { this._lightDiff = eval( "[" + this.getPropertyFromString( "lightDiff: ", importStr ) + "]" ); this._diffuseTexture = this.getPropertyFromString( "diffuseTexture: ", importStr ); this._specularTexture = this.getPropertyFromString( "specularTexture: ", importStr ); this._normalTexture = this.getPropertyFromString( "normalMap: ", importStr ); } this.init = function( world ) { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.default; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._shader && this._shader.default) { technique.u_light0Diff.set( this._lightDiff ); var tex; var wrap = 'REPEAT', mips = true; if (this._diffuseTexture) { this._diffuseTexture = world.remapAssetFolder( this._diffuseTexture ); tex = renderer.getTextureByName(this._diffuseTexture, wrap, mips ); if (tex) technique.u_colMap.set( tex ); } if (this._normalTexture) { this._normalTexture = world.remapAssetFolder( this._normalTexture ); tex = renderer.getTextureByName(this._normalTexture, wrap, mips ); if (tex) technique.u_normalMap.set( tex ); } if (this._specularTexture) { this._specularTexture = world.remapAssetFolder( this._specularTexture ); tex = renderer.getTextureByName(this._specularTexture, wrap, mips ); technique.u_glowMap.set( tex ); } } } } } } function RuntimeUberMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this.init = function( ) { } this.update = function( time ) { } this.import = function( importStr ) { } } function RuntimePlasmaMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this.init = function( ) { this.update(); } this.update = function( time ) { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.default; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._shader && this._shader.default) this._shader.default.u_time.set( [this._time] ); this._time += this._dTime; if (this._time > 200.0) this._time = 0.0; } } } }