/* <copyright> This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/> No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/> (c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved. </copyright> */ #ifdef GL_ES precision highp float; #endif // attributes attribute vec3 vert; attribute vec3 normal; attribute vec2 texcoord; // scalar uniforms uniform float u_limit1; uniform float u_limit2; uniform float u_twistAmount; uniform float u_center; // texture sampler uniforms uniform sampler2D u_tex0; uniform sampler2D u_tex1; uniform vec4 color; // matrix uniforms uniform mat4 u_mvMatrix; uniform mat4 u_projMatrix; uniform mat4 u_worldMatrix; //varying vec4 v_color; varying float v_zNormal; varying vec2 v_texcoord; float GetAngle( float t ) { float angle= 0.0; if (t < u_limit2) { if (t < u_limit1) { angle = u_twistAmount; } else { angle = (t - u_limit2)/(u_limit1 - u_limit2)*u_twistAmount; } } return angle; } void main(void) { vec3 pos = vert; vec2 uv = texcoord; v_texcoord = texcoord; //v_color = vec4(texcoord.x, texcoord.y, 0, 1); v_zNormal = 1.0; if (uv.x < u_limit2) { float angle = GetAngle( uv.x ); float cs = cos(angle), sn = sin(angle); pos.y -= u_center; vec3 ctrPt = pos; float y = pos.y*cs - pos.z*sn + u_center; pos.z = pos.y*sn + pos.z*cs; pos.y = y; // rotate the normal mat3 rotMat = mat3( vec3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0, cs, sn ), vec3( 0.0, -sn, cs ) ); vec3 pt0 = ctrPt, pt1 = vec3(ctrPt.x, ctrPt.y+1.0, ctrPt.z), pt2 = vec3( ctrPt.x+1.0, ctrPt.y, ctrPt.z); pt0 = rotMat * pt0; pt1 = rotMat * pt1; angle = GetAngle(1.0); cs = cos(angle); sn = sin(angle); rotMat = mat3( vec3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 ), vec3( 0.0, cs, sn ), vec3( 0.0, -sn, cs ) ); pt2 = rotMat * pt2; pt0.y += u_center; pt1.y += u_center; pt2.y += u_center; //vec4 nrm = u_projMatrix * u_mvMatrix * vec4( cross(pt1-pt0, pt2-pt0), 1.0 ); vec4 nrm = vec4( cross(pt1-pt0, pt2-pt0), 1.0 ); //v_zNormal = normal.y*sn + normal.z*cs; v_zNormal = -nrm.z; } gl_Position = u_projMatrix * u_mvMatrix * vec4(pos,1.0) ; }