/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /* adopted from CodeMirror 2.23 (http://codemirror.net/) */ (function() { CodeMirror.simpleHint = function(editor, getHints) { // We want a single cursor position. if (editor.somethingSelected()) return; // Ninja override: don't show code hinting if the token is empty var tempToken = editor.getTokenAt(editor.getCursor()); if(tempToken && ((tempToken.string === "") || !(/[\S]/gi.test(tempToken.string)))) return;//check that token has only spaces var result = getHints(editor); if (!result || !result.list.length) return; var completions = result.list; function insert(str) { editor.replaceRange(str, result.from, result.to); } //if (completions.length == 1) {insert(completions[0]); return true;} // Build the select widget var complete = document.createElement("div"); complete.className = "CodeMirror-completions"; var sel = complete.appendChild(document.createElement("select")); // Opera doesn't move the selection when pressing up/down in a // multi-select, but it does properly support the size property on // single-selects, so no multi-select is necessary. if (!window.opera) sel.multiple = true; for (var i = 0; i < completions.length; ++i) { var opt = sel.appendChild(document.createElement("option")); opt.appendChild(document.createTextNode(completions[i])); } sel.firstChild.selected = true; sel.size = Math.min(10, completions.length); var pos = editor.cursorCoords(); complete.style.left = pos.x + "px"; complete.style.top = pos.yBot + "px"; document.body.appendChild(complete); // If we're at the edge of the screen, then we want the menu to appear on the left of the cursor. var winW = window.innerWidth || Math.max(document.body.offsetWidth, document.documentElement.offsetWidth); if(winW - pos.x < sel.clientWidth) complete.style.left = (pos.x - sel.clientWidth) + "px"; // Hack to hide the scrollbar. if (completions.length <= 10) complete.style.width = (sel.clientWidth - 1) + "px"; var done = false; function close() { if (done) return; done = true; complete.parentNode.removeChild(complete); } function pick() { insert(completions[sel.selectedIndex]); close(); setTimeout(function(){editor.focus();}, 50); } CodeMirror.connect(sel, "blur", close); CodeMirror.connect(sel, "keydown", function(event) { var code = event.keyCode; // Enter if (code == 13) {CodeMirror.e_stop(event); pick();} // Escape else if (code == 27) {CodeMirror.e_stop(event); close(); editor.focus();} else if (code != 38 && code != 40) { close(); editor.focus(); // Pass the event to the CodeMirror instance so that it can handle things like backspace properly. editor.triggerOnKeyDown(event); setTimeout(function(){CodeMirror.simpleHint(editor, getHints);}, 50); } }); CodeMirror.connect(sel, "dblclick", pick); sel.focus(); // Opera sometimes ignores focusing a freshly created node if (window.opera) setTimeout(function(){if (!done) sel.focus();}, 100); return true; }; })();