/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /* ComputedStyleSubPanel.js */ var Montage = require("montage").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component, Editable = require("js/components/editable.reel").Editable; /* EDITABLE - Methods - startEdit - stopEdit - value - - _suggest - _suggestNext - _suggestPrev - _clearSuggest - _accept - _revert - _setCaret */ exports.Hintable = Montage.create(Editable, { inheritsFrom : { value : Editable }, _matchIndex : { value : 0 }, matches : { value : [] }, _hint : { value : null }, hint : { get : function() { return this._hint; }, set : function(hint) { hint = hint || ''; ///// Set the hint element's text this._getFirstTextNode(this.hintElement).textContent = hint; ///// if hintElement was removed from the DOM, the object still ///// exists, so it needs to be re-appended if(this.hintElement.parentNode === null) { this._element.appendChild(this.hintElement); } this._hint = hint; } }, _hintElement : { value : null }, hintElement : { get : function() { if(!this._hintElement) { /// Remove the phantom "
" element that is generated when /// content editable element is empty this._children(this._element, function(item) { return item.nodeName === 'BR'; }).forEach(function(item) { this._element.removeChild(item); }, this); this._hintElement = document.createElement('span'); this._hintElement.classList.add(this.hintClass); this._element.appendChild(this._hintElement); } return this._hintElement; }, set : function(el) { this._hintElement = el; } }, _getHintDifference : { value : function() { if(!this.matches[this._matchIndex]) { debugger; } return this.matches[this._matchIndex].substr(this.value.length); } }, hintNext : { value : function(e) { if(e) { e.preventDefault(); } //console.log('next1'); if(this._matchIndex < this.matches.length - 1) { //console.log('next'); ++this._matchIndex; this.hint = this._getHintDifference(); } } }, hintPrev : { value : function(e) { if(e) { e.preventDefault(); } //console.log('prev1'); if(this._matchIndex !== 0) { //console.log('prev'); --this._matchIndex; this.hint = this._getHintDifference(); } } }, accept : { value: function(e, preserveCaretPosition) { if(e) { e.preventDefault(); } var fullText = this._hint; this.hint = null; this.value += fullText; if(!preserveCaretPosition) { this.setCursor('end'); } this._sendEvent('accept'); } }, revert : { value : function(e, forceRevert) { this.hint = null; if(this.isEditable || forceRevert) { /// revert to old value this.value = (this._preEditValue); this._sendEvent('revert'); //console.log('reverting'); } } }, handleKeydown : { value : function handleKeydown(e) { var k = e.keyCode, isCaretAtEnd, selection, text; this._super(arguments); /// Remove the phantom "
" element that is generated when /// content editable element is empty this._children(this._element, function(item) { return item.nodeName === 'BR'; }).forEach(function(item) { this._element.removeChild(item); }, this); if(k === 39) { selection = window.getSelection(); text = selection.baseNode.textContent; isCaretAtEnd = (selection.anchorOffset === text.length); } if(this.hint && isCaretAtEnd) { ///// Advance the cursor this.hint = this.hint.substr(0, 1); this.accept(e); this.handleInput(); } this._execKeyAction(e); } }, ///// Text input has changed values handleInput : { value : function handleInput(e) { this._super(arguments); var val = this.value, matches, hint; //console.log('val = "' + val + '"'); //// Handle auto-suggest if configured if(this.hints && this.hints.length) { if(val.length > 0) { // content is not empty this._matchIndex = 0; this.matches = this.hints.filter(function(h) { if(!h) { return false; } return h.indexOf(val) === 0; }).sort(); ///// If there are no matches, or the new value doesn't match all the ///// previous matches, then get new list of matches if(!this.matches.length || !this._matchesAll(val)) { } if(this.matches.length) { // match(es) found if(this.matches[this._matchIndex] !== val) { // Suggest the matched hint, subtracting the typed-in string // Only if the hint is not was the user has typed already this.hint = this._getHintDifference(); } else { this.hint = null; } } else { // no matches found this.hint = null; } } else { // no suggestion for empty string this.hint = null; } } } }, handleBackspace : { value : function(e) { this.matches.length = 0; } }, _matchesAll : { value : function(value) { return this.matches.every(function(match) { return match.indexOf(value) === 0; }, this); } }, _execKeyAction : { value : function(e) { var key = e.keyCode, keys = this.keyActions; if(this.hint) { if( keys.hint.revert.indexOf(key) !== -1 ) { this.revert(e); } if( keys.hint.accept.indexOf(key) !== -1 ) { this.accept(e); } if( keys.hint.stop.indexOf(key) !== -1 ) { this.stop(e); } if( keys.hint.next.indexOf(key) !== -1 ) { this.hintNext(e); } if( keys.hint.prev.indexOf(key) !== -1 ) { this.hintPrev(e); } if( keys.hint.backsp.indexOf(key) !== -1 ) { this.handleBackspace(e); } } else { if(keys.noHint.revert.indexOf(key) !== -1) { this.revert(e); } if(keys.noHint.stop.indexOf(key) !== -1) { this.stop(e); } //if( keys.hint.next.indexOf(key) !== -1 ) { this.handleDown(e); } //if( keys.hint.prev.indexOf(key) !== -1 ) { this.handleUp(e); } //if( keys.hint.backsp.indexOf(key) !== -1 ) { this.backspace(e); } } } }, /* --------------- Utils --------------- */ _children : { value : function(el, filter) { var f = filter || function(item) { return item.nodeType === 1; }; return this._toArray(el.childNodes).filter(f); } }, _toArray : { value : function(arrayLikeObj) { return Array.prototype.slice.call(arrayLikeObj); } }, _super : { value : function(args) { this.inheritsFrom[arguments.callee.caller.name].apply(this, args); } }, /* --------- CONFIG ---------- */ hints : { value : ['Testing a hint.', 'Testing another hint.', 'Testing the last hint.'], distinct: true }, hintClass : { value : "hintable-hint" }, keyActions : { value : { hint : { accept : [9,13,186], // accept hint stop : [27,186], // stop editing next : [40], // cycle to next hint prev : [38], // cycle to prev hint revert : [27], // revert value backsp : [8] // backspace hit }, noHint : { stop : [27,9,13,186], next : [40], prev : [38], revert : [27], backsp : [8] } }, distinct: true } });