/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, NJComponent = require("js/lib/nj-base").NJComponent; var ElementController = exports.ElementController = Montage.create(NJComponent, { addElement: { value: function(el, styles) { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.appendChild(el); // Nested elements - // TODO make sure the CSS is correct before nesting elements // this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer.appendChild(el); this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyles(el, styles); } }, removeElement: { value: function(el) { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); } }, getProperty: { value: function(el, prop, fallbackOnComputed, isStageElement) { if(el.nodeType !== 3){ return this.application.ninja.stylesController.getElementStyle(el, prop, fallbackOnComputed, isStageElement); }else{ return null; } } }, setProperty: { value: function(el, p, value) { this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyle(el, p, value); } }, setProperties: { value: function(el, props, index) { for(var p in props) { this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyle(el, p, props[p][index]); } } }, setAttribute: { value: function(el, att, value) { if(att === "id") { if(value === "") { el.setAttribute(att, value); return; } // Then check if this is a valid id by the following spec: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/types.html#h-6.2 var regexID = /^([a-zA-Z])+([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\:\-])+/; if(!regexID.test(value)) { alert("Invalid ID"); return; } else if (this.application.ninja.currentDocument._document.getElementById(value) !== null) { alert("The following ID: " + value + " is already in Use"); } } el.setAttribute(att, value); } }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines to get/set color properties getColor: { value: function(el, isFill) { var colorObj, color, image; // Return cached value if one exists if(isFill) { if(el.elementModel.fill) { return el.elementModel.fill; } // return this.application.ninja.stylesController.getElementStyle(el, "background-color"); //TODO: Once logic for color and gradient is established, this needs to be revised color = this.getProperty(el, "background-color"); image = this.getProperty(el, "background-image"); } else { // TODO - Need to figure out which border side user wants if(el.elementModel.stroke) { return el.elementModel.stroke; } // TODO - Need to figure out which border side user wants // return this.application.ninja.stylesController.getElementStyle(el, "border-color"); color = this.getProperty(el, "border-color"); image = this.getProperty(el, "border-image"); } if(color || image) { if (image && image !== 'none' && image.indexOf('-webkit') >= 0) { //Gradient colorObj = this.application.ninja.colorController.getColorObjFromCss(image); } else { //Solid colorObj = this.application.ninja.colorController.getColorObjFromCss(color); } } // Update cache if(isFill) { el.elementModel.fill = colorObj; } else { el.elementModel.stroke = colorObj; } return colorObj; } }, setColor: { value: function(el, color, isFill) { var mode = color.mode; if(isFill) { if(mode) { switch (mode) { case 'nocolor': this.setProperty(el, "background-image", "none"); this.setProperty(el, "background-color", "none"); el.elementModel.fill = null; return; case 'gradient': this.setProperty(el, "background-image", color.color.css); this.setProperty(el, "background-color", "none"); break; default: this.setProperty(el, "background-image", "none"); this.setProperty(el, "background-color", color.color.css); } } el.elementModel.fill = color; } else { if(mode) { switch (mode) { case 'nocolor': this.setProperty(el, "border-image", "none"); this.setProperty(el, "border-color", "none"); el.elementModel.stroke = null; return; case 'gradient': this.setProperty(el, "border-image", color.color.css); this.setProperty(el, "border-color", "none"); break; default: this.setProperty(el, "border-image", "none"); this.setProperty(el, "border-color", color.color.css); } } el.elementModel.stroke = color; } } }, getStroke: { value: function(el) { // TODO - Need to figure out which border side user wants return this.application.ninja.stylesController.getElementStyle(el, "border"); } }, setStroke: { value: function(el, stroke) { this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyle(el, "border-width", stroke.borderWidth + stroke.borderUnits); this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyle(el, "border-style", stroke.borderStyle); this.setColor(el, stroke.color, false); } }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines to get/set 3D properties get3DProperty: { value: function(el, prop) { if(el.elementModel && el.elementModel.props3D) { return el.elementModel.props3D[prop]; } } }, getMatrix: { value: function(el) { if(el.elementModel && el.elementModel.props3D && el.elementModel.props3D.matrix3d) { return el.elementModel.props3D.matrix3d.slice(0); } else { var mat; if (el) { var xformStr = this.application.ninja.elementMediator.getProperty(el, "-webkit-transform"); if (xformStr) mat = this.transformStringToMat( xformStr ); if (!mat) mat = Matrix.I(4); var zoom = this.application.ninja.elementMediator.getProperty(el, "zoom"); if (zoom) { zoom = Number(zoom); if (zoom != 1) { var zoomMat = Matrix.create( [ [ zoom, 0, 0, 0], [ 0, zoom, 0, 0], [ 0, 0, zoom, 0], [ 0, 0, 0, 1] ] ); glmat4.multiply( zoomMat, mat, mat ); } } } el.elementModel.props3D.matrix3d = mat; return mat; } } }, getPerspectiveDist: { value: function(el) { if(el.elementModel && el.elementModel.props3D && el.elementModel.props3D.perspectiveDist) { return el.elementModel.props3D.perspectiveDist; } else { var dist = 1400; var str = this.getProperty(el, "-webkit-transform"); if (str) { var index1 = str.indexOf( "perspective("); if (index1 >= 0) { index1 += 12; // do not include 'perspective(' var index2 = str.indexOf( ")", index1 ); if (index2 >= 0) { var substr = str.substr( index1, (index2-index1)); if (substr && (substr.length > 0)) dist = MathUtils.styleToNumber( substr ); } } } el.elementModel.props3D.perspectiveDist = dist; return dist; } } }, // TODO - perspective distance needs to be passed in as "dist" and matrix3d needs to be passed in as "mat" set3DProperties: { value: function(el, props, index, update3DModel) { var dist = props[index]["dist"], mat = props[index]["mat"]; this.application.ninja.stylesController.setElementStyle(el, "-webkit-transform", "perspective(" + dist + ") " + "matrix3d(" + MathUtils.scientificToDecimal(mat, 5) + ")"); el.elementModel.props3D.matrix3d = mat; el.elementModel.props3D.perspectiveDist = dist; if(update3DModel) { this._update3DProperties(el, mat, dist); } } }, _update3DProperties: { value: function(elt, mat, dist) { var elt3DInfo = MathUtils.decomposeMatrix2(mat); if(elt3DInfo) { elt.elementModel.props3D.xAngle = elt3DInfo.rotation[0] * MathUtils.RAD_TO_DEG; elt.elementModel.props3D.yAngle = elt3DInfo.rotation[1] * MathUtils.RAD_TO_DEG; elt.elementModel.props3D.zAngle = elt3DInfo.rotation[2] * MathUtils.RAD_TO_DEG; elt.elementModel.props3D.x3D = ~~(elt3DInfo.translation[0]); elt.elementModel.props3D.y3D = ~~(elt3DInfo.translation[1]); elt.elementModel.props3D.z3D = ~~(elt3DInfo.translation[2]); } } }, transformStringToMat: { value: function( str ) { var rtnMat; var index1 = str.indexOf( "matrix3d("); if (index1 >= 0) { index1 += 9; // do not include 'matrix3d(' var index2 = str.indexOf( ")", index1 ); if (index2 >= 0) { var substr = str.substr( index1, (index2-index1)); if (substr && (substr.length > 0)) { var numArray = substr.split(','); var nNums = numArray.length; if (nNums == 16) { // gl-matrix wants row order rtnMat = numArray; for (var i=0; i<16; i++) rtnMat[i] = Number( rtnMat[i] ); } } } } return rtnMat; } } });