/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; exports.LocalStorage = Montage.create( Component, { canStore: { value: null }, deserializedFromTemplate: { value: function() { this.canStore = window.localStorage; this.application.localStorage = this; // Redefine setItem and getItem if local storage is not available. if(!this.canStore) { this.getItem = function() { console.log("Local Storage is not supported on your browser"); return ""; }; this.setItem = function() { console.log("Local Storage is not supported on your browser"); return false; } } // Temporary clear the local storage if we find the version key if(window.localStorage.version) { window.localStorage.clear(); } } }, getItem: { value: function(key) { var value = window.localStorage.getItem("ninja-" + key); if(value !== null) value = JSON.parse(value); return value; } }, setItem: { value: function(key, value) { window.localStorage.setItem("ninja-" + key, JSON.stringify(value)); return value; } } });