/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var CATEGORIES = { }; var objectsController = exports.ObjectsController = Montage.create(Montage, { _currentDocument : { value : null, enumerable : false }, currentDocument : { get : function() { return this._currentDocument; }, set : function(doc) { if(!doc) { return false; } // TODO: remove setTimeout when timing of montage initialization is done setTimeout(function() { this.bindToModelObjects(); }.bind(this), 1000); this._currentDocument = doc; }, enumerable : false }, objects : { value: [] }, _isBoundToModelObjects : { value: null }, bindToModelObjects : { value: function() { //// Remove any previous bindings if previously bound if(!this._isBoundToModelObjects) { Object.deleteBinding(this, 'objects'); this._isBoundToModelObjects = true; } // Object.defineBinding(this, 'objects', { // boundObject: this.currentDocument.model, // boundObjectPropertyPath: 'mObjects', // oneway: false // }); } }, /* -------------------------- Binding Methods ----------------------------- */ addBinding : { value: function(bindingArgs) { if(!bindingArgs.sourceObject || !bindingArgs.sourceObjectPropertyPath || !bindingArgs) { return; } Object.defineBinding(bindingArgs.sourceObject, bindingArgs.sourceObjectPropertyPath, bindingArgs); this.currentObjectBindings = this.getObjectBindings(bindingArgs.sourceObject); } }, removeBinding : { value: function(bindingArgs) { if(!bindingArgs) { return; } Object.deleteBinding(bindingArgs.sourceObject, bindingArgs.sourceObjectPropertyPath); this.currentObjectBindings = this.getObjectBindings(bindingArgs.sourceObject); } }, editBinding : { value: function(bindingArgs, newProperties) { var property; this.removeBinding(bindingArgs); if(newProperties) { for(property in newProperties) { bindingArgs[property] = newProperties[property]; } } this.addBinding(bindingArgs); } }, getObjectBindings : { value: function(object) { var descriptors = object._bindingDescriptors, bindingsArray = [], property, descriptor, bindingArgsObject; if(descriptors) { for(property in descriptors) { if(descriptors.hasOwnProperty(property)) { descriptor = descriptors[property]; bindingArgsObject = { sourceObject : object, sourceObjectPropertyPath : property, boundObject : descriptor.boundObject, boundObjectPropertyPath : descriptor.boundObjectPropertyPath, oneway : descriptor.oneway }; bindingsArray.push(bindingArgsObject); } } } return bindingsArray; } }, /* ---- Get Bindable Properties ---- */ getPropertyList : { value: function(object, excludeUnderscoreProperties) { return this.getPrototypes(object).map(function(proto) { var metadata = proto._montage_metadata, objectName = (metadata) ? metadata.objectName : "Object"; return { category : objectName, properties : this.getPropertiesFromObject(proto) }; }, this); } }, getPropertiesFromObject : { value: function (object, excludeUnderscoreProperties) { var properties = []; for(var key in object) { if(object.hasOwnProperty(key)) { properties.push(key); } } if(excludeUnderscoreProperties) { properties = properties.filter(function(property) { return property[0] !== '_'; }, this); } return properties.sort(); } }, getPrototypes : { value: function(object) { var object_i = object, prototypes = [object_i]; ///// Collect prototypes while(Object.getPrototypeOf(object_i)) { object_i = Object.getPrototypeOf(object_i); prototypes.push(object_i); } return prototypes; } }, /* ----- Category properties ----- */ getObjectCategory : { value: function(object) { if(this._hasPrototype(object, 'Component')) { return 'Component'; } return null; } }, _hasPrototype : { value: function(object, prototypeName) { var prototypes = this.getPrototypes(object).map(function(proto) { var metadata = proto._montage_metadata; return (metadata) ? metadata.objectName : "Object"; }); return prototypes.indexOf(prototypeName) !== -1; } }, /* ---- Bindable controller properties ---- */ currentObjectBindings : { value: null }, _currentObject : { value: null }, currentObject : { get: function() { return this._currentObject; }, set: function(value) { //if(value === this._currentObject) { return; } if(value) { this.currentObjectBindings = this.getObjectBindings(value); console.log("Property list", this.getPropertyList(value, true)); } else { this.currentObjectBindings = []; } this._currentObject = value; } } });