/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; exports.SelectionController = Montage.create(Component, { _isDocument: { value: true }, isDocument: { get: function() { return this._isDocument; } }, /* * Bound property to the ninja currentSelectedContainer */ _selectionContainer: { value: null }, selectionContainer: { get: function() { return this._selectionContainer }, set: function(value) { if(this._selectionContainer && this._selectionContainer !== value) { this.executeSelectElement(); } this._selectionContainer = value; } }, deserializedFromTemplate: { value: function() { this.eventManager.addEventListener("openDocument", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("elementAdded", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("elementsRemoved", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("selectAll", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("switchDocument", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("closeDocument", this, false); } }, /** * Get the current document selection array. If nothing is selected the currentSelectionArray should be null */ handleOpenDocument: { value: function() { // Handle initializing the selection array here. this.initWithDocument([]); } }, initWithDocument: { value: function(currentSelectionArray) { this._isDocument = true; if(currentSelectionArray) { if(currentSelectionArray.length >= 1) { this._isDocument = false; this.application.ninja.selectedElements = currentSelectionArray; NJevent("selectionChange", {"elements": this.application.ninja.selectedElements, "isDocument": this._isDocument}); } } this._selectionContainer = this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer; } }, handleSwitchDocument: { value: function() { if(this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.currentView === "design"){ this._isDocument = this.application.ninja.selectedElements.length === 0; NJevent("selectionChange", {"elements": this.application.ninja.selectedElements, "isDocument": this._isDocument} ); } } }, handleElementAdded: { value: function(event) { this.executeSelectElement(event.detail); } }, handleElementsRemoved: { value: function(event) { if(!this._isDocument) { this.application.ninja.selectedElements = []; this._isDocument = true; NJevent("selectionChange", {"elements": this.application.ninja.selectedElements, "isDocument": this._isDocument}); } } }, handleSelectAll: { value: function(event) { var selected = [], childNodes = []; childNodes = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.childNodes; childNodes = Array.prototype.slice.call(childNodes, 0); childNodes.forEach(function(item) { if(item.nodeType == 1) { selected.push(item); } }); this.selectElements(selected); } }, /** * Select Element. This function will not check that element, it will simply add it to the selection array. */ executeSelectElement: { value: function(element) { this.application.ninja.selectedElements = []; if(element) { if(Array.isArray(element)) { this.application.ninja.selectedElements = Array.prototype.slice.call(element, 0); } else { this.application.ninja.selectedElements.push(element); } this._isDocument = false; } else { this._isDocument = true; } NJevent("selectionChange", {"elements": this.application.ninja.selectedElements, "isDocument": this._isDocument} ); } }, selectElement: { value: function(element) { if(this.findSelectedElement(element) === -1) { if(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.inExclusion(element) !== -1){ if(this.isDocument) return; // If the stage is already selected do nothing. this.executeSelectElement(); // Else execute selection with no element } else { if(element.parentNode.uuid === this.selectionContainer.uuid) { this.executeSelectElement(element); } else { var outerElement = element.parentNode; while(outerElement.parentNode && outerElement.parentNode.uuid !== this.selectionContainer.uuid) { // If element is higher up than current container then return if(outerElement.id === "UserContent") return; // else keep going up the chain outerElement = outerElement.parentNode; } this.executeSelectElement(outerElement); } } } } }, selectElements: { value: function(elements) { if(elements && elements.length > 0) { var that = this; this.application.ninja.selectedElements = []; elements.forEach(function(element) { that.application.ninja.selectedElements.push(element); that._isDocument = false; }); NJevent("selectionChange", {"elements": this.application.ninja.selectedElements, "isDocument": this._isDocument} ); } } }, shiftSelectElement: { value: function(element) { if(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.inExclusion(element) !== -1) return; (this.findSelectedElement(element) !== -1 ) ? this.removeElement(element) : this.insertElement(element); } }, insertElement: { value: function(element) { if(element) { if(this._isDocument) { this.application.ninja.selectedElements = []; this._isDocument = false; } this.application.ninja.selectedElements.push(element); NJevent("selectionChange", {"elements": this.application.ninja.selectedElements, "isDocument": this._isDocument} ); } } }, removeElement: { value: function(item) { if(item){ try{ if(this.application.ninja.selectedElements.length > 1) { var idx = this.findSelectedElement(item); if(idx != -1){ this.application.ninja.selectedElements.splice(idx, 1); } } else { this.application.ninja.selectedElements = []; this._isDocument = true; } NJevent("selectionChange", {"elements": this.application.ninja.selectedElements, "isDocument": this._isDocument} ); } catch (err) { console.log("Fault: " + err); } } } }, isObjectSelected: { value: function( elt ) { return this.findSelectedElement(elt) > -1; } }, /** * Looks into the selectionObject for the item to be found using it's id * * @return: Item index in the selectionObject if found * -1 if not found */ findSelectedElement: { value: function(item) { // TODO do the loop check in the select element and only use the index here // return this.application.ninja.selectedElements.indexOf(item); var itemUUID; for(var i=0, uuid; this.application.ninja.selectedElements[i];i++) { // Check for multiple selection and excluding inner elements if(item.parentNode && item.parentNode.id !== "UserContent") { var outerElement = item.parentNode; while(outerElement.parentNode && outerElement.parentNode.id !== "UserContent") { outerElement = outerElement.parentNode; } itemUUID = outerElement.uuid; } else { itemUUID = item.uuid; } if(this.application.ninja.selectedElements[i].uuid === itemUUID) { return i; } } return -1; } } });