/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component, NinjaPrompt = require("js/components/prompt.reel").NinjaPrompt; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // exports.BaseDocumentModel = Montage.create(Component, { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // hasTemplate: { value: false }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _file: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // file: { get: function() {return this._file;}, set: function(value) {this._file = value;} }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _isActive: { value: true }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // isActive: { get: function() {return this._isActive;}, set: function(value) {this._isActive = value;} }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _needsSave: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // needsSave: { get: function() {return this._needsSave;}, set: function(value) {this._needsSave = value;} }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _currentView: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // currentView: { get: function() {return this._currentView;}, set: function(value) {this._currentView = value;} }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // _selection: { value: [] }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // selection: { get: function() {return this._selection;}, set: function(value) {this._selection = value;} }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // fileTemplate: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // parentContainer: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // views: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // libs: { value: null }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // switchViewTo: { value: function (view) { // } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TODO: Add API to allow other browser support browserPreview: { value: function (browser, screen, context) { //Making call to show feedback screen if (screen) screen.show(context); //Generating URL for document var url = this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.rootUrl + this.file.uri.split(this.application.ninja.coreIoApi.cloudData.root)[1]; //TODO: Add logic to prompt user to save (all) before preview this.saveAll(null,function (success) { //Making call to show feedback screen if (screen) screen.hide(context); //TODO: Add error handling logic if (!success) { console.log('Error!'); return; } //Currently only supporting current browser (Chrome, obviously) switch (this.browser) { case 'chrome': if (this.template && (this.template.type === 'banner' || this.template.type === 'animation')) { window.open('/js/document/templates/preview/banner.html?width='+this.template.size.width+'&height='+this.template.size.height+'&url='+this.url); } else { window.open(this.url); } break; default: if (this.template && (this.template.type === 'banner' || this.template.type === 'animation')) { window.open('/js/document/templates/preview/banner.html?width='+this.template.size.width+'&height='+this.template.size.height+'&url='+this.url); } else { window.open(this.url); } break; } }.bind({browser: browser, url: url, template: this.fileTemplate})); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Gets all stylesheets in document getStyleSheets: { value: function () { //Array to store styles (style and link tags) var styles = []; //Looping through document sytles for (var k in this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document.styleSheets) { //Check for styles to has proper propeties if (this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document.styleSheets[k].ownerNode && this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document.styleSheets[k].ownerNode.getAttribute) { //Check for ninja-template styles, if so, exclude if (this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document.styleSheets[k].ownerNode.getAttribute('data-ninja-template') === null) { styles.push(this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document.styleSheets[k]); } } } //Returning filtered results return styles; } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // save: { value: function (callback, libCopyCallback) { //TODO: Implement on demand logic if (this.needsSave) { //Save } else { //Ignore command } // if (this.currentView === this.views.design) { // var save = this.application.ninja.ioMediator.fileSave({ mode: 'html', libs: this.libs, file: this.file, webgl: this.webGlHelper.glData, styles: this.getStyleSheets(), template: this.fileTemplate, document: this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document, head: this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document.head, body: this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document.body, mjsTemplateCreator: this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.mjsTemplateCreator }, this.handleSaved.bind({callback: callback, model: this}), libCopyCallback); //TODO: Improve detection during save routine if (save) { if (save.montageId) { this.libs.montageId = save.montageId; this.libs.montage = true; } if (save.canvasId) { this.libs.canvasId = save.canvasId; this.libs.canvas = true; } } } else { //TODO: Add logic to save code view data } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // saveAll: { value: function (callback, libCopyCallback) { //TODO: Implement on demand logic if (this.needsSave) { //Save } else { //Ignore command } // if (this.currentView === this.views.design) { // var save = this.application.ninja.ioMediator.fileSave({ mode: 'html', libs: this.libs, file: this.file, webgl: this.webGlHelper.glData, css: this.getStyleSheets(), template: this.fileTemplate, document: this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document, head: this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document.head, body: this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.document.body, mjsTemplateCreator: this.views.design.iframe.contentWindow.mjsTemplateCreator }, this.handleSaved.bind({callback: callback, model: this}), libCopyCallback); //TODO: Improve detection during save routine if (save) { if (save.montageId) { this.libs.montageId = save.montageId; this.libs.montage = true; } if (save.canvasId) { this.libs.canvasId = save.canvasId; this.libs.canvas = true; } } } else { //TODO: Add logic to save code view data } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // saveAs: { value: function (callback) { //TODO: Implement on demand logic if (this.needsSave) { //Save current file on memory } else { //Copy file from disk } //TODO: Add functionality } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handleSaved: { value: function (result) { //Checking for success code in save if (result.status === 204) { //Clearing flag with successful save this.model.needsSave = false; } //Making callback call if specifed with results of operation if (this.callback) this.callback(result); } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // handleSavePrompt: { value: function (continueToClose, callback) { //TODO: Perhaps add logic to save the file is the user wants if (continueToClose) { if (callback) callback(); } else { //User canceled //this.saveAll(null, callback); } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //TODO: Implement better logic to include different views on single document close: { value: function (view, callback) { //Checking if files needs to be saved to avoid losing data if (this.needsSave) { //Creating prompt to ask user to save the file var prompt = NinjaPrompt.create(); prompt.initialize('confirm', {message: 'Do you want to save the changes you made in the document '+this.file.name+'?\n\nYour changes will be lost if you do not save them.'}, function (result){this.handleSavePrompt(result, callback);}.bind(this)); //Showing the prompt, it will make callback with user input prompt.show(); } else { //TODO: Add support for other views if (!view || view === 'design') { this.closeView('design'); } //Making callback if (callback) callback(); } } }, //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // closeView: { value: function (view) { //Checking for view mode to close switch (view.toLowerCase()) { case 'design': //TODO: Make into clean method in the design view this.views.design.pauseAndStopVideos(); this.parentContainer.removeChild(this.views.design.iframe); this.views.design = null; break; default: //TODO: Error? break; } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// }); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////