/* <copyright>
This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/>
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/>
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
</copyright> */

// Class Rectangle
//      2D rectangle
var Rectangle = exports.Rectangle = Object.create(Object.prototype, {
    // Instance variables
    m_top: { value: null, writable: true },
    m_left: { value: null, writable: true },
    m_width: { value: null, writable: true },
    m_height: { value: null, writable: true },

    // Property accessors
    set: { value: function(l,t,w,h)        {  this.m_left = l;  this.m_top = t;  this.m_width = w;  this.m_height = h; } },

    getLeft: { value: function()        {  return this.m_left;      } },
    setLeft: { value: function(l)       {  this.m_left = l;         } },

    getRight: { value: function()        {  return this.m_left + this.m_width;       } },
    setRight: { value: function(r)       {  this.m_width = r - this.m_left;          } },

    getBottom: { value: function()        {  return this.m_top + this.m_height;       } },
    setBottom: { value: function(b)       {  this.m_height = b - this.m_top;          } },

    getTop: { value: function()        {  return this.m_top;                       } },
    setTop: { value: function(t)       {  this.m_top = t;                          } },

    getCenter: { value: function()        {  return Vector.create( [this.m_left + 0.5*this.m_width,  this.m_top + 0.5*this.m_height] );       } },

    getWidth: { value: function()        {  return this.m_width;                     } },
    setWidth: { value: function(w)       {  this.m_width = w;                        } },

    getHeight: { value: function()        {  return this.m_height;                    } },
    setHeight: { value: function(h)       {  this.m_height = h;                       } },

	geomType: { value: function()		{  return this.GEOM_TYPE_RECTANGLE;			} },

    // Methods
    contains: {
        value: function( x, y )
            if (x < this.getLeft())     return false;
            if (x > this.getRight())    return false;
            if (y < this.getTop())      return false;
            if (y > this.getBottom())   return false;

            return true;

	dup: {
        value: function()
            var rtnRec = Object.create(Rectangle, {});
            rtnRec.m_top    = this.m_top;
            rtnRec.m_left   = this.m_left;
            rtnRec.m_width  = this.m_width;
            rtnRec.m_height = this.m_height;

            return rtnRec;

    onBoundary: {
        value: function( x, y )
            if ((MathUtils.fpCmp(y,this.getTop()) >= 0) && (MathUtils.fpCmp(y,this.getBottom()) <= 0))
                if ((MathUtils.fpCmp(x, this.getLeft()) == 0) || (MathUtils.fpCmp(x, this.getRight()) == 0))  return true;

                if ((MathUtils.fpCmp(x,this.getLeft()) >= 0) && (MathUtils.fpCmp(x,this.getRight()) <= 0))
                    if ((MathUtils.fpCmp(y, this.getTop()) == 0) || (MathUtils.fpCmp(y, this.getBottom()) == 0))  return true;

            return false;

    setToPoint: {
        value: function( pt )
            this.m_left = pt[0];  this.m_top = pt[1];
            this.m_width = 0;  this.m_height = 0;

	setToBounds: {
        value: function( bounds )
            var pt = bounds[0];
            this.setToPoint( pt );
            for (var i=1;  i<4;  i++)
                this.unionPoint( bounds[i] );

    getPoint: {
        value: function(i)
            if (i < 0)  throw( "invalid point index in Rectangle.getPoint: " + i );

            i = i % 4;
            var pt = [0,0];
            switch (i)
                case 0:
                    pt[0] = this.getLeft();
                    pt[1] = this.getTop();

                case 1:
                    pt[0] = this.getLeft();
                    pt[1] = this.getBottom();

                case 2:
                    pt[0] = this.getRight();
                    pt[1] = this.getBottom();

                case 3:
                    pt[0] = this.getRight();
                    pt[1] = this.getTop();

            return pt;

	getQuadrant: {
        value: function( iQuad )
            // quadrant ordering starts at upper left and continues around counter-clockwise

            var rtnQuad = this.dup();
            var hw = 0.5*this.m_width,  hh = 0.5*this.m_height;
            rtnQuad.m_width = hw;
            rtnQuad.m_height = hh;
            switch (iQuad)
                case 0:
                    // no-op

                case 1:
                    rtnQuad.m_top += hh;

                case 2:
                    rtnQuad.m_left += hw;
                    rtnQuad.m_top += hh;

                case 3:
                    rtnQuad.m_left += hw;

                    throw new Error( "invalid quadrant to Rectangle.getQuadrant: " + iQuad );

            return rtnQuad;

    unionPoint: {
        value: function( pt )
            var x = pt[0];
            var xMin = this.getLeft(),  xMax = this.getRight();
            if (x < xMin)       xMin =x;
            else if (x > xMax)  xMax = x;

            var y = pt[1];
            var yMin = this.getTop(),  yMax = this.getBottom();
            if (y < yMin)       yMin = y;
            else if (y > yMax)  yMax = y;

            this.setLeft( xMin );  this.setWidth( xMax - xMin );
            this.setTop( yMin );    this.setHeight( yMax - yMin );

    translate: {
        value: function( dx, dy )
            this.m_left += dx;
            this.m_top  += dy;