/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class StageLine // The line class represents a line intersected with all planes on the scene /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var vecUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/vec-utils").VecUtils; var viewUtils = require( "js/helper-classes/3D/view-utils").ViewUtils; var LinePlaneIntersectRec = require("js/helper-classes/3D/LinePlaneIntersectRec").LinePlaneIntersectRec; var StageLine = exports.StageLine = Object.create(Object.prototype, { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // the 2 points of the line _pt0: { value: null, writable: true }, _pt1: { value: null, writable: true }, // cache the 3D min and max points for the line _minPt: { value: null, writable: true }, _maxPt: { value: null, writable: true }, // the visibility at the start point (this._pt0). _vis: { value: null, writable: true }, // each line/plane intersection records 2 values: the parameter along // the line from pt0 to pt1, and the change in visibility (+1 or -1). we // keep a doubly-linked list of intersection records _intersectionList: { value: null, writable: true }, _intersectionCount: { value: 0, writable: true }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getMinPoint: { value: function() { return this._minPt.slice(0); } }, getMaxPoint: { value: function() { return this._maxPt.slice(0); } }, getPoint0: { value: function() { return this._pt0.slice(0); } }, getPoint1: { value: function() { return this._pt1.slice(0); } }, getIntersectionCount: { value: function() { return this._intersectionCount; } }, getIntersectionList: { value: function() { return this._intersectionList; } }, getVisibility: { value: function() { return this._vis; } }, setVisibility: { value: function(v) { this._vis = v; } }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// intersectWithPlane: { value: function( plane ) { // if the plane is edge-on, ignore it if ( MathUtils.fpSign( plane.getPlaneEq()[2] ) == 0 ) return; // do some quick box tests. var minPt = this.getMinPoint(), maxPt = this.getMaxPoint(); if (maxPt[0] < plane._rect.getLeft()) return; if (minPt[0] > plane._rect.getRight()) return; if (maxPt[1] < plane._rect.getTop()) return; if (minPt[1] > plane._rect.getBottom()) return; if (minPt[2] > plane.getZMax()) return; // get the boundary points for the plane var boundaryPts = plane.getBoundaryPoints().slice(); // get the points and direction vector for the current line var pt0 = this.getPoint0(), pt1 = this.getPoint1(); //var lineDir = pt1.subtract( pt0 ); var lineDir = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, pt1, pt0); // intersect with the front plane var planeEq = plane.getPlaneEq(); var t = MathUtils.vecIntersectPlaneForParam( pt0, lineDir, planeEq ); if (t != undefined) { if ((MathUtils.fpSign(t) >= 0) && (MathUtils.fpCmp(t,1.0) <= 0)) { // get the intersection point var pt = MathUtils.interpolateLine3D( pt0, pt1, t ); // see if the intersection point is contained in the bounds //var contains = this.boundaryContainsPoint( boundaryPts, plane.isBackFacing(), pt ); var onEdge = []; var contains = MathUtils.boundaryContainsPoint( boundaryPts, pt, plane.isBackFacing(), onEdge ); if (contains == MathUtils.INSIDE) { // add the intersection var dot = MathUtils.dot3( pt0, planeEq ) + planeEq[3]; var deltaVis = (dot > 0) ? 1 : -1; // if (plane.isBackFacing()) // deltaVis = (dot < 0) ? 1 : -1; this.addIntersection( plane, t, deltaVis ); } else if (contains == MathUtils.ON) { if (MathUtils.fpCmp(t,1.0) < 0) { // determine if the intersection is on a front side (no intersection) of the polygons //var ctr = [ 0.5*(boundaryPts[0][0] + boundaryPts[2][0]), 0.5*(boundaryPts[0][1] + boundaryPts[2][1]), 0.5*(boundaryPts[0][2] + boundaryPts[2][2]) ]; //var vec = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, pt, ctr ); this.edgeIsFrontFacing2( plane ); if ( !this.edgeIsFrontFacing(boundaryPts, planeEq, plane.isBackFacing(), onEdge[0], onEdge[1]) ) { // take the dot product between the line and the normal to the plane // to determine the change in visibility var vec = vecUtils.vecSubtract( 3, pt1, pt0 ); var dot = vecUtils.vecDot( 3, vec, planeEq ); var sign = MathUtils.fpSign( dot ); if (sign == 0) throw new Error( "coplanar intersection being treated as not coplanar" ); if (!plane.isBackFacing()) { if (sign < 0) this.addIntersection( plane, t, 1 ); } else { if (sign > 0) this.addIntersection( plane, t, -1 ); } } } } } } else { // the line must be parallel to the plane. If the line is in the plane, // we need to do some special processing var d0 = vecUtils.vecDot(3, planeEq, pt0) + planeEq[3], d1 = vecUtils.vecDot(3, planeEq, pt1) + planeEq[3]; if ((MathUtils.fpSign(d0) == 0) && (MathUtils.fpSign(d1) == 0)) this.doCoplanarIntersection( plane ); } // intersect with the 4 planes formed by the edges of the plane, going back in Z var bPt1 = boundaryPts[3]; for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { // get the 2 points that define the front edge of the plane var bPt0 = bPt1; var bPt1 = boundaryPts[i]; // calculate the plane equation. The normal should point towards the OUTSIDE of the boundary //var vec = bPt1.subtract( bPt0 ); var vec = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, bPt1, bPt0); if (plane.isBackFacing()) MathUtils.negate( vec ); planeEq = [-vec[1], vec[0], 0]; var normal = [planeEq[0], planeEq[1], planeEq[2]]; // var d = -planeEq.dot(bPt0); var d = -vecUtils.vecDot(3, planeEq, bPt0); planeEq[3] = d; t = MathUtils.vecIntersectPlaneForParam( pt0, lineDir, planeEq ); if (t) { if ((MathUtils.fpSign(t) > 0) && (MathUtils.fpCmp(t,1.0) <= 0)) // the strict vs not-strict inequality comparisons are IMPORTANT! { // get the intersection point var pt = MathUtils.interpolateLine3D( pt0, pt1, t ); // we need to get the parameter on the edge of the projection // of the intersection point onto the line. var index = (Math.abs(vec[0]) > Math.abs(vec[1])) ? 0 : 1; var tEdge = (pt[index] - bPt0[index])/(bPt1[index] - bPt0[index]); if ((MathUtils.fpSign(tEdge) > 0) && (MathUtils.fpCmp(tEdge,1.0) <= 0)) { var edgePt = MathUtils.interpolateLine3D( bPt0, bPt1, tEdge ); if (MathUtils.fpCmp(pt[2],edgePt[2]) < 0) { // add the intersection var deltaVis = MathUtils.dot(lineDir,normal) > 0 ? -1 : 1; this.addIntersection( plane, t, deltaVis ); } } } } } } }, edgeIsFrontFacing2: { value: function( plane ) { var elt = plane._elt; var bounds = viewUtils.getElementViewBounds3D( elt ); } }, edgeIsFrontFacing: { value: function(boundaryPts, planeNormal, backfacing, iEdge, t) { var frontFacing = false; if (MathUtils.fpCmp(t,1.0) == 0) { iEdge = (iEdge + 1) % 4; t = 0.0; } var pt0 = boundaryPts[iEdge].slice(), pt1 = boundaryPts[(iEdge+1)%4].slice(); var ctr = [ 0.5*(boundaryPts[0][0] + boundaryPts[2][0]), 0.5*(boundaryPts[0][1] + boundaryPts[2][1]), 0.5*(boundaryPts[0][2] + boundaryPts[2][2]) ], mid = MathUtils.interpolateLine3D( pt0, pt1, 0.5 ); var vec = vecUtils.vecSubtract( 3, mid, ctr ); if (MathUtils.fpSign(t) == 0) { // if the edge already calculated is back facing, check the preceeding edge if (vec[2] > 0) { frontFacing = true; } else { var ptm1 = boundaryPts[(iEdge+3)%4].slice(); mid = MathUtils.interpolateLine3D( ptm1, pt0, 0.5 ); vec = vecUtils.vecSubtract( 3, mid, ctr ); if (vec[2] > 0) frontFacing = true; } } else { var cross = VecUtils.vecCross( 3, planeNormal, vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, pt1, pt0) ); if ((!backfacing && (cross[2] > 0)) || (backfacing && (cross[2] < 0))) frontFacing = true; } return frontFacing; } }, doCoplanarIntersection: { value: function( plane ) { // get the boundary points for the plane var boundaryPts = plane.getBoundaryPoints().slice(); var planeEq = plane.getPlaneEq(); var backFacing = plane.isBackFacing(); if (backFacing) { var tmp; tmp = boundaryPts[0]; boundaryPts[0] = boundaryPts[3]; boundaryPts[3] = tmp; tmp = boundaryPts[1]; boundaryPts[1] = boundaryPts[2]; boundaryPts[2] = tmp; vecUtils.vecNegate(4, planeEq); } var pt0 = this.getPoint0(), pt1 = this.getPoint1(); // keep a couple flags to prevent counting crossings twice in edge cases var gotEnter = false, gotExit = false; var bp1 = boundaryPts[3]; for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { var bp0 = bp1; bp1 = boundaryPts[i]; var vec = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, bp1, bp0); var nrm = vecUtils.vecCross(3, vec, planeEq); nrm[3] = -vecUtils.vecDot(3, bp0, nrm); var d0 = vecUtils.vecDot(3, nrm, pt0) + nrm[3], d1 = vecUtils.vecDot(3, nrm, pt1) + nrm[3]; var s0 = MathUtils.fpSign(d0), s1 = MathUtils.fpSign(d1); if (s0 != s1) { if (backFacing) { s0 = -s0; s1 = -s1; } var t = Math.abs(d0)/( Math.abs(d0) + Math.abs(d1) ); if (MathUtils.fpSign(t) === 0) { // the first point of the line is on the (infinite) extension of a side of the boundary. // Make sure the point (pt0) is within the range of the polygon edge var vt0 = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, pt0, bp0), vt1 = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, bp1, pt0); var dt0 = vecUtils.vecDot(3, vec, vt0), dt1 = vecUtils.vecDot(3, vec, vt1); var st0 = MathUtils.fpSign(dt0), st1 = MathUtils.fpSign(dt1); if ((st0 >= 0) && (st1 >= 0)) { //if ( (plane.isBackFacing() && (s1 < 0)) || (!plane.isBackFacing() && (s1 > 0)) ) // entering the material from the beginning of the line that is to be drawn if (s1 > 0) { // see if the start point of the line is at a corner of the bounded plane var lineDir = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, pt1, pt0); vecUtils.vecNormalize(3, lineDir); var dist = vecUtils.vecDist( 3, pt0, bp1 ); var bp2, bv0, bv1, cross1, cross2, cross3; if ( MathUtils.fpSign(dist) == 0) { bp2 = boundaryPts[(i+1) % 4]; bv0 = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, bp2, bp1); bv1 = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, bp0, bp1); cross1 = vecUtils.vecCross(3, bv0, lineDir); cross2 = vecUtils.vecCross(3, lineDir, bv1); cross3 = vecUtils.vecCross(3, bv0, bv1); if ( (MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecDot(3, cross1, cross3)) == 0) && (MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecDot(3, cross2, cross3)) == 0)) { gotEnter = true; this.addIntersection( plane, t, 1 ); } } else if (MathUtils.fpSign( vecUtils.vecDist(3, pt0, bp0)) === 0) { bp2 = boundaryPts[(i+2) % 4]; bv0 = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, bp2, bp0); bv1 = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, bp1, bp0); cross1 = vecUtils.vecCross(3, bv0, lineDir); cross2 = vecUtils.vecCross(3, lineDir, bv1); cross3 = vecUtils.vecCross(3, bv0, bv1); if ( (MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecDot(3, cross1, cross3)) == 0) && (MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecDot(3, cross2, cross3)) == 0)) { gotEnter = true; this.addIntersection( plane, t, 1 ); } } else { // check if the line is on the edge of the boundary or goes to the interior gotEnter = true; this.addIntersection( plane, t, 1 ); } } } } else if ( (MathUtils.fpSign(t) > 0) && (MathUtils.fpCmp(t,1.0) <= 0)) { // get the point where the line crosses the edge of the element plane var pt = MathUtils.interpolateLine3D(pt0, pt1, t ); // we know that the line crosses the infinite extension of the edge. Determine // if that crossing is within the bounds of the edge var dot0 = vecUtils.vecDot(3, vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,pt, bp0), vec), dot1 = vecUtils.vecDot(3, vecUtils.vecSubtract(3,pt, bp1), vec); if ((MathUtils.fpSign(dot0) > 0) && (MathUtils.fpSign(dot1) < 0)) { // determine if the line is entering or exiting if (s0 <= 0) // entering { if (!gotEnter) { gotEnter = true; this.addIntersection( plane, t, 1 ); } } else if (s0 > 0) // exiting { if (!gotExit) { gotExit = true; this.addIntersection( plane, t, -1 ); } } else // s0 == 0 { // TODO } } else if ((MathUtils.fpSign(dot0) == 0) && (MathUtils.fpSign(dot1) < 0)) { var j = i - 2; if (j < 0) j += 4; var bp = boundaryPts[j]; var v0 = vecUtils.vecSubtract( 3, bp, bp0 ), v1 = vec; if (s0 <= 0) { var v = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, pt1, pt0); if ((MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecCross(3, v0,v)) > 0) && (MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecCross(3, v,v1)) > 0)) { gotEnter = true; this.addIntersection( plane, t, 1 ); } } else if (s0 > 0) { var v = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, pt0, pt1); // note the reversed order from the previous case if ((MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecCross(3, v0,v)) > 0) && (MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecCross(3, v,v1)) > 0)) { gotEnter = true; this.addIntersection( plane, t, -1 ); } } } else if ((MathUtils.fpSign(dot0) > 0) && (MathUtils.fpSign(dot1) == 0)) { var j = (i + 1) % 4; var bp = boundaryPts[j]; var v1 = vec.slice(0), v0 = vecUtils.vecSubtract( 3, bp, bp1 ), v1 = vecUtils.vecNegate(3, v1); if (s0 <= 0) { var v = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, pt1, pt0); if ((MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecCross(3, v0,v)) < 0) && (MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecCross(3, v,v1)) < 0)) { gotEnter = true; this.addIntersection( plane, t, 1 ); } } else if (s0 > 0) { var v = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, pt0, pt1); // note the reversed order from the previous case if ((MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecCross(3, v0,v)) > 0) && (MathUtils.fpSign(vecUtils.vecCross(3, v,v1)) > 0)) { gotEnter = true; this.addIntersection( plane, t, -1 ); } } } } } } } }, removeIntersections: { value: function() { this._intersectionList = null; this._intersectionCount = 0; } }, addIntersection: { value: function( plane, t, deltaVis ) { // create the intersection record var iRec = Object.create(LinePlaneIntersectRec, {}); iRec.setStageLine( this ); iRec.setElementPlanes( plane ); iRec.setT( t ); iRec.setDeltaVis( deltaVis ); // the intersection array needs to be sorted by t var ptr = this._intersectionList; var last = null; while (ptr && (t > ptr.getT())) { last = ptr; ptr = ptr.getNext(); } if (ptr == null) { if (last == null) this._intersectionList = iRec; else { last.setNext( iRec ); iRec.setPrev( last ); } } else { if (last != null) { last.setNext( iRec ); iRec.setPrev( last ); } else this._intersectionList = iRec; ptr.setPrev( iRec ); iRec.setNext( ptr ); } this._intersectionCount++; } }, boundaryContainsPoint: { value: function( boundaryPts, backFacing, pt ) { // the computation is done in 2D. // this method returns false if the point is 'on' or outside the boundary var pt1 = boundaryPts[3]; for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { var pt0 = pt1; var pt1 = boundaryPts[i]; //var vec0 = pt1.subtract( pt0 ), // vec1 = pt.subtract( pt0 ); var vec0 = vecUtils.vecSubtract(3, pt1, pt0), vec1 = vecUtils.vecSubtract(pt, pt0); // var cross = vec0.cross( vec1 ); var cross = vecUtils.vecCross(3, vec0, vec1); var inside; if (backFacing) inside = (MathUtils.fpSign(cross[2]) > 0); else inside = (MathUtils.fpSign(cross[2]) < 0); if (!inside) return false; } return true; } }, setPoints: { value: function( pt0, pt1 ) { this._pt0 = pt0.slice(0); this._pt1 = pt1.slice(0); // get the 3D bounds var xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, zMin, zMax; if (pt0[0] < pt1[0]) { xMin = pt0[0]; xMax = pt1[0]; } else { xMin = pt1[0]; xMax = pt0[0]; } if (pt0[1] < pt1[1]) { yMin = pt0[1]; yMax = pt1[1]; } else { yMin = pt1[1]; yMax = pt0[1]; } if (pt0[2] < pt1[2]) { zMin = pt0[2]; zMax = pt1[2]; } else { zMin = pt1[2]; zMax = pt0[2]; } this._minPt = [xMin, yMin, zMin]; this._maxPt = [xMax, yMax, zMax]; } }//, // getIntersectionParameter: { // value: function( index ) // { // var tRtn; // if (this._paramArray) // { // if ((index >= 0) && (index < this._intersectionCount)) // { // var count = 0; // var iRec = this._intersectionList; // while (count < index) // iRec = iRec.getNext(); // tRtn = iRec.getT(); // } // } // // return tRtn; // } // }, // // getVisibilityChange: { // value: function( index ) // { // var delta; // if ((index >= 0) && (index < this._intersectionCount)) // { // var count = 0; // var iRec = this._intersectionList; // while (count < index) // iRec = iRec.getNext(); // delta = iRec.getDeltaVis(); // } // // return delta; // } // } });