/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class HitRecord // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var viewUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/view-utils").ViewUtils; var vecUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/vec-utils").VecUtils; var drawUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/draw-utils").DrawUtils; var snapManagerModule = require("js/helper-classes/3D/snap-manager"); var HitRecord = exports.HitRecord = Object.create(Object.prototype, { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constant definitions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// SNAP_TYPE_STAGE : { value: 1, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTEX : { value: 2, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_GRID_HORIZONTAL : { value: 13, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTICAL: { value: 14, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_MERGED: { value: 15, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_HORIZONTAL_FROM_START: { value: 3, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_VERTICAL_FROM_START: { value: 4, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT: { value: 5, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_EDGE: { value: 6, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_VERTEX: { value: 7, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL: { value: 8, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_VERTICAL: { value: 9, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_BOTH: { value: 10, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_CENTER: { value: 11, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_CONTAINED_ELEMENT: { value: 12, writable: true }, SNAP_TYPE_UNDEFINED: { value: null, writable: -1 }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _type: { value: this.SNAP_TYPE_UNDEFINED, writable: true }, _elt: { value: null, writable: true }, // this can be null. example: snapping to the working plane _screenPt: { value: null, writable: true }, // snap point in global screen space _localPoint: { value: null, writable: true }, // snap point in the local space of the element _plane: { value: null, writable: true }, // plane equation at the snap point in local object space _planeMat: { value: Matrix.I(4) , writable: true }, // transform to take the point from plane space to the transformed view space of the element _assocScrPt: { value: null, writable: true }, // associated screen point _assocScrPt2: { value: null, writable: true }, // a second associated point for drawing multiple snap align hits _planarHit: { value: false, writable: true }, _snapBoundaryIndex : { value: -1, writable: true }, // this used for snap align to object boundaries _isQuadPt :{ value: false, writable: true }, // used for snapping to an object's quadrant point /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getElt : { value: function() { return this._elt; }}, setElt : { value: function(e) { this._elt = e; }}, getElement : { value: function() { return this._elt; }}, setElement : { value: function(e) { this._elt = e; }}, getZIndex : { value: function() { return this._zIndex; }}, setZIndex : { value: function(i) { this._zIndex = i; }}, setScreenPoint : { value: function(s) { this._screenPt = s.slice(0); }}, getScreenPoint : { value: function() { return this._screenPt.slice(0); }}, setLocalPoint : { value: function(s) { this._localPt = s.slice(0); }}, getLocalPoint : { value: function() { return this._localPt.slice(0); }}, setAssociatedScreenPoint : { value: function(s) { this._assocScrPt = s.slice(0); }}, getAssociatedScreenPoint : { value: function() { return this._assocScrPt.slice(0); }}, hasAssociatedScreenPoint : { value: function() { return this._assocScrPt != null; }}, setAssociatedScreenPoint2 : { value: function(s) { this._assocScrPt2 = s.slice(0); }}, getAssociatedScreenPoint2 : { value: function() { return this._assocScrPt2.slice(0); }}, hasAssociatedScreenPoint2 : { value: function() { return this._assocScrPt2 != null; }}, setPlane : { value: function(p) { this._plane = p.slice(0); }}, getPlane : { value: function() { return this._plane.slice(0); }}, setPlaneMatrix : { value: function(pm) { this._planeMat = pm.slice(0); }}, getPlaneMatrix : { value: function() { return this._planeMat.slice(0); }}, setPlanarHit : { value: function(p) { this._planarHit = p; }}, isPlanarHit : { value: function() { return this._planarHit; }}, getSnapBoundaryIndex : { value: function() { return this._snapBoundaryIndex; }}, setSnapBoundaryIndex : { value: function(i) { this._snapBoundaryIndex = i; }}, getType : { value: function() { return this._type; }}, setType : { value: function(t) {this._type = t; if (!this.checkType()) { throw new Error("invalid snap type"); return; } }}, getUseQuadPoint : { value: function() { return this._isQuadPt; }}, setUseQuadPoint : { value: function(q) {this._isQuadPt = q; }}, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// checkType :{ value: function() { var ok = false; switch (this._type) { case this.SNAP_TYPE_STAGE: //case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID: case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTEX: case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_HORIZONTAL: case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTICAL: case this.SNAP_TYPE_HORIZONTAL_FROM_START: case this.SNAP_TYPE_VERTICAL_FROM_START: ok = true; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_MERGED: ok = true; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT: case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_EDGE: case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_VERTEX: case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_CENTER: case this.SNAP_TYPE_CONTAINED_ELEMENT: ok = true; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL: case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_VERTICAL: case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_BOTH: ok = true; break; } return ok; } }, isSomeGridTypeSnap : { value: function() { return ((this._type == this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTEX) || (this._type == this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_HORIZONTAL) || (this._type == this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTICAL) ); } }, convertToWorkingPlane : { value: function( wp ) { var swp = this.calculateStageWorldPoint(); var wpMat = drawUtils.getPlaneToWorldMatrix(wp, MathUtils.getPointOnPlane(wp)); //var wpMatInv = wpMat.inverse(); var wpMatInv = glmat4.inverse( wpMat, []); var localPt = MathUtils.transformPoint( swp, wpMatInv ); // create a new hit record var hr = Object.create(HitRecord);//new HitRecord(); hr.setType( this.SNAP_TYPE_STAGE ); hr.setScreenPoint( this.getScreenPoint() ); hr.setLocalPoint( localPt ); hr.setPlane( wp ); hr.setPlaneMatrix( wpMat ); hr.setElt( snapManagerModule.SnapManager.getStage() ); return hr; } }, calculateStageWorldPoint : { value: function() { var wPt; var elt = this.getElt(); if (elt != null) { var localPt = this.getLocalPoint(); var planeMat = this.getPlaneMatrix(); wPt = viewUtils.postViewToStageWorld( MathUtils.transformPoint(localPt,planeMat), elt ); } return wPt; } }, calculateScreenPoint : { value: function() { var scrPt; var stage = snapManagerModule.SnapManager.getStage(); var stageMat = viewUtils.getMatrixFromElement( stage ); var offset = viewUtils.getElementOffset( stage ); offset[2] = 0; viewUtils.pushViewportObj( stage ); var elt = this.getElt(); if (elt != null) { var localPt = this.getLocalPoint(); var planeMat = this.getPlaneMatrix(); scrPt = viewUtils.postViewToStageWorld( MathUtils.transformPoint(localPt,planeMat), elt ); scrPt = vecUtils.vecAdd( 3, viewUtils.viewToScreen( MathUtils.transformPoint(scrPt, stageMat) ), offset); } viewUtils.popViewportObj(); return scrPt; } }, calculateElementWorldPoint : { value: function() { var localPt = this.getLocalPoint(); var worldPt = MathUtils.transformPoint( localPt, this.getPlaneMatrix() ); return worldPt; } }, calculateElementScreenPoint : { value: function() { var worldPt = this.calculateElementWorldPoint(); viewUtils.pushViewportObj( this._elt ); var scrPt = viewUtils.viewToScreen( worldPt ); viewUtils.popViewportObj(); return scrPt; } }, calculateElementScreenToPlane : { value: function( scrPt, plane ) { var elt = this.getElt(); viewUtils.pushViewportObj( elt ); var viewPt = viewUtils.screenToView( scrPt[0], scrPt[1], scrPt[2] ); var eyePt; if(viewUtils.getPerspectiveDistFromElement(elt)) { eyePt = viewUtils.getEyePoint(); } else { eyePt = [viewPt[0], viewPt[1], 1400]; } var projPt = MathUtils.vecIntersectPlane( eyePt, MathUtils.vecSubtract(viewPt,eyePt), plane ); return projPt; } }, calculateElementPreTransformScreenPoint : { value: function() { var localPt = this.getLocalPoint(); var worldPt = MathUtils.transformPoint( localPt, this.getPlaneMatrix() ); var mat = viewUtils.getMatrixFromElement( this._elt ); glmat4.inverse( mat ); localPt = MathUtils.transformPoint( worldPt, mat ); viewUtils.pushViewportObj( this._elt ); var scrPt = viewUtils.viewToScreen( localPt ); viewUtils.popViewportObj(); return scrPt; } }, getTypeString :{ value: function() { var str; switch (this.getType()) { case this.SNAP_TYPE_STAGE: str = "SNAP_TYPE_STAGE"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTEX: str = "SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTEX"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_HORIZONTAL: str = "SNAP_TYPE_GRID_HORIZONTAL"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTICAL: str = "SNAP_TYPE_GRID_VERTICAL"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_HORIZONTAL_FROM_START: str = "SNAP_TYPE_HORIZONTAL_FROM_START"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_VERTICAL_FROM_START: str = "SNAP_TYPE_VERTICAL_FROM_START"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT: str = "SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_EDGE: str = "SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_EDGE"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_VERTEX: str = "SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_VERTEX"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_CENTER: str = "SNAP_TYPE_ELEMENT_CENTER"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_CONTAINED_ELEMENT: str = "SNAP_TYPE_CONTAINED_ELEMENT"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL: str = "SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_HORIZONTAL"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_VERTICAL: str = "SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_VERTICAL"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_BOTH: str = "SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_BOTH"; break; case this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_MERGED: str = "this.SNAP_TYPE_ALIGN_MERGED"; break; default: str = "SNAP_TYPE_UNDEFINED"; break; } return str; } } });