/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class HitRecord // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var viewUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/view-utils").ViewUtils; var snapManager = require("js/helper-classes/3D/snap-manager"); var Snap2DRecord = exports.Snap2DRecord = Object.create(Object.prototype, { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constant definitions /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _elt : { value: null , writable: true}, // the four boundary points for the element in global screen space _screenPtArray : { value: null , writable: true}, // snap point in global screen space _alignPtArray : { value: null , writable: true}, // points for snap-align. Kept in working plane space _localToGlobalMat : { value: null, writable: true }, _globalToLocalMat : { value: null, writable: true }, // indices to the extremal align points _xMinArray : { value: [], writable: true }, _xMaxArray : { value: [] , writable: true}, _yMinArray : { value: [] , writable: true}, _yMaxArray : { value: [] , writable: true}, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getElement: { value: function() { return this._elt; }}, setElement: { value: function() { this._elt = e; }}, getScreenPointArray: { value: function() { return this._screenPtArray; }}, getAlignPointArray: { value: function() { return this._alignPtArray; }}, getLocalToGlobalMatrix: { value: function() { return this._localToGlobalMat; }}, setLocalToGlobalMatrix: { value: function() { this._localToGlobalMat = l2g.slice(0); }}, getGlobalToLocalMatrix: { value: function() { return this._globalToLocalMat; }}, setGlobalToLocalMatrix: { value: function() { this._globalToLocalMat = g2l.slice(0); }}, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// init: { value: function( elt ) { this._elt = elt; var bounds = viewUtils.getElementViewBounds3D( elt ); // get the screen and align points from the bounds this._screenPtArray = new Array(); this._alignPtArray = new Array(); this._localToGlobalMat = viewUtils.getLocalToGlobalMatrix( elt ); //this._globalToLocalMat = this._localToGlobalMat.inverse(); this._globalToLocalMat = glmat4.inverse( this._localToGlobalMat, []); for (var i=0; i<4; i++) { this._screenPtArray[i] = viewUtils.localToGlobal( bounds[i], elt ); var worldPt = viewUtils.localToStageWorld( bounds[i], elt ); this._alignPtArray[i] = MathUtils.transformPoint( worldPt, snapManager.SnapManager._worldToDragPlane ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEBUG CODE var tmp = MathUtils.transformHomogeneousPoint( bounds[i], this._localToGlobalMat ); tmp = MathUtils.applyHomogeneousCoordinate( tmp ); if (!MathUtils.pointsEqual( 3, tmp, this._screenPtArray[i] )) console.log( "**** Snap2DRecord cache screen points do not agree **** " + tmp + " => " + this._screenPtArray[i] ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// } // add the center point var xCtr = 0.5*(bounds[0][0] + bounds[3][0]), yCtr = 0.5*(bounds[0][1] + bounds[1][1]); var ctr = Vector.create( [xCtr, yCtr, 0] ); this._screenPtArray[4] = viewUtils.localToGlobal( ctr, elt ); var worldPt = viewUtils.localToStageWorld( ctr, elt ); this._alignPtArray[4] = MathUtils.transformPoint( worldPt, snapManager.SnapManager._worldToDragPlane ); // set up the align points this.initAlignExtremalPoints() } }, initAlignExtremalPoints: { value: function() { var xMinArray = [0], xMaxArray = [0], yMinArray = [0], yMaxArray = [0]; var alignPts = this._alignPtArray; var xMin = alignPts[0][0], xMax = alignPts[0][0], yMin = alignPts[0][1], yMax = alignPts[0][1]; var sign; for (var i=1; i<4; i++) { var pt = alignPts[i]; sign = MathUtils.fpCmp(pt[0], xMin); if (sign < 0) { xMinArray = [i]; xMin = pt[0]; } else if (sign == 0) xMinArray.push(i); sign = MathUtils.fpCmp(pt[0], xMax); if (sign > 0) { xMaxArray = [i]; xMax = pt[0]; } else if (sign == 0) xMaxArray.push(i); sign = MathUtils.fpCmp(pt[1], yMin); if (sign < 0) { yMinArray = [i]; yMin = pt[1]; } else if (sign == 0) yMinArray.push(i); sign = MathUtils.fpCmp(pt[1], yMax); if (sign > 0) { yMaxArray = [i]; yMax = pt[1]; } else if (sign == 0) yMaxArray.push(i); } this._xMinArray = xMinArray; this._xMaxArray = xMaxArray; this._yMinArray = yMinArray; this._yMaxArray = yMaxArray; } }, getScreenPoint: { value: function( index ) { var rtnPt; if ((index >= 0) && (index < 4) && (this._screenPtArray != null)) rtnPt = this._screenPtArray[index].slice(0); return rtnPt; } }, addAlignPoint: { value: function( pt ) { this._alignPtArray.push( pt ); } } });