/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Class GLAnchorPoint // GL representation of a point clicked // and dragged during pen tool // // ///////////////////////////////////////////// function GLAnchorPoint() { ///////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables ///////////////////////////////////////// this._x = 0.0; this._y = 0.0; this._z = 0.0; this._prevX = 0.0; this._prevY = 0.0; this._prevZ = 0.0; this._nextX = 0.0; this._nextY = 0.0; this._nextZ = 0.0; } // *********** setters ************ GLAnchorPoint.prototype.setPos = function (x, y, z) { this._x = x; this._y = y; this._z = z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.setPrevPos = function (x, y, z) { this._prevX = x; this._prevY = y; this._prevZ = z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.setNextPos = function (x, y, z) { this._nextX = x; this._nextY = y; this._nextZ = z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.setPrevFromNext = function () { //set the previous control point by reflecting the next control point var dispX = this._nextX - this._x; var dispY = this._nextY - this._y; var dispZ = this._nextZ - this._z; this._prevX = this._x - dispX; this._prevY = this._y - dispY; this._prevZ = this._z - dispZ; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.setNextFromPrev = function () { //set the previous control point by reflecting the next control point var dispX = this._prevX - this._x; var dispY = this._prevY - this._y; var dispZ = this._prevZ - this._z; this._nextX = this._x - dispX; this._nextY = this._y - dispY; this._nextZ = this._z - dispZ; } //translate the next point from the translation that was applied to the prev. point GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translateNextFromPrev = function (tx, ty, tz) { // *** compute the rotation of the prev vector *** var oldP = Vector.create([this._prevX + tx - this._x, this._prevY + ty - this._y, this._prevZ + tz - this._z]); var newP = Vector.create([this._prevX - this._x, this._prevY - this._y, this._prevZ - this._z]); //compute angle between the two vectors var axis = Vector.create([0, 0, 0]); var angle = MathUtils.getAxisAngleBetween3DVectors(oldP, newP, axis); if (angle === 0) return; // *** compute the vector from anchor to next var oldN = Vector.create([this._nextX - this._x, this._nextY - this._y, this._nextZ - this._z]); var rotMat = Matrix.Rotation(-angle, axis); var newN = MathUtils.transformVector(oldN, rotMat); //TEMP for some situations the axis angle computation returns NaNs if (isNaN(newN[0]) || isNaN(newN[1]) || isNaN(newN[2])) { return; } //end TEMP this._nextX = this._x + newN[0]; this._nextY = this._y + newN[1]; this._nextZ = this._z + newN[2]; } //translate the next point from the translation that was applied to the prev. point GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translatePrevFromNext = function (tx, ty, tz) { // *** compute the rotation of the next vector *** var oldN = Vector.create([this._nextX + tx - this._x, this._nextY + ty - this._y, this._nextZ + tz - this._z]); var newN = Vector.create([this._nextX - this._x, this._nextY - this._y, this._nextZ - this._z]); //compute angle between the two vectors var axis = Vector.create([0, 0, 0]); var angle = MathUtils.getAxisAngleBetween3DVectors(oldN, newN, axis); if (angle === 0) return; // *** compute the vector from anchor to prev var oldP = Vector.create([this._prevX - this._x, this._prevY - this._y, this._prevZ - this._z]); var rotMat = Matrix.Rotation(-angle, axis); var newP = MathUtils.transformVector(oldP, rotMat); //TEMP for some situations the axis angle computation returns NaNs if (isNaN(newP[0]) || isNaN(newP[1]) || isNaN(newP[2])) { return; } //end TEMP this._prevX = this._x + newP[0]; this._prevY = this._y + newP[1]; this._prevZ = this._z + newP[2]; } // ******* modifiers ******* GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translatePrev = function (x, y, z) { this._prevX += x; this._prevY += y; this._prevZ += z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translateNext = function (x, y, z) { this._nextX += x; this._nextY += y; this._nextZ += z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translate = function (x, y, z) { this._x += x; this._y += y; this._z += z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.translateAll = function (x, y, z) { this.translate(x, y, z); this.translatePrev(x, y, z); this.translateNext(x, y, z); } // ********* getters ********** GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPosX = function () { return this._x; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPosY = function () { return this._y; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPosZ = function () { return this._z; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPrevX = function () { return this._prevX; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPrevY = function () { return this._prevY; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPrevZ = function () { return this._prevZ; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getNextX = function () { return this._nextX; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getNextY = function () { return this._nextY; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getNextZ = function () { return this._nextZ; } GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPos = function() { return Vector.create([this._x, this._y, this._z]);} GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPrev = function() { return Vector.create([this._prevX, this._prevY, this._prevZ]);} GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getNext = function() { return Vector.create([this._nextX, this._nextY, this._nextZ]);} //return the square of distance from passed in point to the anchor position GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getDistanceSq = function (x, y, z) { return (this._x - x) * (this._x - x) + (this._y - y) * (this._y - y) + (this._z - z) * (this._z - z); } //return sq. of distance to prev. GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getPrevDistanceSq = function (x, y, z) { return (this._prevX - x) * (this._prevX - x) + (this._prevY - y) * (this._prevY - y) + (this._prevZ - z) * (this._prevZ - z); } //return sq. of distance to next GLAnchorPoint.prototype.getNextDistanceSq = function (x, y, z) { return (this._nextX - x) * (this._nextX - x) + (this._nextY - y) * (this._nextY - y) + (this._nextZ - z) * (this._nextZ - z); }