/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class GLMaterial // RDGE representation of a material. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function BrickMaterial() { // initialize the inherited members this.inheritedFrom = GLMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this._shaderName = "brick"; this._name = "BrickMaterial"; // store local values in convenient form this._propNames = ["BrickColor", "MortarColor", "BrickSize", "BrickPct" ]; this._propLabels = ["Brick Color", "Mortar Color", "Brick Size", "Brick Percent" ]; this._propTypes = ["color", "color", "vector2d", "vector2d" ]; this._propValues = []; // set default property values this._propValues[this._propNames[0]] = [0.8,0,0,1].slice(0); this._propValues[this._propNames[1]] = [0.8, 0.8, 0.0, 1.0].slice(0); this._propValues[this._propNames[2]] = [1, .5].slice(0); this._propValues[this._propNames[3]] = [.8, .7].slice(0); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property Accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.getBrickColor = function() { return this._propValues["BrickColor"].slice(0); } this.getMortarColor = function() { return this._propValues["MortarColor"].slice(0); } this.getBrickSize = function() { return this._propValues["BrickSize"].slice(0); } this.getBrickPct = function() { return this._propValues["BrickPct"].slice(0); } this.getShaderName = function() { return this._shaderName; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // duplcate method requirde this.dup = function() { return new BrickMaterial(); } this.init = function() { // set up the shader this._shader = new jshader(); this._shader.def = brickShaderDef; this._shader.init(); // set the defaults this._shader.default.BrickColor.set( this.getBrickColor() ); this._shader.default.MortarColor.set( this.getMortarColor() ); this._shader.default.BrickSize.set( this.getBrickSize() ); this._shader.default.BrickPct.set( this.getBrickPct() ); // set up the material node this._materialNode = createMaterialNode("brickMaterial"); this._materialNode.setShader(this._shader); } this.setProperty = function( prop, value ) { // we always want to use the "color" property for something if (prop == "color") prop = "BrickColor"; // make sure we have legitimate imput var ok = this.validateProperty( prop, value ); if (ok) { this._propValues[prop] = value; if (this._shader && this._shader.default) this._shader.default[prop].set(value); } } this.export = function() { // every material needs the base type and instance name var exportStr = "material: " + this.getShaderName() + "\n"; exportStr += "name: " + this.getName() + "\n"; if (this._shader) { exportStr += "BrickColor: " + String(this._shader.default.BrickColor) + "\n"; exportStr += "MortarColor: " + String(this._shader.default.MortarColor) + "\n"; exportStr += "BrickSize: " + String(this._shader.default.BrickSize) + "\n"; exportStr += "BrickPct: " + String(this._shader.default.BrickPct) + "\n"; } else { exportStr += "BrickColor: " + String(this.getBrickColor()) + "\n"; exportStr += "MortarColor: " + String(this.getMortarColor()) + "\n"; exportStr += "BrickSize: " + String(this.getBrickSize()) + "\n"; exportStr += "BrickPct: " + String(this.getBrickPct()) + "\n"; } // every material needs to terminate like this exportStr += "endMaterial\n"; return exportStr; } this.import = function( importStr ) { var pu = new ParseUtils( importStr ); var material = pu.nextValue( "material: " ); if (material != this.getShaderName()) throw new Error( "ill-formed material" ); this.setName( pu.nextValue( "name: ") ); var brickColor = eval( "[" + pu.nextValue( "BrickColor: " ) + "]" ), mortarColor = eval( "[" + pu.nextValue( "MortarColor: " ) + "]" ), brickSize = eval( "[" + pu.nextValue( "BrickSize: " ) + "]" ), brickPct = eval( "[" + pu.nextValue( "BrickPct: " ) + "]" ); var endKey = "endMaterial\n"; var index = importStr.indexOf( endKey ); index += endKey.length; var rtnStr = importStr.substr( index ); return rtnStr; } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RDGE shader var brickShaderDef = {'shaders': { // Brick shader 'defaultVShader':"assets/shaders/CH06-brick.vert.glsl", 'defaultFShader':"assets/shaders/CH06-brick.frag.glsl", // this shader is inline 'dirLightVShader': "\ uniform mat4 u_mvMatrix;\ uniform mat4 u_normalMatrix;\ uniform mat4 u_projMatrix;\ uniform mat4 u_worldMatrix;\ attribute vec3 a_pos;\ attribute vec3 a_nrm;\ varying vec3 vNormal;\ varying vec3 vPos;\ void main() {\ vNormal.xyz = (u_normalMatrix*vec4(a_nrm, 0.0)).xyz;\ gl_Position = u_projMatrix * u_mvMatrix * vec4(a_pos,1.0);\ vPos = (u_worldMatrix * vec4(a_pos,1.0)).xyz;\ }", 'dirLightFShader': "\ precision highp float;\ uniform vec4 u_light1Diff;\ uniform vec3 u_light1Pos;\ uniform vec4 u_light2Diff;\ uniform vec3 u_light2Pos;\ varying vec3 vNormal;\ varying vec3 vPos;\ void main() {\ vec3 light1 = vec3(u_light1Pos.x - vPos.x, u_light1Pos.y - vPos.y, u_light1Pos.z - vPos.z);\ vec3 light2 = vec3(u_light2Pos.x - vPos.x, u_light2Pos.y - vPos.y, u_light2Pos.z - vPos.z);\ float t = 0.75;\ float range = t*t;\ float alpha1 = max(0.0, 1.0 - ( (light1.x*light1.x)/range + (light1.y*light1.y)/range + (light1.z*light1.z)/range));\ float alpha2 = max(0.0, 1.0 - ( (light2.x*light2.x)/range + (light2.y*light2.y)/range + (light2.z*light2.z)/range));\ gl_FragColor = vec4((u_light2Diff*alpha2 + u_light1Diff*alpha1).rgb, 1.0);\ }", }, 'techniques': { 'default':[ { 'vshader' : 'defaultVShader', 'fshader' : 'defaultFShader', // attributes 'attributes' : { 'vert' : { 'type' : 'vec3' }, 'normal' : { 'type' : 'vec3' }, 'texcoord' : { 'type' : 'vec2' }, }, // parameters 'params' : { //'u_light0Diff' : { 'type' : 'vec4' }, //'u_matDiffuse' : { 'type' : 'vec4' } // Brick shader 'BrickColor' : { 'type' : 'vec3' }, 'MortarColor' : { 'type' : 'vec3' }, 'BrickSize' : { 'type' : 'vec2' }, 'BrickPct' : { 'type' : 'vec2' } }, // render states 'states' : { 'depthEnable' : true, 'offset':[1.0, 0.1] }, }, { // light pass 'vshader' : 'dirLightVShader', 'fshader' : 'dirLightFShader', // attributes 'attributes' : { 'a_pos' : { 'type' : 'vec3' }, 'a_nrm' : { 'type' : 'vec3' }, }, // parameters 'params' : { }, // render states 'states' : { 'depthEnable' : true, "blendEnable" : true, "srcBlend" : "SRC_ALPHA", "dstBlend" : "DST_ALPHA", }, } ] } };