This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Class GLMaterial
// RDGE representation of a material.
function RadialBlurMaterial()
// initialize the inherited members
this.inheritedFrom = GLMaterial;
// Instance variables
this._name = "RadialBlurMaterial";
this._shaderName = "radialBlur";
this._texMap = 'assets/images/cubelight.png';
this._color = [1,0,0,1];
this._time = 0.0;
this._dTime = 0.01;
// Property Accessors
this.getName = function() { return this._name; }
this.getShaderName = function() { return this._shaderName; }
this.getTextureMap = function() { return this._texMap.slice(0); }
this.setTextureMap = function(m) { this._propValues[this._propNames[0]] = m.slice(0); this.updateTexture(); }
// Material Property Accessors
this._propNames = ["texmap", "color"];
this._propLabels = ["Texture map", "Color"];
this._propTypes = ["file", "color"];
this._propValues = [];
this._propValues[ this._propNames[0] ] = this._texMap.slice(0);
this._propValues[ this._propNames[1] ] = this._color.slice(0);
this.setProperty = function( prop, value )
// make sure we have legitimate imput
var ok = this.validateProperty( prop, value );
if (!ok)
console.log( "invalid property in Radial Gradient Material:" + prop + " : " + value );
switch (prop)
case "texmap":
case "color":
this._propValues[prop] = value.slice(0);
if (this._shader && this._shader.default)
// Methods
// duplcate method requirde
this.dup = function( world )
// allocate a new uber material
var newMat = new RadialBlurMaterial();
// copy over the current values;
var propNames = [], propValues = [], propTypes = [], propLabels = [];
this.getAllProperties( propNames, propValues, propTypes, propLabels);
var n = propNames.length;
for (var i=0; i