This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Class RuntimeGeomObj
// Super class for all geometry classes
function RuntimeGeomObj()
// Constants
this.GEOM_TYPE_LINE = 3;
this.GEOM_TYPE_PATH = 4;
// Instance variables
// stroke and fill colors
this._strokeColor = [0,0,0,0];
this._fillColor = [0,0,0,0];
// array of materials
this._materials = [];
// Property accessors
this.geomType = function() { return this.GEOM_TYPE_UNDEFINED; }
this.setWorld = function(w) { this._world = w; }
this.getWorld = function() { return this._world; }
// Methods
this.makeStrokeMaterial = function()
this.makeFillMaterial = function()
this.render = function()
this.addChild = function( child )
if (!this._children) this._children = [];
this._children.push( child );
this.import = function()
this.importMaterials = function(importStr)
var nMaterials = Number( getPropertyFromString( "nMaterials: ", importStr ) );
for (var i=0; i= 0)
rtnStr = rtnStr.substr(0, index);
return rtnStr;
// Class RuntimeRectangle
function RuntimeRectangle()
// inherit the members of RuntimeGeomObj
this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeGeomObj;
this.import = function( importStr )
this._xOffset = Number( getPropertyFromString( "xoff: ", importStr ) );
this._yOffset = Number( getPropertyFromString( "yoff: ", importStr ) );
this._width = Number( getPropertyFromString( "width: ", importStr ) );
this._height = Number( getPropertyFromString( "height: ", importStr ) );
this._strokeWidth = Number( getPropertyFromString( "strokeWidth: ", importStr ) );
this._innerRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "innerRadius: ", importStr ) );
this._strokeStyle = Number( getPropertyFromString( "strokeStyle: ", importStr ) );
var strokeMaterialName = getPropertyFromString( "strokeMat: ", importStr );
var fillMaterialName = getPropertyFromString( "fillMat: ", importStr );
this._strokeStyle = getPropertyFromString( "strokeStyle: ", importStr );
this._fillColor = eval( "[" + getPropertyFromString( "fillColor: ", importStr ) + "]" );
this._strokeColor = eval( "[" + getPropertyFromString( "strokeColor: ", importStr ) + "]" );
this._tlRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "tlRadius: ", importStr ) );
this._trRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "trRadius: ", importStr ) );
this._blRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "blRadius: ", importStr ) );
this._brRadius = Number( getPropertyFromString( "brRadius: ", importStr ) );
this.importMaterials( importStr );
this.renderPath = function( inset, ctx )
// various declarations
var pt, rad, ctr, startPt, bPts;
var width = Math.round(this._width),
height = Math.round(this._height);
pt = [inset, inset]; // top left corner
var tlRad = this._tlRadius; //top-left radius
var trRad = this._trRadius;
var blRad = this._blRadius;
var brRad = this._brRadius;
if ((tlRad <= 0) && (blRad <= 0) && (brRad <= 0) && (trRad <= 0))
ctx.rect(pt[0], pt[1], width - 2*inset, height - 2*inset);
// get the top left point
rad = tlRad - inset;
if (rad < 0) rad = 0;
pt[1] += rad;
if (MathUtils.fpSign(rad) == 0) pt[1] = inset;
ctx.moveTo( pt[0], pt[1] );
// get the bottom left point
pt = [inset, height - inset];
rad = blRad - inset;
if (rad < 0) rad = 0;
pt[1] -= rad;
ctx.lineTo( pt[0], pt[1] );
// get the bottom left curve
if (MathUtils.fpSign(rad) > 0)
ctx.quadraticCurveTo( inset, height-inset, inset+rad, height-inset );
// do the bottom of the rectangle
pt = [width - inset, height - inset];
rad = brRad - inset;
if (rad < 0) rad = 0;
pt[0] -= rad;
ctx.lineTo( pt[0], pt[1] );
// get the bottom right arc
if (MathUtils.fpSign(rad) > 0)
ctx.quadraticCurveTo( width-inset, height-inset, width-inset, height-inset-rad );
// get the right of the rectangle
pt = [width - inset, inset];
rad = trRad - inset;
if (rad < 0) rad = 0;
pt[1] += rad;
ctx.lineTo( pt[0], pt[1] );
// do the top right corner
if (MathUtils.fpSign(rad) > 0)
ctx.quadraticCurveTo( width-inset, inset, width-inset-rad, inset );
// do the top of the rectangle
pt = [inset, inset]
rad = tlRad - inset;
if (rad < 0) rad = 0;
pt[0] += rad;
ctx.lineTo( pt[0], pt[1] );
// do the top left corner
if (MathUtils.fpSign(rad) > 0)
ctx.quadraticCurveTo( inset, inset, inset, inset+rad );
ctx.lineTo( inset, 2*inset );
this.render = function()
// get the world
var world = this.getWorld();
if (!world) throw( "null world in rectangle render" );
// get the context
var ctx = world.get2DContext();
if (!ctx) return;
// get some dimensions
var lw = this._strokeWidth;
var w = world.getViewportWidth(),
h = world.getViewportHeight();
// render the fill
if (this._fillColor)
var c = "rgba(" + 255*this._fillColor[0] + "," + 255*this._fillColor[1] + "," + 255*this._fillColor[2] + "," + this._fillColor[3] + ")";
ctx.fillStyle = c;
ctx.lineWidth = lw;
var inset = Math.ceil( lw ) + 0.5;
this.renderPath( inset, ctx );
// render the stroke
if (this._strokeColor)
var c = "rgba(" + 255*this._strokeColor[0] + "," + 255*this._strokeColor[1] + "," + 255*this._strokeColor[2] + "," + this._strokeColor[3] + ")";
ctx.strokeStyle = c;
ctx.lineWidth = lw;
var inset = Math.ceil( 0.5*lw ) + 0.5;
this.renderPath( inset, ctx );
// Class RuntimeOval
function RuntimeOval()
// inherit the members of RuntimeGeomObj
this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeGeomObj;