/* <copyright>
This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.<br/>
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.<br/>
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
</copyright> */

// RDGE namespaces
var RDGE = RDGE || {};

RDGE.Model = function (name, mesh) {
    this.name = name;
    this.mesh = mesh;
    this.camera = null;

 *	Maintains a list of meshes to allow instancing of data
RDGE.MeshManager = function () {
    this.contentUrl					= "assets_web/mesh/";
    this.modelMap					= {};
    this.readyList					= [];		// meshes that have data ready
    this.meshesLoading				= true;		// indicates that no meshes have loaded or that they are still loading
    this.postMeshLoadCallbackList	= [];
    this.tempSphere					= null;
    this.requestCounter				= 0;

 * Pass the scene meshNode stump, loads temp object while real mesh is downloading
RDGE.MeshManager.prototype.loadMesh = function (meshStump, tempMesh) {
    // if it exists already, return the mesh requested
    if ( this.modelMap[meshStump.name] !== undefined )
        return this.modelMap[meshStump.name];

    meshStump.ready = false;
    meshStump.addr = this.contentUrl + meshStump.name + "_mesh.json";
    meshStump.ctxID = RDGE.globals.engine.getContext().renderer.id;

	// sets a temp mesh up in place of the final mesh to load
    if (!tempMesh) {
        if (this.tempSphere == null) {
            this.tempSphere = RDGE.renderUtils.makeSphere(RDGE.globals.engine.getContext().renderer.ctx, 25, 5, 5);

        tempMesh = this.tempSphere;

	// add the temp mesh to the map of loaded meshes
    this.modelMap[meshStump.name] = tempMesh;
    // update the request counter - we now have one more mesh to load


    return null;

 * Deletes the passed mesh from the manager as well as all renderers
RDGE.MeshManager.prototype.deleteMesh = function (name) {
	var model = this.modelMap[name];
    if (model) {
        RDGE.globals.engine.ctxMan.forEach(function (context) {

		delete this.modelMap[name];

RDGE.MeshManager.prototype.getModelByName = function (name) {
    return this.modelMap[name];

RDGE.MeshManager.prototype.getModelNames = function () {
    var names = [];
    for (var index in this.modelMap) {

    return names;

RDGE.MeshManager.prototype.processMeshData = function () {
    var renderer = RDGE.globals.engine.getContext().renderer;
    // loop through meshes and load ready data
    for (var index in this.readyList) {
        // if item is ready load it
        if (this.readyList[index] && this.readyList[index].ready && renderer.id === this.readyList[index].ctxID) {

            // pop the item
            var model = this.readyList[index];
            this.readyList.splice(index, 1);
            var primset = new RDGE.rdgePrimitiveDefinition();
            primset.vertexDefinition = 
				// this shows two ways to map this data to an attribute
                "vert": { 'type': RDGE.rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_POS, 'bufferIndex': 0, 'bufferUsage': RDGE.rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC },
                "a_pos": { 'type': RDGE.rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_POS, 'bufferIndex': 0, 'bufferUsage': RDGE.rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC },
                "normal": { 'type': RDGE.rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT3, 'bufferIndex': 1, 'bufferUsage': RDGE.rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC },
                "a_norm": { 'type': RDGE.rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT3, 'bufferIndex': 1, 'bufferUsage': RDGE.rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC },
                "a_normal": { 'type': RDGE.rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT3, 'bufferIndex': 1, 'bufferUsage': RDGE.rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC },
                "texcoord": { 'type': RDGE.rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT2, 'bufferIndex': 2, 'bufferUsage': RDGE.rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC },
                "a_texcoord": { 'type': RDGE.rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT2, 'bufferIndex': 2, 'bufferUsage': RDGE.rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC },
                "a_texcoords": { 'type': RDGE.rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT2, 'bufferIndex': 2, 'bufferUsage': RDGE.rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC },
                "a_uv": { 'type': RDGE.rdgeConstants.VS_ELEMENT_FLOAT2, 'bufferIndex': 2, 'bufferUsage': RDGE.rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STATIC }
            primset.bufferStreams = 
            primset.streamUsage = 
            primset.indexUsage = RDGE.rdgeConstants.BUFFER_STREAM;
            primset.indexBuffer = model.root.data.indices;

			renderer.createPrimitive( primset );
			model.root.primitive = primset;

            // generate a bounding box for this mesh
            model.root.bbox = new RDGE.box();

            var numCoords = model.root.data.coords.length; var idx = 0;
            while (idx < numCoords - 2) {
              var thisCoord = [model.root.data.coords[idx+0], model.root.data.coords[idx+1], model.root.data.coords[idx+2]];
              idx += 3;

            this.modelMap[model.root.attribs.name] = model.root;
            // now that the model is load reduce the request count


RDGE.MeshManager.prototype.isReady = function () {
	return this.readyList.length == 0; 

RDGE.MeshManager.prototype.addOnLoadedCallback = function (callback) {

RDGE.MeshManager.prototype.onLoaded = function (meshName) {
    for (var index = 0 in this.postMeshLoadCallbackList) {
        // call the functions

RDGE.MeshManager.prototype.exportJSON = function () {
    for (var m in this.modelMap) {
		this.modelMap[m].primitive.built = false;
	return JSON.stringify(this.modelMap);

RDGE.MeshManager.prototype.importJSON = function (jsonMeshExport) {
    try {
		var tempModelMap = JSON.parse(jsonMeshExport);
        for (var m in tempModelMap) {
            if (!this.modelMap[m]) {
				this.modelMap[m] = tempModelMap[m];
		window.console.log("meshes imported");
    } catch (e) {
		window.console.error("error importing meshes: " + e.description );		

 *	global function for the mesh manager to make mesh file requests
RDGE.requestMesh = function (mesh) {
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    request.mesh = mesh;
    request.onreadystatechange = function () {
        if (request.readyState == 4) {
            if (request.status == 200 || window.location.href.indexOf("http") == -1) {
                var mesh = eval("(" + request.responseText + ")"); //retrieve result as an JavaScript object
                mesh.ready = true;
                mesh.ctxID = request.mesh.ctxID;
            else {
                alert("An error has occured making the request");

    request.open("GET", mesh.addr, true);