/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /* * camera class */ var RDGE = RDGE || {}; RDGE.camera = function () { this.proj = RDGE.mat4.identity(); this.view = RDGE.mat4.identity(); this.world = RDGE.mat4.identity(); this.viewProj = RDGE.mat4.identity(); this.invViewProj = RDGE.mat4.identity(); this.frustum = []; this.frustumPts = []; this.controller = null; this.setPerspective = function (fov, aratio, near, far) { this.ortho = null; this.persp = {}; this.persp.fov = fov; this.persp.aratio = aratio; this.persp.near = near; this.persp.far = far; this.proj = RDGE.mat4.perspective(fov, aratio, near, far); this.recalc(); }; this.reset = function () { this.world = RDGE.mat4.identity(); this.recalc(); }; this.copy = function (cam) { RDGE.mat4.inplace_copy(this.view, cam.view); RDGE.mat4.inplace_copy(this.world, cam.world); RDGE.mat4.inplace_copy(this.proj, cam.proj); RDGE.mat4.inplace_copy(this.viewProj, cam.viewProj); RDGE.mat4.inplace_copy(this.invViewProj, cam.invViewProj); this.frustum = cam.frustum.slice(); this.frustumPts = cam.frustumPts.slice(); }; this.recalc = function () { // update frustum planes this.frustum = []; var vp = this.viewProj; normalizePlane = function (p) { var len = RDGE.vec3.length(p); if (Math.abs(1.0 - len) > 0.001) { p[0] /= len; p[1] /= len; p[2] /= len; p[3] /= len; } return p; }; /* This is the old way var t = this.persp.near * Math.tan(0.017453292519943295769236 * this.persp.fov * 0.5); var r = t * this.persp.aratio; var u = t; var l = -r; var b = -u; tview = RDGE.mat4.transpose(this.view); this.frustum.push( normalizePlane( RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(tview, [this.persp.near, 0.0, l, 0.0] ) ) ); // left this.frustum.push( normalizePlane( RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(tview, [-this.persp.near, 0.0, -r, 0.0] ) ) ); // right this.frustum.push( normalizePlane( RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(tview, [0.0, this.persp.near, b, 0.0] ) ) ); // bottom this.frustum.push( normalizePlane( RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(tview, [0.0, -this.persp.near, -u, 0.0] ) ) ); // top this.frustum.push( normalizePlane( RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(tview, [0.0, 0.0, -1.0, -this.persp.near] ) ) ); // near this.frustum.push( normalizePlane( RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(tview, [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, this.persp.far] ) ) ); // far */ var l = normalizePlane([vp[3] + vp[0], vp[7] + vp[4], vp[11] + vp[8], vp[15] + vp[12]]); var r = normalizePlane([vp[3] - vp[0], vp[7] - vp[4], vp[11] - vp[8], vp[15] - vp[12]]); var t = normalizePlane([vp[3] - vp[1], vp[7] - vp[5], vp[11] - vp[9], vp[15] - vp[13]]); var b = normalizePlane([vp[3] + vp[1], vp[7] + vp[5], vp[11] + vp[9], vp[15] + vp[13]]); var n = normalizePlane([vp[3] + vp[2], vp[7] + vp[6], vp[11] + vp[10], vp[15] + vp[14]]); var f = normalizePlane([vp[3] - vp[2], vp[7] - vp[6], vp[11] - vp[10], vp[15] - vp[14]]); this.frustum.push(l); this.frustum.push(r); this.frustum.push(t); this.frustum.push(b); this.frustum.push(n); this.frustum.push(f); // update frustum points this.frustumPts = []; var invvp = this.viewProj; this.frustumPts.push(RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(invvp, [-1, -1, -1])); this.frustumPts.push(RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(invvp, [-1, 1, -1])); this.frustumPts.push(RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(invvp, [1, 1, -1])); this.frustumPts.push(RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(invvp, [1, -1, -1])); this.frustumPts.push(RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(invvp, [-1, -1, 1])); this.frustumPts.push(RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(invvp, [-1, 1, 1])); this.frustumPts.push(RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(invvp, [1, 1, 1])); this.frustumPts.push(RDGE.mat4.transformPoint(invvp, [1, -1, 1])); }; this.setWorld = function (m) { this.world = m; this.view = RDGE.mat4.inverse(m); this.viewProj = RDGE.mat4.mul(this.view, this.proj); this.invViewProj = RDGE.mat4.inverse(this.viewProj); this.recalc(); }; this.setView = function (m) { this.view = m; this.world = RDGE.mat4.inverse(m); this.viewProj = RDGE.mat4.mul(this.view, this.proj); this.invViewProj = RDGE.mat4.inverse(this.viewProj); this.recalc(); }; this.setLookAt = function (eyePos, targetPos, upVec) { this.setWorld(RDGE.mat4.lookAt(eyePos, targetPos, upVec)); //this.recalc(); }; this.setPerspective = function (fov, aratio, near, far) { this.ortho = null; this.persp = {}; this.persp.fov = fov; this.persp.aratio = aratio; this.persp.near = near; this.persp.far = far; this.proj = RDGE.mat4.perspective(fov, aratio, near, far); this.recalc(); }; this.setOrthographic = function (l, r, t, b, n, f) { this.persp = null; this.ortho = {}; this.ortho.left = l; this.ortho.right = r; this.ortho.top = t; this.ortho.bottom = b; this.ortho.near = n; this.ortho.far = f; this.proj = RDGE.mat4.orthographic(l, r, t, b, n, f); this.recalc(); }; this.onResize = function (x, y, width, height) { if (this.persp) { this.setPerspective(this.persp.fov, width / height, this.persp.near, this.persp.far); } if (this.ortho) { this.setOrthographic(x, x + width, y, y + height, this.ortho.near, this.ortho.far); } }; this.zNear = function () { if (this.persp) { return this.persp.near; } if (this.ortho) { return this.ortho.near; } return 0.0; }; this.zFar = function () { if (this.persp) { return this.persp.far; } if (this.ortho) { return this.ortho.far; } return 0.0; }; // this is used by ambient occlusion... this.getFTR = function () { var fovyRad = (this.persp.fov * 0.5) * Math.PI / 180.0; return [ Math.tan(fovyRad) * this.persp.far, Math.tan(fovyRad / this.persp.aratio) * this.persp.far, this.persp.far]; }; this.attachCameraToNode = function (node) { this.controller = node; }; }; /** Camera Manager * This class is used to manage the active camera. It provides functionality * for getting and setting the active camera, as well as providing stack operations * to switch to and from multiple cameras. */ RDGE.cameraManager = function () { this.stack = []; /* Set the active camera. * This function sets the active camera to the given camera. */ this.setActiveCamera = function (c) { // pop the active camera off the stack. if (this.stack.length > 0) { this.stack.pop(); } // push the given camera onto the stack. this.stack.push(c); }; /* Get the active camera. * The active camera always resides at the top of the stack. */ this.getActiveCamera = function () { if (this.stack.length > 0) { return this.stack[this.stack.length - 1]; } else { return null; } }; /* Push a camera onto the stack. * The given camera becomes the active camera. */ this.pushCamera = function (c) { this.stack.push(c); }; /* Pop a camera off the stack. * Returns the camera that was popped. * The next camera on the stack becomes active. */ this.popCamera = function () { return this.stack.pop(); }; this.onResize = function (x, y, w, h) { var i = this.stack.length - 1; while (i >= 0) { this.stack[i].onResize(x, y, w, h); i--; } }; };