/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var g_drawCount = 0; g_enableFlyCam = false; g_sceneStats = {}; g_sceneStats.nodesVisible = new stat("scenegraph", "nodesVisible", 0, null, false); g_sceneStats.nodesCulled = new stat("scenegraph", "nodesCulled", 0, null, false); g_sceneStats.nodesVisited = new stat("scenegraph", "nodesVisited", 0, null, false); g_sceneStats.reset = function() { g_sceneStats.nodesVisible.value = 0; g_sceneStats.nodesVisited.value = 0; g_sceneStats.nodesCulled.value = 0; }; // default render proc // render scene nodes function DefaultRender() { // setup the default shader this.renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; //this.shaderProgram = this.renderer.defaultShader; this.jshaderProgram = new jshader(); this.jshaderProgram.def = this.renderer.defaultShaderDefintion; this.jshaderProgram.init(); } DefaultRender.prototype.process=function(context,trNode,parent) { } function renderObject( trNode, renderCtx, parent) { this.node = trNode ? trNode : createTransformNode(); this.context = renderCtx ? renderCtx : new RenderContext(); this.parent = parent ? parent : null; } // Scene graph contains set of tools for manipulating the graph function SceneGraph(scene) { if(scene == undefined || scene == null) scene = {}; this.scene = scene; if(this.scene.root != undefined) this.scene = this.scene.root; else this.scene = { 'children':[] }; this.tick = 0; this.lastTick = -1; this.frustumCulling = true; // the main light for the scene - also casts shadows this.mainLight = new shadowLight(); this.bckTypes = rdgeConstants.categoryEnumeration; this.renderList = new Array(this.bckTypes.MAX_CAT); this.renderList[this.bckTypes.BACKGROUND] = []; //BACKGROUND this.renderList[this.bckTypes.OPAQUE] = []; //OPAQUE this.renderList[this.bckTypes.TRANSPARENT] = []; //TRANSPARENT this.renderList[this.bckTypes.ADDITIVE] = []; //ADDITIVE this.renderList[this.bckTypes.TRANSLUCENT] = []; //TRANSLUCENT this.renderList[this.bckTypes.FOREGROUND] = []; //FOREGROUND // a list of shadow geometry this.shadowRenderList = []; // scene traversal functor for creating a culled list of shadow geometry this.shadowCuller = null; // define passes to render geometry and handle post-processing this.defaultPassDef = { // a pass can have children that will receive their parents output as input // this pass renders the depth map to an off-screen target - from the shadow lights view // you can specify what your output should be // @param name - this tells jshader's of child passes (which receive the parents output as input) // what the sampler2d uniform name will be for this output texture // @param type - the type of output could be tex2d or target // @param width - optional width of the render target // @param height - optional height of the render target // @param mips - optional flag indicating whether the render target will support mip-mapping // the geometry pass 'name': "geoPass", 'geometrySet': "ALL" // 'outputs':[{ 'name':"u_mainRT", 'type':"target", 'width':1024, 'height':1024, 'mips':false }], // 'children': // [ // // shadow pass // { // 'outputs':[{ 'name':"u_shadowDepthMap", 'type':"target", 'width':1024, 'height':1024, 'mips':false }], // // custom parameter // 'name':"shadowDepthMap", // 'shader': rdgeDepthMapShaderDef, // 'technique':"shadowDepthMap", // 'geometrySet':"SHADOW", // 'children': // [ // // create shadow rt // { // 'outputs':[{ 'name':"u_shadowMap", 'type':"target", 'width':1024, 'height':1024, 'mips':false }], // 'name':"shadowMap", // 'shader': rdgeShadowMapShader, // 'clearColor' : [1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0], // 'geometrySet':"SHADOW", // } // ] // }, // // glow pass // { // 'outputs':[{ 'name':"sTexture", 'type':"target", 'width':1024, 'height':1024, 'mips':false }], // 'name':"glowMap", // 'shader': rdgeGlowMapShader, // 'clearColor' : [0.0,0.0,0.0,1.0], // 'technique':"createGlowMap", // 'geometrySet':"ALL", // 'children': // [ // { // the blur pass at half resolution // 'name':"blurQuarter", // 'geometrySet':"SCREEN_QUAD", // 'shader': rdgeGaussianBlurShader, // 'outputs':[{ 'name':"sTexture", 'type':"target", 'width':256, 'height':256, 'mips':false }], // 'children': // [ // { // the blur pass at half resolution // 'name':"blurThreeQuarter", // 'geometrySet':"SCREEN_QUAD", // 'shader': rdgeGaussianBlurShader, // 'outputs':[{ 'name':"sTexture", 'type':"target", 'width':128, 'height':128, 'mips':false }], // 'children': // [ // { // the blur pass at quarter resolution // 'name':"blurFull", // 'geometrySet':"SCREEN_QUAD", // 'shader': rdgeGaussianBlurShader, // 'outputs':[{ 'name':"u_glowFinal", 'type':"target", 'width':1024, 'height':1024, 'mips':false }] // } // ] // } // ] // } // ] // }, // // depth map in view space // { // 'name':"depth_map", // 'shader': rdgeDepthMapShaderDef, // 'technique': "depthMap", // 'outputs':[{ 'name':"u_depthMap", 'type':"target", 'width':1024, 'height':1024, 'mips':false }], // 'geometrySet':"ALL", // 'children' : // [ // // get the normals in view space // { // 'name':"normals", // 'shader': rdgeViewSpaceNormalsShader, // 'outputs':[{ 'name':"u_normalsRT", 'type':"target", 'width':1024, 'height':1024, 'mips':false }], // 'geometrySet':"ALL", // 'children' : // [ // // techniques requiring depth and normals in view space go here // // // SSAO map // { // 'name':"SSAO", // 'shader': rdgeSSAOShader, // 'outputs':[{ 'name':"u_ssaoRT", 'type':"target", 'width':1024, 'height':1024, 'mips':false }], // 'textures':[{ 'type':"tex2d", 'data':"u_depthMap" }], // 'geometrySet':"SCREEN_QUAD", // 'preRender': function() // { // this.shader.ssao.u_cameraFTR.set(this.renderer.cameraManager().getActiveCamera().getFTR()); // } // } // ] // } // ] // }, // // // final pass must always be last in the list // { // // this final pass has no output, its shader, however, will render its input (the previous pass's output) // // to the screen-quad geometry setup under the 'renderList' object // 'name':"finalPass", // 'geometrySet':"SCREEN_QUAD", // 'textures':[{ 'type':"tex2d", 'data':"u_glowFinal" }, { 'type':"tex2d", 'data':"u_ssaoRT" }, { 'type':"tex2d", 'data':"u_shadowMap" }], // 'shader': rdgeScreenQuadShaderDef, // } // ] }; // a graph of render passes to process in order to produce a final output this.renderGraph = new jpassGraph(this.defaultPassDef); //this.renderGraph.shadowDepthMap.camera = this.mainLight; this.animstack = []; this.pushAnim = function( anim ) { this.animstack.push(anim); } this.popAnim = function( anim ) { this.animstack.pop(); } this.playAnim = function( anim ) { this.popAnim(); this.pushAnim( anim ); } this.stopAllAnims = function() { this.animstack = []; } this.jdefShaderProgram = new jshader(); this.jdefShaderProgram.def = rdgeDefaultShaderDefintion; this.jdefShaderProgram.init(); //this.defaultRenderProc = new DefaultRender(); this.drawTag = document.getElementById('draw_count'); mapping = new Array(); mapping.process = function(trNode, parent) { mapping[trNode.name] = trNode; } this.Traverse(mapping); this.findNode = function(name) { return mapping[name]; } /* * scene traversal functor for finding a node by name */ findNodeByName = function(nodeName) { this.result = null; this.process = function(node, parent) { if(node.name == nodeName) { this.result = node; } return true; } this.init = function(){ this.result = null; } } /* * scene traversal functor for creating a list of node with a given name */ buildNodeList = function(nodeName) { this.result = []; this.process = function(node, parent) { if(node.name == nodeName) { this.result.push(node); } return true; } this.init = function(){ this.result = []; } } /* * scene traversal functor for creating a list of nodes based on a regular expression */ buildNodeListRegex = function( re ) { this.result = []; this.process = function(node, parent) { if(re.test(node.name)) { this.result.push(node); } return true; } this.init = function(){ this.result = []; } } /* * scene traversal functor for importing a previously exported json scene */ importScene = function() { this.renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; this.process = function(node, parent) { node.parent = parent; if(node.nodeType === rdgeConstants.nodeType.TRNODE) { node.transformNodeTemplate = undefined; verifyTransformNode(node); if(node.materialNode) { node.materialNode.materialNodeTemplate = undefined; verifyMaterialNode(node.materialNode); if(node.materialNode.shaderProgram) { var shader = new jshader(); shader.def = JSON.parse(node.materialNode.shaderProgram); shader.init(); node.materialNode.shaderProgram = shader; } var texList = node.materialNode.textureList; for(var i = 0, len = texList.length; i < len; ++i) { texList[i].handle = this.renderer.getTextureByName(texList[i].handle.lookUpName, texList[i].handle.texparams.wrap, texList[i].handle.texparams.mips); } var lights = node.materialNode.lightChannel; for(var i = 0, len = lights.length; i < len; ++i) { if(lights[i]) { lights[i].lightNodeTemplate = undefined; verifyLightNode(lights[i]); } } } // load meshes into context for(var i = 0, len = node.meshes.length; i < len; ++i) { var mesh = g_meshMan.getModelByName(node.meshes[i].mesh.name); // mesh.primitive.built = false; this.renderer.createPrimitive(mesh.primitive); } } return true; } this.init = function(){ this.result = []; } } /* * helper comparison functions */ __compareLessThan = function(a, b) { return a < b; } __compareGreaterThan = function(a, b) { return a > b; } /* * scene traversal functor for creating a sorted list */ insertIntoSortedList = function(list, item, comparator) { // insert at the end list.push(item); var len = list.length; // get the active camera var cam = g_Engine.getContext().renderer.cameraManager().getActiveCamera(); // camera z plane var look = [ cam.world[8], cam.world[9], cam.world[10] ]; // to object vector var toObject = [ cam.world[12] - item.node.world[12], cam.world[13] - item.node.world[13], cam.world[14] - item.node.world[14] ]; // get the distance from object to cameras' 'z' plane item.depth = vec3.dot( look, toObject ); // walk down the list of object moving the current item into place until the comparison fails var i = len - 1; var temp = null; for(; i > 0; --i) { if( comparator(item.depth, list[i - 1].depth) ) { temp = list[i - 1] list[i - 1] = list[i]; list[i] = temp; } else { break; } } } /* * Helper function to generate a culled list of geometry for shadow mapping from the mainLights point of view */ shadowCullPass = function( cameraLight, sortCat, compareFunc ) { this.result = []; this.activeCam = cameraLight; this.bucketType = sortCat; this.compare = compareFunc; this.process = function(node, parent) { // test visibility if( node.bbox_world && node.bbox_world.isValid() ) { if( !node.bbox_world.isVisible(this.activeCam.frustum) ) { return false; } } if(node.materialNode && node.materialNode.sortCategory == this.bucketType) { insertIntoSortedList(this.result, { 'context': new RenderContext(),'node': node,'parent': parent }, this.compare); } return true; } this.init = function(){ this.result = []; } } /* * Helper function to create a list sorted front to back as would be used by an opaque render list * note: this is an insertion sort designed to create a new sorted list, not sort an existing list (optimization) */ insertFrontToBack = function( list, item) { insertIntoSortedList(list, item, __compareLessThan); } /* * Helper function to create a list sorted back to front as would be used by an transparent render list * note: this is an insertion sort designed to create a new sorted list, not sort an existing list (optimization) */ insertBackToFront = function(list, item) { insertIntoSortedList(list, item, __compareGreaterThan); } // sort map this.sortFunc = []; this.sortFunc[this.bckTypes.BACKGROUND] = function(list, item){ list.push(item); }; this.sortFunc[this.bckTypes.OPAQUE] = insertFrontToBack; this.sortFunc[this.bckTypes.TRANSPARENT] = insertBackToFront; this.sortFunc[this.bckTypes.ADDITIVE] = insertBackToFront; this.sortFunc[this.bckTypes.TRANSLUCENT] = insertBackToFront; this.sortFunc[this.bckTypes.FOREGROUND] = function(list, item){ list.push(item); }; } /* * functor must have 'process(node, parent)' function defined, it takes a scene transform node, and the parent */ SceneGraph.prototype.Traverse = function(functor, isDepthFirst) { if(this.scene==null) { window.console.log("traversing a NULL scene!"); return; } if(functor.init) functor.init(); if(isDepthFirst) { this._TraverseDFHelper(functor,this.scene); } else { this._TraverseBFHelper(functor,this.scene); } } /* * adds a transform node under the root of the scene */ SceneGraph.prototype.addNode = function( trNode ) { verifyTransformNode(trNode); this.scene.children.push({transformNode:trNode}); } /* * adds a transform node under the root of the scene */ SceneGraph.prototype.insertUnder = function( targetNode, newNode ) { verifyTransformNode(targetNode); targetNode.insertAsChild(newNode); } /* * adds a transform node under the root of the scene */ SceneGraph.prototype.insertAbove = function( targetNode, newNode ) { verifyTransformNode(targetNode); targetNode.insertAsParent(newNode); } /* * locates a node by name * @return returns the node if found or null otherwise */ SceneGraph.prototype.getNode = function(nodeName) { var functor = new findNodeByName(nodeName); this.Traverse(functor, true); return functor.result; } /* * locates a node by name * @return returns a list of all node with the name requested */ SceneGraph.prototype.getNodes = function(nodeName) { var functor = new buildNodeList(nodeName); this.Traverse(functor, true); return functor.result; } /* * locates a node by name * @return returns a list of all node with the name requested */ SceneGraph.prototype.getNodesRegex = function( re ) { if( typeof re == "string") { re = new RegExp(re); } var functor = new buildNodeListRegex(re); this.Traverse(functor, true); return functor.result; } /* * Depth first Traverse helper */ SceneGraph.prototype._TraverseDFHelper=function(functor,node,parent) { if(node.children!='undefined') { var queue=[]; queue.push({ 'node': node,'parent': null }); while(queue.length>0) { // pop the head and process it var trNode=queue.pop(); var tr=trNode.node; var parent=trNode.parent; if(tr.transformNode!==undefined) { tr=tr.transformNode; if(functor.process(tr,parent) === false) { continue; } } if(tr.children===undefined) continue; // push on kids for(var kid=0;kid0) { top = queue.length; var topNode = tr.children[ top - 1 ]; var len = topNode.children == undefined ? 0 : topNode.children.length; // push on children for(var child=0; child < len; ++child) { queue.push({ 'node': tr.children[child],'parent': tr}); } // did we push anything on? if(len > 0 ) continue; // pop the head and process it var trNode=queue.pop(); var tr=trNode.node; var parent=trNode.parent; if(tr.transformNode!==undefined) { tr=tr.transformNode; functor.process(tr,parent); } } } } /* * Depth first post process Traverse helper */ SceneGraph.prototype.BuildBVHHelper=function(node) { if(node.children!='undefined') { if (node.bbox_world) node.bbox_world.reset(); else node.bbox_world = new box(); if(node.local == undefined) { node.local = mat4.identity(); } var queue=[]; var idIndex = 0; node.id = "root"; queue.push({ 'node': node, 'xfrm' : mat4.identity(), 'parent': null, 'visited':false}); var top = queue.length; var topIndex = 0; while(top>0) { // update the top top = queue.length; topIndex = top - 1; var curNode = queue[ topIndex ].node.transformNode == undefined ? queue[ topIndex ].node : queue[ topIndex ].node.transformNode; var parentXfrm = queue[ topIndex ].xfrm; var parent = queue[ topIndex ].parent; var visited = queue[ topIndex ].visited; if(curNode.id == undefined) curNode.id = "id"+idIndex; if(!visited) { // Copy the parent's world mat and setup bounding box if (curNode.local !== undefined) { if (curNode.bbox_world) curNode.bbox_world.reset(); else curNode.bbox_world = new box(); var bbox = this.GetBBoxForNode(curNode); // transform child node by parent curNode.world = mat4.mul(curNode.local, parentXfrm); if(bbox) { // update bounding box position curNode.bbox_world = bbox.transform(curNode.world); } // make sure the nodes have a bounding volume so they dont impede the propagation if( !bbox || !bbox.isValid()) { var dummybb = new box(); dummybb.set(0,0); curNode.bbox_world = dummybb; } } // child count var len = curNode.children == undefined ? 0 : curNode.children.length; // push on children for(var child=0; child < len; ++child) { queue.push({ 'node': curNode.children[child],'xfrm':curNode.world, 'parent': curNode, 'visited':false}); } idIndex++; // did we push anything on if so then this is not a leaf and we dont pop? if(len > 0 ) continue; } // propagate the bounding volume up the hierarchy if( parent && parent.bbox_world && parent.bbox_world.isValid() && curNode.bbox_world && curNode.bbox_world.isValid()) { parent.bbox_world.addBox(curNode.bbox_world); } // remove top node queue.pop(); // update the top top = queue.length; if(top > 0) { // if the previous node in the stack/queue was the parent of this node, then mark the parent as visited var prevNode = queue[ top - 1 ].node.transformNode == undefined ? queue[ top - 1 ].node : queue[ top - 1 ].node.transformNode; if(prevNode.id == parent.id) queue[ top - 1 ].visited = true; } } } } /* * Breadth first Traverse helper */ SceneGraph.prototype._TraverseBFHelper = function(functor, node) { if (node.children != 'undefined') { var queue = []; queue.push( { 'node': node, 'parent' : null } ); while (queue.length > 0) { // pop the head and process it var trNode = queue.shift(); var tr = trNode.node; var parent = trNode.parent; if (tr.transformNode !== undefined) { tr = tr.transformNode; functor.process(tr, parent); } if (tr.children === undefined) continue; // push on kids for (var kid = 0; kid < tr.children.length; ++kid) { queue.push( { 'node' : tr.children[kid], 'parent' : tr }); } } } } /* * Update the scene */ SceneGraph.prototype.update = function(dt) { var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; g_Engine.getContext().debug.mat4CallCount = 0; // animation update... var i = this.animstack.length - 1; while( i >= 0 ) { this.animstack[i].step(dt); --i; } this.BuildBVHHelper(this.scene); g_particleSystemManager.update(dt); // Set camera transform if(!g_enableFlyCam) { var activeCam = renderer.cameraManager().getActiveCamera(); if(activeCam.controller != null && activeCam.controller.world != undefined) { activeCam.setWorld( activeCam.controller.world ); } // Set camera transform if(!g_enableFlyCam) { var activeCam = renderer.cameraManager().getActiveCamera(); this.tick++; } } this.tick++; } /* * Render the scene */ SceneGraph.prototype.render = function(renderProc, forceThisProc) { if(this.scene.children.length == 0) return; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; g_drawCount = 0; rdgeGlobalParameters.u_shadowLightFarZ.set([this.mainLight.zFar()]); this.renderList = this._RenderDFHelper(renderer, renderProc, this.scene, forceThisProc); if(this.shadowsEnabled) { this.Traverse(this.shadowCuller, true); this.shadowRenderList = this.shadowCuller.result; } this.renderGraph.render(this); g_particleSystemManager.render(); if(this.drawTag) this.drawTag.innerHTML = 'Draws/frame: ' + g_drawCount + '| mat4 bind: ' + g_Engine.getContext().debug.mat4CallCount + ''; } /* * Returns the bbox for the passed node, if present */ SceneGraph.prototype.GetBBoxForNode = function(tr) { var bbox = null; if (tr.materialNode && tr.materialNode.meshNode) { var mesh = tr.materialNode.meshNode.mesh; var model = null; model = g_meshMan.getModelByName(mesh.name); if (model != null) bbox = model.bbox; } return bbox; } /* * Depth first Traverse Render helper */ SceneGraph.prototype._RenderDFHelper = function(renderer, renderProc, node, forceThisProc) { renderList = []; renderList[this.bckTypes.BACKGROUND] =[]; //BACKGROUND renderList[this.bckTypes.OPAQUE] =[]; //OPAQUE renderList[this.bckTypes.TRANSPARENT] =[]; //TRANSPARENT renderList[this.bckTypes.ADDITIVE] =[]; //ADDITIVE renderList[this.bckTypes.TRANSLUCENT] =[]; //TRANSLUCENT renderList[this.bckTypes.FOREGROUND] =[]; //FOREGROUND if (node.children != 'undefined') { var queue_bf = []; // // Render Pass // // the context - default settings var _Ctx = g_Engine.defaultContext; // last depth in tree var lastAppliedID = 0; var isRoot = true, isVisible = true, contextDirty = true; queue_bf.push({ 'node': node, 'curCtx': _Ctx }); var activeCam = renderer.cameraManager().getActiveCamera(); while (queue_bf.length > 0) { isVisible = true; // pop the head and process it var trNode = queue_bf.pop(); var tr = trNode.node; // default context var curCtx = new RenderContext(); curCtx.Load(trNode.curCtx); // flatten out matrices gather render context from material and render if(tr.transformNode!==undefined) { tr=tr.transformNode; // if transform exist we need to use it as our current node to check for kids if(tr.hide!==undefined&&tr.hide==true) { continue; } g_sceneStats.nodesVisited.value++; // test visibility if(this.frustumCulling && tr.bbox_world && tr.bbox_world.isValid()) { if(!tr.bbox_world.isVisible(activeCam.frustum)) { g_sceneStats.nodesCulled.value++; continue; } } g_sceneStats.nodesVisible.value++; curCtx.shaderProg= this.jdefShaderProgram; var renderBucket = rdgeConstants.categoryEnumeration.OPAQUE; // get material if its available if(tr.materialNode) { renderBucket = tr.materialNode.sortCategory; // set shader to use if(tr.materialNode.shaderProgram !== undefined) { curCtx.shaderProg=tr.materialNode.shaderProgram; // use whats on the node if we are not beinged forced } if(tr.materialNode.textureList!==undefined) { curCtx.textureList = tr.materialNode.textureList.slice(); } if(tr.materialNode.uniforms.length>0) { curCtx.uniforms=tr.materialNode.uniforms.slice(); } var len = tr.materialNode.lightChannel.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { if(tr.materialNode.lightChannel[i]) curCtx.lights[i] = tr.materialNode.lightChannel[i]; } } // push onto deferred render list this.sortFunc[renderBucket](renderList[renderBucket], { 'context': curCtx,'node': tr,'parent': parent }); g_drawCount++; } if (tr.children === undefined) continue; // push on kids var numKids = tr.children.length; for (var kid = 0; kid < numKids; ++kid) { queue_bf.push({ 'node': tr.children[kid], 'curCtx': curCtx }); } } } return renderList; } SceneGraph.prototype.enableShadows = function( areEnabled ) { if( areEnabled ) { var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; this.shadowCuller = new shadowCullPass(this.mainLight, rdgeConstants.categoryEnumeration.OPAQUE, function(a, b) { return a < b; }); this.mainLight.init(); // lights position and point of view this.mainLight.setPerspective(45.0, renderer.vpWidth/renderer.vpHeight, 1.0, 200.0); this.mainLight.setLookAt([-60,17,-15],[-5,-5,15],vec3.up()); // setup light params rdgeGlobalParameters.u_shadowLightWorld.set( this.mainLight.world ); rdgeGlobalParameters.u_vShadowLight.set( this.mainLight.view ); var shadowMatrix = mat4.identity(); shadowMatrix = mat4.scale( shadowMatrix, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ); shadowMatrix = mat4.translate( shadowMatrix, [0.5, 0.5, 0.5] ); rdgeGlobalParameters.u_shadowBiasMatrix.set( shadowMatrix ); var BiasProjViewMat = mat4.mul( this.mainLight.proj, shadowMatrix ); BiasProjViewMat = mat4.mul( this.mainLight.view, BiasProjViewMat ); rdgeGlobalParameters.u_shadowBPV.set( BiasProjViewMat ); this.shadowsEnabled = true; } else { this.mainLight = null; this.shadowsEnabled = false; } } SceneGraph.prototype.exportJSON = function() { objMap = []; function replacer(key, value) { if(key == 'bbox_world') { return null; } // else if(key === 'image') // { // return "image"; // } else if(key === 'parent') { return "parent"; } // for(var i = 0, len = objMap.length; i < len; ++i) // { // if((value && typeof value === "object" && !value.jsonExportName && value === objMap[i]) || (value && value.baseURI !== undefined)) // { // return 'replaced'; // } // } // // if(value && value.baseURI === undefined && typeof value === "object" && !value.lookUpName) // objMap.push(value); return value; } var val = {'scene':null, 'meshes':null}; val.scene = JSON.stringify(this.scene, replacer); val.meshes = g_meshMan.exportJSON(); val = JSON.stringify(val); return val; } SceneGraph.prototype.importJSON = function ( jsonScene ) { try { if(jsonScene) { var sceneImport = JSON.parse(jsonScene); if(sceneImport) { this.scene = JSON.parse(sceneImport.scene); if(sceneImport.meshes) { g_meshMan.importJSON(sceneImport.meshes); } if(this.scene) { // traverse the scene, re-creating missing components var importer = new importScene(); this.Traverse(importer, true); window.console.log("scene imported"); } } } }catch(e) { window.console.error("error importing JSON scene: " + e.description); } }