/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /** @module js/document/documentManager @requires montage/core/core @requires montage/ui/component @requires js/document/html-document @requires js/document/text-document */ // TODO : Fix deps from Montage V4 Archi var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component, Uuid = require("montage/core/uuid").Uuid; var HTMLDocument = require("js/io/document/html-document").HTMLDocument; var TextDocument = require("js/io/document/text-document").TextDocument; var DocumentController = exports.DocumentController = Montage.create(Component, { hasTemplate: { value: false }, _documents: { value: [] }, _documentsHash: { value: {} }, _activeDocument: { value: null }, _iframeCounter: { value: 1, enumerable: false }, _iframeHolder: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _textHolder: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _codeMirrorCounter: {value: 1, enumerable: false}, _codeEditor: { value: { "editor": { value: null, enumerable: false }, "hline": { value: null, enumerable: false } } }, activeDocument: { get: function() { return this._activeDocument; }, set: function(doc) { if(this._activeDocument) { if(this.activeDocument.documentType === "htm" || this.activeDocument.documentType === "html") { // TODO selection should use the document own selectionModel //this._activeDocument.selectionModel = selectionManagerModule.selectionManager._selectedItems; } this._activeDocument.isActive = false; } if(this._documents.indexOf(doc) === -1) { //this._documentsHash[doc.uuid] = this._documents.push(doc) - 1; this._documents.push(doc); } this._activeDocument = doc; this._activeDocument.isActive = true; if(this.activeDocument.documentType === "htm" || this.activeDocument.documentType === "html") { // TODO selection should use the document own selectionModel //selectionManagerModule.selectionManager._selectedItems = this._activeDocument.selectionModel; } } }, deserializedFromTemplate: { value: function() { this.eventManager.addEventListener("appLoaded", this, false); } }, handleAppLoaded: { value: function() { this.openDocument({"type": "html"}); } }, /** Open a Document **/ openDocument: { value: function(doc) { var d; if(!doc) return false; try { if (doc.type === 'html' || doc.type === 'htm') { d = Montage.create(HTMLDocument); d.initialize(doc, Uuid.generate(), this._createIframeElement(), this._onOpenDocument); } else { d = Montage.create(TextDocument); d.initialize(doc, Uuid.generate(), this._createTextAreaElement(), this._onOpenTextDocument); } } catch (err) { console.log("Could not open Document ", err); } } }, closeDocument: { value: function(id) { var doc = this._findDocumentByUUID(id); this._removeDocumentView(doc.container); this._documents.splice(this._findIndexByUUID(id), 1); if(this.activeDocument.uuid === id && this._documents.length > 0) { this.switchDocument(this._documents[0].uuid) } } }, switchDocument: { value: function(id) { this._hideCurrentDocument(); this.activeDocument = this._findDocumentByUUID(id); this.application.ninja.stage._scrollFlag = false; // TODO HACK to prevent type error on Hide/Show Iframe this._showCurrentDocument(); if(this.activeDocument.documentType === "htm" || this.activeDocument.documentType === "html") { this.application.ninja.stage._scrollFlag = true; // TODO HACK to prevent type error on Hide/Show Iframe // TODO dispatch event here // appDelegateModule.MyAppDelegate.onSetActiveDocument(); } } }, switchViews: { value: function() { this.application.ninja.stage.saveScroll(); this._hideCurrentDocument(); if(this.activeDocument.currentView === "design") { this._textHolder.style.display = "none"; this.activeDocument.container.style["display"] = "block"; this.application.ninja.stage._scrollFlag = true; //this._showCurrentDocument(); this.application.ninja.stage.restoreScroll(); } else { this.application.ninja.stage._scrollFlag = false; // TODO HACK to prevent type error on Hide/Show Iframe var codeview = this._createTextAreaElement(); this._textHolder.style.display = "block"; codeview.firstChild.innerHTML = this.activeDocument.iframe.contentWindow.document.body.parentNode.innerHTML; this._codeEditor.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(codeview.firstChild, { lineNumbers: true, mode: "htmlmixed", onCursorActivity: function() { DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(DocumentManager._codeEditor.hline, null); DocumentManager._codeEditor.hline = DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.getCursor().line, "activeline"); } }); this._codeEditor.hline = DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(0, "activeline"); } } }, // Document has been loaded into the Iframe. Dispatch the event. // Event Detail: Contains the current ActiveDocument _onOpenDocument: { value: function(doc){ //var data = DocumentManager.activeDocument; //DocumentManager._hideCurrentDocument(); //stageManagerModule.stageManager.toggleCanvas(); DocumentController.activeDocument = doc; NJevent("onOpenDocument", doc); // appDelegateModule.MyAppDelegate.onSetActiveDocument(); } }, _onOpenTextDocument: { value: function(doc) { DocumentManager._hideCurrentDocument(); this.application.ninja.stage._scrollFlag = false; // TODO HACK to prevent type error on Hide/Show Iframe DocumentManager.activeDocument = doc; var type; switch(doc.documentType) { case "css" : type = "css"; break; case "js" : type = "javascript"; break; } DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(doc.textArea, { lineNumbers: true, mode: type, onCursorActivity: function() { DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(DocumentManager._codeEditor.hline, null); DocumentManager._codeEditor.hline = DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.getCursor().line, "activeline"); } }); DocumentManager._codeEditor.hline = DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(0, "activeline"); } }, /** * VIEW Related Methods */ // PUBLIC ShowActiveDocument: { value: function() { this.activeDocument.iframe.style.opacity = 1.0; } }, // PRIVATE _findDocumentByUUID: { value: function(uuid) { var len = this._documents.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(this._documents[i].uuid === uuid) return this._documents[i]; } return false; } }, _findIndexByUUID: { value: function(uuid) { var len = this._documents.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(this._documents[i].uuid === uuid) return i; } return false; } }, _hideCurrentDocument: { value: function() { if(this.activeDocument) { this.activeDocument.container.style["display"] = "none"; if(this.activeDocument.documentType === "htm" || this.activeDocument.documentType === "html") this.application.ninja.stage.toggleCanvas(); } } }, _showCurrentDocument: { value: function() { if(this.activeDocument) { this.activeDocument.container.style["display"] = "block"; if(this.activeDocument.documentType === "htm" || this.activeDocument.documentType === "html") this.application.ninja.stage.toggleCanvas(); } } }, _removeDocumentView: { value: function(node) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } }, reloadDocumentContent: { value: function() { this.activeDocument._window.location.reload(); } }, /** * Creates a new iFrame element using a new unique ID for it. Returns the iframe ID. */ _createIframeElement: { value: function() { var e = document.createElement("iframe"); e.id = this._createIframeID(); e.style.border = "none"; e.style.opacity = 0; e.height = 1000; e.width = 2000; e.src = ""; if(!this._iframeHolder) this._iframeHolder = document.getElementById("iframeContainer"); this._iframeHolder.appendChild(e); return e; } }, _createIframeID: { value: function() { return "userDocument_" + (this._iframeCounter++); } }, _createTextAreaElement: { value: function() { var codeMirrorDiv = document.createElement("div"); codeMirrorDiv.id = "codeMirror_" + (this._codeMirrorCounter++); var textArea = document.createElement("textarea"); textArea.id = "code"; textArea.name = "code"; codeMirrorDiv.appendChild(textArea); if(!this._textHolder) this._textHolder = document.getElementById("codeViewContainer"); this._textHolder.appendChild(codeMirrorDiv); return codeMirrorDiv; } } });