/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /** @module js/document/documentManager @requires montage/core/core @requires montage/ui/component @requires js/document/html-document @requires js/document/text-document */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component, Uuid = require("montage/core/uuid").Uuid, HTMLDocument = require("js/io/document/html-document").HTMLDocument, TextDocument = require("js/io/document/text-document").TextDocument; var DocumentController = exports.DocumentController = Montage.create(Component, { hasTemplate: { value: false }, _documents: { value: [] }, _activeDocument: { value: null }, _iframeCounter: { value: 1, enumerable: false }, _iframeHolder: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _textHolder: { value: null, enumerable: false }, _codeMirrorCounter: {value: 1, enumerable: false}, tmpSourceForTesting: { value: "function CodeMirror(place, givenOptions) {" + "// Determine effective options based on given values and defaults." + "var options = {}, defaults = CodeMirror.defaults; }" }, activeDocument: { get: function() { return this._activeDocument; }, set: function(doc) { if(this._activeDocument) this._activeDocument.isActive = false; if(this._documents.indexOf(doc) === -1) this._documents.push(doc); this._activeDocument = doc; this._activeDocument.isActive = true; if(!!this._activeDocument.editor){ this._activeDocument.editor.focus(); } } }, deserializedFromTemplate: { value: function() { this.eventManager.addEventListener("appLoaded", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("executeFileOpen", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("executeNewFile", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("executeSave", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("recordStyleChanged", this, false); // Temporary testing opening a new file after Ninja has loaded this.eventManager.addEventListener("executeNewProject", this, false); } }, handleAppLoaded: { value: function() { //this.openDocument({"type": "html"}); } }, handleExecuteNewProject: { value: function() { this.openDocument({"type": "html"}); } }, handleExecuteFileOpen: { value: function(event) { var pickerSettings = event._event.settings || {}; pickerSettings.callback = this.openFileWithURI.bind(this); pickerSettings.pickerMode = "read"; pickerSettings.inFileMode = true; this.application.ninja.filePickerController.showFilePicker(pickerSettings); } }, handleExecuteNewFile: { value: function(event) { var newFileSettings = event._event.settings || {}; newFileSettings.callback = this.createNewFile.bind(this); this.application.ninja.newFileController.showNewFileDialog(newFileSettings); } }, handleExecuteSave: { value: function(event) { this.activeDocument.save(); } }, createNewFile:{ value:function(newFileObj){ //console.log(newFileObj);//contains the template uri and the new file uri if(!newFileObj) return; this.application.ninja.ioMediator.fileNew(newFileObj.newFilePath, newFileObj.fileTemplateUri, this.openNewFileCallback.bind(this)); if((newFileObj.fileExtension !== ".html") && (newFileObj.fileExtension !== ".htm")){//open code view } else { //open design view } } }, /** * Public method * doc contains: * type : file type, like js, css, etc * name : file name * source : file content * uri : file uri */ openNewFileCallback:{ value:function(doc){ var response = doc || null;//default just for testing if(!!response && response.success && !!response.uri){ this.application.ninja.ioMediator.fileOpen(response.uri, this.openFileCallback.bind(this)); } } }, openFileWithURI: { value: function(uriArrayObj) { var uri = "", fileContent = "", response=null, filename="", fileType="js"; if(!!uriArrayObj && !!uriArrayObj.uri && (uriArrayObj.uri.length > 0)){ uri = uriArrayObj.uri[0]; } //console.log("URI is: ", uri); if(!!uri){ this.application.ninja.ioMediator.fileOpen(uri, this.openFileCallback.bind(this)); } } }, /** * Public method */ openFileCallback:{ value:function(response){ //Return Object Description // Object.status (Always presents for handling) // 204: File exists (Success) // 404: File does not exists (Failure) // 500: Unknown (Probably cloud API not running) // // (Below only present if succesfull 204) // // Object.content // Object.extension // Object.name // Object.uri // Object.creationDate // Object.modifiedDate // Object.readOnly // Object.size var fileDetails = {}; if(!!response && (response.status === 204)){ /** * fileDetails format: * {"type": "js", "name": "test", "source": fileContent, "uri": uri} */ fileDetails.type = response.extension; fileDetails.source = response.content; fileDetails.name = response.name; fileDetails.uri = response.uri; this.openDocument(fileDetails); }else if(!!response && (response.status === 404)){ alert("Unable to open file.\n [Error: File does not exist]"); }else if(!!response && (response.status === 500)){ alert("Unable to open file.\n Check if Ninja Local Cloud is running."); }else{ alert("Unable to open file."); } } }, openProjectWithURI: { value: function(uri) { console.log("URI is: ", uri); } }, /** Open a Document **/ openDocument: { value: function(doc) { var newDoc; if(!doc) return false; // try { if (doc.type === 'html' || doc.type === 'htm') { newDoc = Montage.create(HTMLDocument); newDoc.initialize(doc, Uuid.generate(), this._createIframeElement(), this._onOpenDocument); } else { newDoc = Montage.create(TextDocument, { "source": { value: doc.source } }); var docUuid = Uuid.generate(); var textArea = this.application.ninja.stage.stageView.createTextAreaElement(docUuid); newDoc.initialize(doc, docUuid, textArea, textArea.parentNode); // Tmp this will be filled with the real content newDoc.textArea.value = doc.source; //this.tmpSourceForTesting; this.textDocumentOpened(newDoc); } // } catch (err) { // console.log("Could not open Document ", err); // } } }, textDocumentOpened: { value: function(doc) { this.application.ninja.stage.stageView.createTextView(doc); /* DocumentManager._hideCurrentDocument(); stageManagerModule.stageManager._scrollFlag = false; // TODO HACK to prevent type error on Hide/Show Iframe DocumentManager.activeDocument = doc; var type; switch(doc.documentType) { case "css" : type = "css"; break; case "js" : type = "javascript"; break; } DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(doc.textArea, { lineNumbers: true, mode: type, onCursorActivity: function() { DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(DocumentManager._codeEditor.hline, null); DocumentManager._codeEditor.hline = DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.getCursor().line, "activeline"); } }); DocumentManager._codeEditor.hline = DocumentManager._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(0, "activeline"); */ } }, closeDocument: { value: function(id) { if(this.activeDocument.dirtyFlag === true){ //if file dirty then alert user to save } var doc = this._findDocumentByUUID(id); this._removeDocumentView(doc.container); var closeDocumentIndex = this._findIndexByUUID(id); this._documents.splice(this._findIndexByUUID(id), 1); if(this.activeDocument.uuid === id && this._documents.length > 0) { var nextDocumentIndex = -1 ; if((this._documents.length > 0) && (closeDocumentIndex === 0)){ nextDocumentIndex = 1; }else if((this._documents.length > 0) && (closeDocumentIndex > 0)){ nextDocumentIndex = closeDocumentIndex - 1; } this.application.ninja.stage.stageView.switchDocument(this._documents[nextDocumentIndex]); } } }, // Document has been loaded into the Iframe. Dispatch the event. // Event Detail: Contains the current ActiveDocument _onOpenDocument: { value: function(doc){ //var data = DocumentManager.activeDocument; //DocumentManager._hideCurrentDocument(); //stageManagerModule.stageManager.toggleCanvas(); DocumentController.activeDocument = doc; NJevent("onOpenDocument", doc); // appDelegateModule.MyAppDelegate.onSetActiveDocument(); } }, _onOpenTextDocument: { value: function(doc) { this._hideCurrentDocument(); this.application.ninja.stage._scrollFlag = false; // TODO HACK to prevent type error on Hide/Show Iframe this.activeDocument = doc; var type; switch(doc.documentType) { case "css" : type = "css"; break; case "js" : type = "javascript"; break; } DocumentController._codeEditor.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(doc.textArea, { lineNumbers: true, mode: type, onCursorActivity: function() { DocumentController._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(DocumentController._codeEditor.hline, null); DocumentController._codeEditor.hline = DocumentController._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(DocumentController._codeEditor.editor.getCursor().line, "activeline"); } }); DocumentController._codeEditor.hline = DocumentController._codeEditor.editor.setLineClass(0, "activeline"); } }, /** * VIEW Related Methods */ // PUBLIC ShowActiveDocument: { value: function() { this.activeDocument.iframe.style.opacity = 1.0; } }, // PRIVATE _findDocumentByUUID: { value: function(uuid) { var len = this._documents.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(this._documents[i].uuid === uuid) return this._documents[i]; } return false; } }, _findIndexByUUID: { value: function(uuid) { var len = this._documents.length; for(var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if(this._documents[i].uuid === uuid) return i; } return false; } }, _hideCurrentDocument: { value: function() { if(this.activeDocument) { if(this.activeDocument.currentView === "design"){ this.application.ninja.stage.saveScroll(); this.activeDocument.container.parentNode.style["display"] = "none"; this.application.ninja.stage.hideCanvas(true); this.application.ninja.stage.stageView.hideRulers(); } this.activeDocument.container.style["display"] = "none"; } } }, _showCurrentDocument: { value: function() { if(this.activeDocument) { this.activeDocument.container.style["display"] = "block"; if(this.activeDocument.currentView === "design"){ this.activeDocument.container.parentNode.style["display"] = "block"; this.application.ninja.stage.restoreScroll(); this.application.ninja.stage.hideCanvas(false); this.application.ninja.stage.stageView.showRulers(); } } } }, _removeDocumentView: { value: function(node) { node.parentNode.removeChild(node); } }, reloadDocumentContent: { value: function() { this.activeDocument._window.location.reload(); } }, /** * Creates a new iFrame element using a new unique ID for it. Returns the iframe ID. */ _createIframeElement: { value: function() { var e = document.createElement("iframe"); e.id = this._createIframeID(); e.style.border = "none"; e.style.opacity = 0; e.height = 1000; e.width = 2000; e.src = ""; if(!this._iframeHolder) this._iframeHolder = document.getElementById("iframeContainer"); this._iframeHolder.appendChild(e); return e; } }, _createIframeID: { value: function() { return "userDocument_" + (this._iframeCounter++); } } });