/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var MaterialsModel = require("js/models/materials-model").MaterialsModel; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class GLGeomObj // Super class for all geometry classes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// exports.GeomObj = Object.create(Object.prototype, { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constants /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TODO - Is there a way to make these static constants? GEOM_TYPE_RECTANGLE: { value : 1, writable: false }, GEOM_TYPE_CIRCLE: { value : 2, writable: false }, GEOM_TYPE_LINE: { value : 3, writable: false }, GEOM_TYPE_PATH: { value : 4, writable: false }, GEOM_TYPE_CUBIC_BEZIER: { value : 5, writable: false }, GEOM_TYPE_BRUSH_STROKE: { value : 6, writable: false }, GEOM_TYPE_UNDEFINED: { value : -1, writable: false }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// _matrix: { value : Matrix.I(4), writable: true }, _next: { value : undefined, writable: true }, _prev: { value : undefined, writable: true }, _child: { value : undefined, writable: true }, _parent: { value : undefined, writable: true }, m_world: { value : null, writable: true }, // stroke and fill colors _strokeColor: { value : [0, 0, 0, 0], writable: true }, _fillColor: { value : [0, 0, 0, 0], writable: true }, // stroke and fill materials _fillMaterial: { value : null, writable: true }, _strokeMaterial: { value : null, writable: true }, // Shapes (such as lines) that don't support fill should set this to false canFill: { value : true, writable: true }, // array of primitives - used in RDGE _primArray: { value : [], writable: true }, _materialNodeArray: { value : [], writable: true }, _materialArray: { value : [], writable: true }, _materialTypeArray: { value : [], writable: true }, // the transform node used by RDGE _trNode: { value : null, writable: true }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// getWorld: { value: function() { return this.m_world; } }, setWorld: { value: function(world) { this.m_world = world; } }, getMatrix: { value: function() { return this._matrix.slice(0); } }, setMatrix: { value: function(m) { this._matrix = m.slice(0); } }, getNext: { value: function() { return this._next; } }, setNext: { value: function(next) { this._next = next; } }, getPrev: { value: function() { return this._prev; } }, setPrev: { value: function(prev) { this._prev = prev; } }, getChild: { value: function() { return this._child; } }, setChild: { value: function(child) { this._child = child; } }, getParent: { value: function() { return this._parent; } }, setParent: { value: function(parent) { this._parent = parent; } }, geomType: { value: function() { return this.GEOM_TYPE_UNDEFINED; } }, getPrimitiveArray: { value: function() { return this._primArray; } }, getMaterialNodeArray: { value: function() { return this._materialNodeArray; } }, getMaterialArray: { value: function() { return this._materialArray; } }, getTransformNode: { value: function() { return this._trNode; } }, setTransformNode: { value: function(t) { this._trNode = t; } }, setFillColor: { value: function(c) { this.setMaterialColor(c, "fill"); } }, setStrokeColor: { value: function(c) { this.setMaterialColor(c, "stroke"); } }, /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// setMaterialColor: { value: function(c, type) { var i = 0, nMats = 0; if (c) { if (c.gradientMode) { // Gradient support if (this._materialArray && this._materialTypeArray) { nMats = this._materialArray.length; } if (nMats === this._materialTypeArray.length) { for (i = 0; i < nMats; i++) { if (this._materialTypeArray[i] == type) { this._materialArray[i].setGradientData(c.color); } } } if (type === "fill") { this._fillColor = c; } else { this._strokeColor = c; } } else { if (type === "fill") { this._fillColor = c.slice(0); } else { this._strokeColor = c.slice(0); } if (this._materialArray && this._materialTypeArray) { nMats = this._materialArray.length; if (nMats === this._materialTypeArray.length) { for (i = 0; i < nMats; i++) { if (this._materialTypeArray[i] == type) { this._materialArray[i].setProperty("color", c.slice(0)); } } } } } } else { if (type === "fill") { this._fillColor = null; } else { this._strokeColor = null; } if (this._materialArray && this._materialTypeArray) { nMats = this._materialArray.length; if (nMats === this._materialTypeArray.length) { for (i = 0; i < nMats; i++) { if (this._materialTypeArray[i] == type) { // TODO - Not sure how to set color to null values in shaders this._materialArray[i].setProperty("color", [0, 0, 0, 0]); } } } } } var world = this.getWorld(); if (world) { world.restartRenderLoop(); } } }, makeStrokeMaterial: { value: function() { var strokeMaterial; if (this.getStrokeMaterial()) { strokeMaterial = this.getStrokeMaterial().dup(); } else { strokeMaterial = MaterialsModel.exportFlatMaterial(); } if (strokeMaterial) { strokeMaterial.init(this.getWorld()); } this._materialArray.push(strokeMaterial); this._materialTypeArray.push("stroke"); // don't set the value here. The material editor may set a color directly // to the material without setting this value in the obj. The following // lines of code will clobber the value in the material //if (this._strokeColor) // this.setStrokeColor(this._strokeColor); this._strokeMaterial = strokeMaterial; return strokeMaterial; } }, makeFillMaterial: { value: function() { var fillMaterial; if (this.getFillMaterial()) { fillMaterial = this.getFillMaterial().dup(); } else { fillMaterial = MaterialsModel.exportFlatMaterial(); } if (fillMaterial) { fillMaterial.init(this.getWorld()); } this._materialArray.push(fillMaterial); this._materialTypeArray.push("fill"); // don't set the value here. The material editor may set a color directly // to the material without setting this value in the obj. The following // lines of code will clobber the value in the material //if (this._fillColor) // this.setFillColor(this._fillColor); this._fillMaterial = fillMaterial; return fillMaterial; } }, exportMaterialsJSON: { value: function() { MaterialsModel = require("js/models/materials-model").MaterialsModel; var jObj; if (this._materialArray && this._materialNodeArray && this.getWorld().isWebGL()) { var nMats = this._materialArray.length; if (nMats > 0) { var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < nMats; i++) { var matObj = { 'materialNodeName':this._materialNodeArray[i].name, 'material':this._materialArray[i].exportJSON(), 'type':this._materialTypeArray[i] } arr.push(matObj); } jObj = { 'nMaterials':nMats, 'materials':arr }; } } return jObj; } }, importMaterialsJSON: { value: function(jObj) { MaterialsModel = require("js/models/materials-model").MaterialsModel; this._materialArray = []; this._materialTypeArray = []; if (!jObj) return; var nMaterials = jObj.nMaterials; var matArray = jObj.materials; for (var i = 0; i < nMaterials; i++) { var mat; var matObj = matArray[i].material; var shaderName = matObj.material; switch (shaderName) { case "flat": case "radialGradient": case "linearGradient": case "bumpMetal": case "uber": case "plasma": case "deform": case "water": case "paris": case "raiders": case "tunnel": case "reliefTunnel": case "squareTunnel": case "flag": case "twist": case "fly": case "julia": case "mandel": case "star": case "zinvert": case "keleidoscope": case "radialBlur": case "pulse": case "twistVert": case "taper": mat = MaterialsModel.getMaterialByShader(shaderName); if (mat) mat = mat.dup(); break; default: console.log("material type: " + shaderName + " is not supported"); break; } if (mat) { mat.importJSON(matObj); this._materialArray.push(mat); this._materialTypeArray.push(matObj.type); var type = matArray[i].type; if (type == "fill") this._fillMaterial = mat; else this._strokeMaterial = mat; } } } }, translate: { value: function(v) { var mat = Matrix.Translation(v); //var mat2 = mat.multiply( this._matrix ); //this._matrix = mat2; glmat4.multiply(mat, this._matrix, this._matrix); } }, transform: { value: function(mat) { if (mat) { //this._matrix = mat.multiply( this._matrix ); glmat4.multiply(mat, this._matrix, this._matrix); } } }, setMatrix: { value: function(mat) { var gl = this.getWorld().getGLContext(); if (gl) { gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this.getWorld().getShaderProgram().mvMatrixUniform, false, new Float32Array(mat)); } } }, getGLCenter: { value: function() { // get the normalized device coordinates (NDC) for // all position and dimensions. var world = this.getWorld(); var vpw = world.getViewportWidth(), vph = world.getViewportHeight(); var xNDC = 2*this._xOffset/vpw, yNDC = -2*this._yOffset/vph; var aspect = world.getAspect(); var zn = world.getZNear(), zf = world.getZFar(); var t = zn * Math.tan(world.getFOV() * Math.PI / 360.0), b = -t, r = aspect*t, l = -r; // calculate the object coordinates from their NDC coordinates var z = -world.getViewDistance(); // unproject to get the position of the origin in GL var x = -z*(r-l)/(2.0*zn)*xNDC, y = -z*(t-b)/(2.0*zn)*yNDC; z = 0.0; // transform by the object's transformation matrix var ctr = MathUtils.transformPoint( [x, y, z], this.getMatrix() ); return ctr; } }, preViewToGL: { value: function(preViewPt) { // get the normalized device coordinates (NDC) for // all position and dimensions. var world = this.getWorld(); var vpw = world.getViewportWidth(), vph = world.getViewportHeight(); var xNDC = 2*preViewPt[0]/vpw, yNDC = -2*preViewPt[1]/vph; var aspect = world.getAspect(); var zn = world.getZNear(), zf = world.getZFar(); var t = zn * Math.tan(world.getFOV() * Math.PI / 360.0), b = -t, r = aspect*t, l = -r; // calculate the object coordinates from their NDC coordinates var z = -world.getViewDistance(); // unproject to get the position of the origin in GL var x = -z*(r-l)/(2.0*zn)*xNDC, y = -z*(t-b)/(2.0*zn)*yNDC; z = 0.0; // transform by the object's transformation matrix var glPt = MathUtils.transformPoint( [x, y, z], this.getMatrix() ); return glPt; } }, buildBuffers: { value: function() { // this function must be overridden by the base class alert("GLGeomObj.buildBuffers must be overridden by base class"); } }, render: { value: function() { alert("GLGeomObj.render method must be overridden by sub class"); } }, collidesWithPoint: { value: function(x, y) { alert("GLGeomObj.collidesWithPoint method must be overridden by sub class"); } }, getNearPoint: { value: function(pt, dir) { // the alert is not displayed. Objects may choose not to implement this method. //alert( "GLGeomObj.getNearPoint method must be overridden by sub class" ); } }, getNearVertex: { value: function(pt, dir) { // this should be overridden by objects (such as rectangles) that have corners } }, containsPoint: { value: function(pt, dir) { // the alert is not displayed. Objects may choose not to implement this method. //alert( "GLGeomObj.containsPoint method must be overridden by sub class" ); } }, getPropertyFromString: { value: function(prop, str) { var index = str.indexOf(prop); if (index < 0) throw new Error("property " + prop + " not found in string: " + str); var rtnStr = str.substr(index + prop.length); index = rtnStr.indexOf("\n"); if (index >= 0) { rtnStr = rtnStr.substr(0, index); } return rtnStr; } }, // Gradient stops for rgba(255,0,0,1) at 0%; rgba(0,255,0,1) at 33%; rgba(0,0,255,1) at 100% will return // 255,0,0,1@0;0,255,0,1@33;0,0,255,1@100 gradientToString: { value: function(colors) { var rtnStr = ""; if (colors && colors.length) { var c = colors[0], len = colors.length; rtnStr += String(c.value.r + "," + c.value.g + "," + c.value.b + "," + c.value.a + "@" + c.position); for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) { c = colors[i]; rtnStr += ";" + String(c.value.r + "," + c.value.g + "," + c.value.b + "," + c.value.a + "@" + c.position); } } return rtnStr; } }, // Given a gradientStr "255,0,0,1@0;0,255,0,1@33;0,0,255,1@100" will return: // colors array [{position:0, value:{r:255, g:0, b:0, a:1}}, // {position:33, value:{r:0, g:255, b:0, a:1}}, // {position:100, value:{r:0, g:0, b:255, a:1}} // ] stringToGradient: { value: function(gradientStr) { var rtnArr = []; var i, len, stops, stop, c; stops = gradientStr.split(";"); len = stops.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { stop = stops[i].split("@"); c = stop[0].split(","); rtnArr.push({ position:Number(stop[1]), value:{r:Number(c[0]), g:Number(c[1]), b:Number(c[2]), a:Number(c[3])} }); } return rtnArr; } } /* this.export = function() { var rtnStr; return rtnStr; } */ });