/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Material = require("js/lib/rdge/materials/material").Material; var PulseMaterial = require("js/lib/rdge/materials/pulse-material").PulseMaterial; var Texture = require("js/lib/rdge/texture").Texture; var FlagMaterial = function FlagMaterial() { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this._name = "FlagMaterial"; this._shaderName = "flag"; this._texMap = 'assets/images/us_flag.png'; this._time = 0.0; this._dTime = 0.1; this._speed = 1.0; this._waveWidth = 1.0; this._waveHeight = 1.0; this._hasVertexDeformation = true; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Properties /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // all defined in parent PulseMaterial.js // load the local default value this._propNames = ["u_tex0", "u_waveWidth", "u_waveHeight", "u_speed" ]; this._propLabels = ["Texture map", "Wave Width", "Wave Height", "Speed" ]; this._propTypes = ["file", "float", "float", "float" ]; this._propValues = []; this._propValues[ this._propNames[0] ] = this._texMap.slice(0); this._propValues[ this._propNames[1] ] = this._waveWidth; this._propValues[ this._propNames[2] ] = this._waveHeight; this._propValues[ this._propNames[3] ] = this._speed; // a material can be animated or not. default is not. // Any material needing continuous rendering should override this method this.isAnimated = function() { return true; }; this.getShaderDef = function() { return flagMaterialDef; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // duplcate method requirde this.init = function( world ) { // save the world if (world) this.setWorld( world ); // set up the shader this._shader = new RDGE.jshader(); this._shader.def = flagMaterialDef; this._shader.init(); // set up the material node this._materialNode = RDGE.createMaterialNode("flagMaterial" + "_" + world.generateUniqueNodeID()); this._materialNode.setShader(this._shader); this._time = 0; if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) this._shader['default'].u_time.set( [this._time] ); // set the shader values in the shader this.setShaderValues(); this.update( 0 ); } }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RDGE shader // shader spec (can also be loaded from a .JSON file, or constructed at runtime) var flagMaterialDef = {'shaders': { 'defaultVShader':"assets/shaders/Flag.vert.glsl", 'defaultFShader':"assets/shaders/Flag.frag.glsl" }, 'techniques': { 'default': [ { 'vshader' : 'defaultVShader', 'fshader' : 'defaultFShader', // attributes 'attributes' : { 'vert' : { 'type' : 'vec3' }, 'normal' : { 'type' : 'vec3' }, 'texcoord' : { 'type' : 'vec2' } }, // parameters 'params' : { 'u_tex0': { 'type' : 'tex2d' }, 'u_time' : { 'type' : 'float' }, 'u_speed' : { 'type' : 'float' }, 'u_waveWidth' : { 'type' : 'float' }, 'u_waveHeight' : { 'type' : 'float' } }, // render states 'states' : { 'depthEnable' : true, 'offset':[1.0, 0.1] } } ] } }; FlagMaterial.prototype = new PulseMaterial(); if (typeof exports === "object") { exports.FlagMaterial = FlagMaterial; }