This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
var Material = require("js/lib/rdge/materials/material").Material;
var Texture = require("js/lib/rdge/texture").Texture;
// Class GLMaterial
// RDGE representation of a material.
var PulseMaterial = function PulseMaterial()
var MaterialLibrary = require("js/models/materials-model").MaterialsModel;
// initialize the inherited members
this.inheritedFrom = Material;
// Instance variables
this._name = "Pulse";
this._shaderName = "pulse";
this._texMap = 'assets/images/cubelight.png';
this._time = 0.0;
this._dTime = 0.01;
this._glTextures = [];
// Property Accessors
this.isAnimated = function() { return true; };
this.getShaderDef = function() { return pulseMaterialDef; }
// Material Property Accessors
var u_tex0_index = 0,
u_xScale_index = 1,
u_yScale_index = 2,
u_speed_index = 3;
this._propNames = ["u_tex0", "u_xscale", "u_yscale", "u_speed" ];
this._propLabels = ["Texture map", "X Range", "Y Range", "Speed" ];
this._propTypes = ["file", "float", "float", "float"];
this._propValues = [];
this._propValues[ this._propNames[ u_tex0_index] ] = this._texMap.slice(0);
this._propValues[ this._propNames[u_xScale_index] ] = 0.5;
this._propValues[ this._propNames[u_yScale_index] ] = 0.4;
this._propValues[ this._propNames[ u_speed_index] ] = 1.0;
// Methods
// duplicate method required
this.init = function( world )
// save the world
if (world) this.setWorld( world );
// this variable declared above is inherited set to a smaller delta.
// the pulse material runs a little faster
this._dTime = 0.01;
// set up the shader
this._shader = new RDGE.jshader();
this._shader.def = pulseMaterialDef;
// set up the material node
this._materialNode = RDGE.createMaterialNode("pulseMaterial" + "_" + world.generateUniqueNodeID());
this._time = 0;
if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) {
this._shader['default'].u_time.set( [this._time] );
// set the shader values in the shader
this.setResolution( [world.getViewportWidth(),world.getViewportHeight()] );
this.update( 0 );
this.resetToDefault = function()
this._propValues[ this._propNames[ u_tex0_index] ] = this._texMap.slice(0);
this._propValues[ this._propNames[u_xScale_index] ] = 0.5;
this._propValues[ this._propNames[u_yScale_index] ] = 0.4;
this._propValues[ this._propNames[ u_speed_index] ] = 1.0;
var nProps = this._propNames.length;
for (var i=0; i