This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
var MaterialParser = require("js/lib/rdge/materials/material-parser").MaterialParser;
var Material = require("js/lib/rdge/materials/material").Material;
var ShapePrimitive = require("js/lib/geom/shape-primitive").ShapePrimitive;
var RadialGradientMaterial = function RadialGradientMaterial() {
// Instance variables
this._name = "Radial Gradient";
this._shaderName = "radialGradient";
this._defaultColor1 = [1, 0, 0, 1];
this._defaultColor2 = [0, 1, 0, 1];
this._defaultColor3 = [0, 0, 1, 1];
this._defaultColor4 = [0, 1, 1, 1];
this._defaultColorStop1 = 0.0;
this._defaultColorStop2 = 0.3;
this._defaultColorStop3 = 0.6;
this._defaultColorStop4 = 1.0;
// this._defaultColorCount = 4;
this._textureTransform = [1,0,0, 0,1,0, 0,0,1];
// Property Accessors
this.isAnimated = function () { return false; };
this.getShaderDef = function() { return radialGradientMaterialDef; };
// Material Property Accessors
this._propNames = ["u_color1", "u_color2", "u_color3", "u_color4", "u_colorStop1", "u_colorStop2", "u_colorStop3", "u_colorStop4" ];
this._propLabels = ["Color 1", "Color 2", "Color 3", "Color 4", "Color Stop 1", "Color Stop 2", "Color Stop 3", "Color Stop 4" ];
this._propTypes = ["color", "color", "color", "color", "float", "float", "float", "float" ];
this._propValues = [];
this._propValues[this._propNames[0]] = this._defaultColor1.slice(0);
this._propValues[this._propNames[1]] = this._defaultColor2.slice(0);
this._propValues[this._propNames[2]] = this._defaultColor3.slice(0);
this._propValues[this._propNames[3]] = this._defaultColor4.slice(0);
this._propValues[this._propNames[4]] = this._defaultColorStop1;
this._propValues[this._propNames[5]] = this._defaultColorStop2;
this._propValues[this._propNames[6]] = this._defaultColorStop3;
this._propValues[this._propNames[7]] = this._defaultColorStop4;
// Methods
this.init = function (world) {
// set up the shader
this._shader = new RDGE.jshader();
this._shader.def = radialGradientMaterialDef;
// set up the material node
this._materialNode = RDGE.createMaterialNode("radialGradientMaterial" + "_" + world.generateUniqueNodeID());
// set the shader values in the shader
this._shader['default'].u_texTransform.set( this._textureTransform );
this.resetToDefault = function()
this._propValues[this._propNames[0]] = this._defaultColor1.slice(0);
this._propValues[this._propNames[1]] = this._defaultColor2.slice(0);
this._propValues[this._propNames[2]] = this._defaultColor3.slice(0);
this._propValues[this._propNames[3]] = this._defaultColor4.slice(0);
this._propValues[this._propNames[4]] = this._defaultColorStop1;
this._propValues[this._propNames[5]] = this._defaultColorStop2;
this._propValues[this._propNames[6]] = this._defaultColorStop3;
this._propValues[this._propNames[7]] = this._defaultColorStop4;
var nProps = this._propNames.length;
for (var i=0; i dy)
yScale *= dy/dx;
xScale *= dx/dy;
// build the matrix - the translation to the origin, the scale,
// and the translation back to the center (hard coded at (0.5, 0.5) for now).
// the matrix is build directly instead of with matrix multiplications
// for efficiency, not to mention that the multiplication function does
// not exist for mat3's.
// the matrix as laid out below looks transposed - order is columnwise.
var xCtr = 0.5, yCtr = 0.5;
this._textureTransform = [
xScale, 0.0, 0.0,
0.0, yScale, 0.0,
xCtr*(1-xScale), yCtr*(1 - yScale), 1.0
if (this._shader && this._shader['default'])
this._shader['default'].u_texTransform.set( this._textureTransform );
this.fitToPrimitiveArray = function( primArray )
if (!primArray) return;
var nPrims = primArray.length;
if (nPrims == 0) return;
var bounds = ShapePrimitive.getBounds( primArray[0] );
for (var i=1; i bounds[3]) bounds[3] = b2[3];
if (b2[4] > bounds[4]) bounds[4] = b2[4];
if (b2[5] > bounds[5]) bounds[5] = b2[5];
this.fitToBounds( bounds );
this.fitToPrimitive = function( prim )
var bounds = ShapePrimitive.getBounds( prim );
this.fitToBounds( bounds );
this.customExport = function( jObj )
jObj.u_texTransform = this._textureTransform.slice();
return jObj;
// RDGE shader
// shader spec (can also be loaded from a .JSON file, or constructed at runtime)
var radialGradientMaterialDef =
{ 'shaders':
'defaultVShader': "assets/shaders/radialGradient.vert.glsl",
'defaultFShader': "assets/shaders/radialGradient.frag.glsl"
'vshader': 'defaultVShader',
'fshader': 'defaultFShader',
// attributes
'vert': { 'type': 'vec3' },
'normal': { 'type': 'vec3' },
'texcoord': { 'type': 'vec2' }
// parameters
'u_color1': { 'type': 'vec4' },
'u_color2': { 'type': 'vec4' },
'u_color3': { 'type': 'vec4' },
'u_color4': { 'type': 'vec4' },
'u_colorStop1': { 'type': 'float' },
'u_colorStop2': { 'type': 'float' },
'u_colorStop3': { 'type': 'float' },
'u_colorStop4': { 'type': 'float' },
'u_texTransform': { 'type' : 'mat3' }
//'u_colorCount': {'type' : 'int' }
// render states
'depthEnable': true,
'offset': [1.0, 0.1]
RadialGradientMaterial.prototype = new Material();
if (typeof exports === "object") {
exports.RadialGradientMaterial = RadialGradientMaterial;