/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Material = require("js/lib/rdge/materials/material").Material; var Texture = require("js/lib/rdge/texture").Texture; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class GLMaterial // RDGE representation of a material. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var TaperMaterial = function TaperMaterial() { // initialize the inherited members this.inheritedFrom = Material; this.inheritedFrom(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this._name = "TaperMaterial"; this._shaderName = "taper"; this._deltaTime = 0.0; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property Accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.getShaderName = function () { return this._shaderName; }; this.isAnimated = function () { return true; }; this.getShaderDef = function() { return taperShaderDef; }; this.getTechniqueName = function() { return 'colorMe' }; this.hasVertexDeformation = function () { return this._hasVertexDeformation; }; this._hasVertexDeformation = true; this._vertexDeformationTolerance = 0.02; // should be a property /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.init = function (world) { this.setWorld(world); // set up the shader this._shader = new RDGE.jshader(); this._shader.def = taperShaderDef; this._shader.init(); // set up the material node this._materialNode = RDGE.createMaterialNode("taperMaterial" + "_" + world.generateUniqueNodeID()); this._materialNode.setShader(this._shader); this._time = 0; if (this._shader && this._shader['default']) { this._shader['default'].u_time.set([this._time]); } // initialize the taper properties this.setShaderValues(); }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Material Property Accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this._propNames = [ "u_limit1", "u_limit2", "u_limit3", "u_minVal", "u_maxVal", "u_center", "u_taperAmount", "u_speed" ]; this._propLabels = [ "Minimum Parameter Value", "Center Paramater Value", "Maximum Parameter Value", "Minimum Data Bounds", "Maximum Data Bounds", "Center", "Taper Amount", "Speed" ]; this._propTypes = [ "float", "float", "float", "float", "float", "float", "float", "float" ]; this._propValues = []; // initialize the property values this._propValues[this._propNames[0]] = 0.25; this._propValues[this._propNames[1]] = 0.50; this._propValues[this._propNames[2]] = 0.75; this._propValues[this._propNames[3]] = -1; this._propValues[this._propNames[4]] = 1; this._propValues[this._propNames[5]] = 0.0; this._propValues[this._propNames[6]] = 0.9; this._propValues[this._propNames[7]] = 1.0; this.update = function (time) { var speed = this._propValues["u_speed"]; this._deltaTime += 0.01 * speed; if (this._shader && this._shader.colorMe) { var t3 = this._propValues["u_limit3"] - this._deltaTime; if (t3 < 0) { this._deltaTime = this._propValues["u_limit1"] - 1.0; t3 = this._propValues["u_limit3"] - this._deltaTime; } var t1 = this._propValues["u_limit1"] - this._deltaTime, t2 = this._propValues["u_limit2"] - this._deltaTime; this._shader.colorMe["u_limit1"].set([t1]); this._shader.colorMe["u_limit2"].set([t2]); this._shader.colorMe["u_limit3"].set([t3]); } }; }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RDGE shader // shader spec (can also be loaded from a .JSON file, or constructed at runtime) taperShaderDef = { 'shaders': { // shader files 'defaultVShader': "assets/shaders/Taper.vert.glsl", 'defaultFShader': "assets/shaders/Taper.frag.glsl" }, 'techniques': { // rendering control 'colorMe': [ // simple color pass { 'vshader': 'defaultVShader', 'fshader': 'defaultFShader', // attributes 'attributes': { 'vert': { 'type': 'vec3' }, 'normal': { 'type': 'vec3' }, 'texcoord': { 'type': 'vec2' } }, // attributes 'params': { 'u_limit1': { 'type': 'float' }, 'u_limit2': { 'type': 'float' }, 'u_limit3': { 'type': 'float' }, 'u_minVal': { 'type': 'float' }, 'u_maxVal': { 'type': 'float' }, 'u_center': { 'type': 'float' }, 'u_taperAmount': { 'type': 'float' }, 'u_speed': { 'type': 'float' } } } ] } }; if (typeof exports === "object") { exports.TaperMaterial = TaperMaterial; }