/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ //var RuntimeGeomObjDict = require("js/lib/rdge/runtime/RuntimeGeomObj"); //var getPropertyFromString = RuntimeGeomObjDict.getPropertyFromString; //var GeomObj = require("js/lib/geom/geom-obj").GeomObj, //MaterialsModel = require("js/models/materials-model").MaterialsModel, //CanvasDataManager = require("js/lib/rdge/runtime/CanvasDataManager"), //RuntimeGeomObj = require("js/lib/rdge/runtime/RuntimeGeomObj"), //RuntimeRectangle = RuntimeGeomObj.RuntimeRectangle, //RuntimeOval = RuntimeGeomObj.RuntimeOval, //getPropertyFromString = require("js/lib/rdge/runtime/RuntimeGeomObj").getPropertyFromString; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Class RuntimeMaterial // Runtime representation of a material. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var RuntimeMaterial = function RuntimeMaterial( world ) { /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Instance variables /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this._name = "GLMaterial"; this._shaderName = "undefined"; // variables for animation speed this._time = 0.0; this._dTime = 0.01; // RDGE variables this._shader; this._materialNode; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Property Accessors /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // a material can be animated or not. default is not. // Any material needing continuous rendering should override this method this.isAnimated = function() { return false; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Methods /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// this.init = function() { } this.update = function( time ) { } this.import = function( importStr ) { } this.getPropertyFromString = function( prop, str ) { var index = str.indexOf( prop ); if (index < 0) throw new Error( "property " + prop + " not found in string: " + str); var rtnStr = str.substr( index+prop.length ); index = rtnStr.indexOf( "\n" ); if (index >= 0) rtnStr = rtnStr.substr(0, index); return rtnStr; } } function RuntimeFlatMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this._name = "FlatMaterial"; this._shaderName = "flat"; // assign a default color this._color = [1,0,0,1]; this.import = function( importStr ) { var colorStr = this.getPropertyFromString( "color: ", importStr ); if (colorStr) this._color = eval( "[" + colorStr + "]" ); }; this.init = function() { if (this._shader) { this._shader.colorMe["color"].set( this._color ); } } } function RuntimePulseMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this._name = "PulseMaterial"; this._shaderName = "pulse"; this._texMap = 'assets/images/cubelight.png'; this.isAnimated = function() { return true; } this.import = function( importStr ) { this._texMap = this.getPropertyFromString( "texture: ", importStr ); } this.init = function() { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.default; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._shader && this._shader.default) { var res = [ renderer.vpWidth, renderer.vpHeight ]; technique.u_resolution.set( res ); var wrap = 'REPEAT', mips = true; var tex = renderer.getTextureByName(this._texMap, wrap, mips ); if (tex) technique.u_tex0.set( tex ); this._shader.default.u_time.set( [this._time] ); } } } } // several materials inherit from pulse. // they may share this update method this.update = function( time ) { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.default; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._shader && this._shader.default) this._shader.default.u_time.set( [this._time] ); this._time += this._dTime; if (this._time > 200.0) this._time = 0.0; } } } } function RuntimeRadialGradientMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this._name = "RadialGradientMaterial"; this._shaderName = "radialGradient"; // setup default values this._color1 = [1,0,0,1]; this._colorStop1 = 0.0; this._color2 = [0,1,0,1]; this._colorStop2 = 0.3; this._color3 = [0,1,0,1]; this._colorStop3 = 0.6; this._color4 = [0,1,0,1]; this._colorStop4 = 1.0; this.init = function() { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.default; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._shader && this._shader.default) { this._shader.default.u_color1.set( this._color1 ); this._shader.default.u_color2.set( this._color2 ); this._shader.default.u_color3.set( this._color3 ); this._shader.default.u_color4.set( this._color4 ); this._shader.default.u_colorStop1.set( [this._colorStop1] ); this._shader.default.u_colorStop2.set( [this._colorStop2] ); this._shader.default.u_colorStop3.set( [this._colorStop3] ); this._shader.default.u_colorStop4.set( [this._colorStop4] ); if (this._angle !== undefined) this._shader.default.u_cos_sin_angle.set([Math.cos(this._angle), Math.sin(this._angle)]); } } } } this.import = function( importStr ) { var colorStr; colorStr = this.getPropertyFromString( "color1: ", importStr ); this._color1 = eval( "[" + colorStr + "]" ); colorStr = this.getPropertyFromString( "color2: ", importStr ); this._color2 = eval( "[" + colorStr + "]" ); colorStr = this.getPropertyFromString( "color3: ", importStr ); this._color3 = eval( "[" + colorStr + "]" ); colorStr = this.getPropertyFromString( "color4: ", importStr ); this._color4 = eval( "[" + colorStr + "]" ); this._colorStop1 = Number( this.getPropertyFromString( "colorStop1: ", importStr ) ); this._colorStop2 = Number( this.getPropertyFromString( "colorStop2: ", importStr ) ); this._colorStop3 = Number( this.getPropertyFromString( "colorStop3: ", importStr ) ); this._colorStop4 = Number( this.getPropertyFromString( "colorStop4: ", importStr ) ); if (this._angle !== undefined) this._angle = this.getPropertyFromString( "angle: ", importStr ); } } function RuntimeLinearGradientMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeRadialGradientMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this._name = "LinearGradientMaterial"; this._shaderName = "linearGradient"; // the only difference between linear & radial gradient is the existance of an angle for linear. this._angle = 0.0; } function RuntimeBumpMetalMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this._name = "BumpMetalMaterial"; this._shaderName = "bumpMetal"; this._lightDiff = [0.3, 0.3, 0.3, 1.0]; this._diffuseTexture = "assets/images/metal.png"; this._specularTexture = "assets/images/silver.png"; this._normalTexture = "assets/images/normalMap.png"; this.import = function( importStr ) { this._lightDiff = eval( "[" + this.getPropertyFromString( "lightDiff: ", importStr ) + "]" ); this._diffuseTexture = this.getPropertyFromString( "diffuseTexture: ", importStr ); this._specularTexture = this.getPropertyFromString( "specularTexture: ", importStr ); this._normalTexture = this.getPropertyFromString( "normalMap: ", importStr ); } this.init = function() { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.default; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._shader && this._shader.default) { technique.u_light0Diff.set( this._lightDiff ); var tex; var wrap = 'REPEAT', mips = true; if (this._diffuseTexture) { tex = renderer.getTextureByName(this._diffuseTexture, wrap, mips ); if (tex) technique.u_colMap.set( tex ); } if (this._normalTexture) { tex = renderer.getTextureByName(this._normalTexture, wrap, mips ); if (tex) technique.u_normalMap.set( tex ); } if (this._specularTexture) { tex = renderer.getTextureByName(this._specularTexture, wrap, mips ); technique.u_glowMap.set( tex ); } } } } } } function RuntimeUberMaterial() { } function RuntimePlasmaMaterial() { // inherit the members of RuntimeMaterial this.inheritedFrom = RuntimeMaterial; this.inheritedFrom(); this.init = function( ) { this.update(); } this.update = function( time ) { var material = this._materialNode; if (material) { var technique = material.shaderProgram.default; var renderer = g_Engine.getContext().renderer; if (renderer && technique) { if (this._shader && this._shader.default) this._shader.default.u_time.set( [this._time] ); this._time += this._dTime; if (this._time > 200.0) this._time = 0.0; } } } } if (typeof exports === "object") { exports.RuntimeMaterial = RuntimeMaterial; exports.RuntimeFlatMaterial = RuntimeFlatMaterial; exports.RuntimePulseMaterial = RuntimePulseMaterial; exports.RuntimeRadialGradientMaterial = RuntimeRadialGradientMaterial; exports.RuntimeLinearGradientMaterial = RuntimeLinearGradientMaterial; exports.RuntimeBumpMetalMaterial = RuntimeBumpMetalMaterial; exports.RuntimeUberMaterial = RuntimeUberMaterial; exports.RuntimePlasmaMaterial = RuntimePlasmaMaterial; }