/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var ElementController = require("js/controllers/elements/element-controller").ElementController, Command = require("js/controllers/undo-controller").Command, NJUtils = require("js/lib/NJUtils").NJUtils; exports.ElementMediator = Montage.create(Component, { addDelegate: { enumerable: false, value: null }, deleteDelegate: { enumerable: false, value: null }, addElements: { value: function(elements, rules, notify) { if(Array.isArray(elements)) { elements.forEach(function(element) { ElementController.addElement(element, rules); if(element.elementModel && element.elementModel.props3D) { element.elementModel.props3D.init(element, false); } }); } else { ElementController.addElement(elements, rules); if(elements.elementModel && elements.elementModel.props3D) { elements.elementModel.props3D.init(elements, false); } } if(this.addDelegate && typeof (this.addDelegate['onAddElements']) === "function") { this.addDelegate['onAddElements'].call(this.addDelegate, elements); } var undoLabel = "add element"; document.application.undoManager.add(undoLabel, this.removeElements, this, elements, notify); this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.needsSave = true; if(notify || notify === undefined) { NJevent("elementAdded", elements); } } }, removeElements: { value: function(elements, notify /* Used for the add undo */) { if(this.deleteDelegate && (typeof this.deleteDelegate.handleDelete === 'function')) { return this.deleteDelegate.handleDelete(); // this.handleDelete.call(deleteDelegate); } if(Array.isArray(elements)) { elements = Array.prototype.slice.call(elements, 0); elements.forEach(function(element) { ElementController.removeElement(element); }); } else { ElementController.removeElement(elements); } var undoLabel = "add element"; document.application.undoManager.add(undoLabel, this.addElements, this, elements, null, notify); this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.needsSave = true; NJevent("elementsRemoved", elements); } }, replaceElement: { value: function(newChild, oldChild, notify) { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.replaceChild(newChild, oldChild); var undoLabel = "replace element"; document.application.undoManager.add(undoLabel, this.replaceElement, this, oldChild, newChild); this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.needsSave = true; if(notify || notify === undefined) { NJevent("elementReplaced", {type : "replaceElement", data: {"newChild": newChild, "oldChild": oldChild}}); } } }, getProperty: { value: function(el, prop, valueMutator) { if(!el.elementModel) { console.log("Element has no Model -> One should have been created"); NJUtils.makeElementModel(el, "Div", "block"); } if(valueMutator && typeof valueMutator === "function") { return valueMutator(el.elementModel.controller["getProperty"](el, prop)); } else { return el.elementModel.controller["getProperty"](el, prop, valueMutator); } } }, getShapeProperty: { value: function(el, prop) { if(!el.elementModel) { console.log("Element has no Model -> One should have been created"); NJUtils.makeElementModel(el, "Canvas", "block", true); } return el.elementModel.controller["getShapeProperty"](el, prop); } }, setShapeProperty: { value: function(el, prop, value) { if(!el.elementModel) { console.log("Element has no Model -> One should have been created"); NJUtils.makeElementModel(el, "Canvas", "block", true); } return el.elementModel.controller["setShapeProperty"](el, prop, value); } }, /** Set a property change command for an element or array of elements @param els: Array of elements. Can contain 1 or more elements @param p: Property to set @param value: Value to be set. This is an array of values corresponding to the array of elements @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call @param currentValue *OPTIONAL*: current value array. If not found the current value is calculated @param stageRedraw: *OPTIONAL*: True. If set to false the stage will not redraw the selection/outline */ setAttribute: { value: function(el, att, value, eventType, source, currentValue) { if(eventType === "Changing") { this._setAttribute(el, att, value, eventType, source); } else { // Calculate currentValue if not found for each element if(currentValue === null) { currentValue = el.getAttribute(att); } var command = Montage.create(Command, { _el: { value: el }, _att: { value: att }, _value: { value: value }, _previous: { value: currentValue }, _eventType: { value: eventType}, _source: { value: "undo-redo"}, description: { value: "Set Attribute"}, receiver: { value: this}, execute: { value: function(senderObject) { if(senderObject) this._source = senderObject; this.receiver._setAttribute(this._el, this._att, this._value, this._eventType, this._source); this._source = "undo-redo"; return ""; } }, unexecute: { value: function() { this.receiver._setAttribute(this._el, this._att, this._previous, this._eventType, this._source); return ""; } } }); NJevent("sendToUndo", command); command.execute(source); } } }, _setAttribute: { value: function(el, att, value, eventType, source) { el.elementModel.controller["setAttribute"](el, att, value); NJevent("attribute" + eventType, {type : "setAttribute", source: source, data: {"els": el, "prop": att, "value": value}, redraw: null}); } }, /** Set a property change command for an element or array of elements @param els: Array of elements. Can contain 1 or more elements @param p: Property to set @param value: Value to be set. This is an array of values corresponding to the array of elements @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call @param currentValue *OPTIONAL*: current value array. If not found the current value is calculated @param stageRedraw: *OPTIONAL*: True. If set to false the stage will not redraw the selection/outline */ setProperty: { value: function(els, p, value, eventType, source, currentValue, stageRedraw) { if(eventType === "Changing") { this._setProperty(els, p, value, eventType, source); } else { // Calculate currentValue if not found for each element if(!currentValue) { var that = this; currentValue = els.map(function(item) { return that.getProperty((item), p); }); } var command = Montage.create(Command, { _els: { value: els }, _p: { value: p }, _value: { value: value }, _previous: { value: currentValue }, _eventType: { value: eventType}, _source: { value: "undo-redo"}, description: { value: "Set Property"}, receiver: { value: this}, execute: { value: function(senderObject) { if(senderObject) this._source = senderObject; this.receiver._setProperty(this._els, this._p, this._value, this._eventType, this._source); this._source = "undo-redo"; return ""; } }, unexecute: { value: function() { this.receiver._setProperty(this._els, this._p, this._previous, this._eventType, this._source); return ""; } } }); NJevent("sendToUndo", command); command.execute(source); } } }, _setProperty: { value: function(els, p, value, eventType, source) { var el; for(var i=0, item; item = els[i]; i++) { item.elementModel.controller["setProperty"](item, p, value[i], eventType, source); } NJevent("element" + eventType, {type : "setProperty", source: source, data: {"els": els, "prop": p, "value": value}, redraw: null}); } }, /** Sets a property object for an element or array of elements. The same properties object gets applied to all the elements @param els: Array of elements. Can contain 1 or more elements @param properties: Properties object containing both the value and property @param currentProperties: current properties object for undo/redo. Must be an valid object or null @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call */ setProperties: { value: function(elements, properties, currentProperties, eventType, source) { // Assume elements is an array of elements always elements.forEach(function(element) { element.elementModel.controller["setProperties"](element, properties); }); // Add to undo only when a change is requested if(eventType !== "Changing") { var undoLabel = "Properties change"; document.application.undoManager.add(undoLabel, this.setProperties, this, elements, currentProperties, properties, eventType, source); } // Dispatch the element change/changing event. NJevent("element" + eventType, {type : "setProperties", source: source, data: {"els": elements, "prop": properties, "value": properties}, redraw: null}); } }, /** Set a property change command for an element or array of elements @param els: Array of elements. Can contain 1 or more elements @param props: Property/ies object containing both the value and property @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call @param currentProps *OPTIONAL*: current properties objects array. If not found it will be calculated @param stageRedraw: *OPTIONAL*: True. If set to false the stage will not redraw the selection/outline */ set3DProperties: { value: function(els, props, eventType, source, currentProps, stageRedraw) { if(eventType === "Changing") { this._set3DProperties(els, props, eventType, source); } else { // Calculate currentProps if not found for each element if(!currentProps) { var that = this; currentProps = els.map(function(item) { return that.get3DProperties(item); }); } var command = Montage.create(Command, { _els: { value: els }, _props: { value: props }, _previous: { value: currentProps }, _eventType: { value: eventType}, _source: { value: "undo-redo"}, description: { value: "Set 3D Properties"}, receiver: { value: this}, execute: { value: function(senderObject) { if(senderObject) this._source = senderObject; this.receiver._set3DProperties(this._els, this._props, this._eventType, this._source); this._source = "undo-redo"; return ""; } }, unexecute: { value: function() { this.receiver._set3DProperties(this._els, this._previous, this._eventType, this._source); return ""; } } }); NJevent("sendToUndo", command); command.execute(source); } } }, _set3DProperties: { value: function(els, props, eventType, source) { var update3DModel = false; if(eventType === "Change") { update3DModel = true; } for(var i=0, item; item = els[i]; i++) { item.elementModel.controller["set3DProperties"](item, props, i, update3DModel); } NJevent("element" + eventType, {type : "set3DProperties", source: source, data: {"els": els, "prop": "matrix", "value": props}, redraw: null}); } }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines to get/set color getColor: { value: function(el, isFill, borderSide) { if(!el.elementModel) { NJUtils.makeModelFromElement(el); } return el.elementModel.controller["getColor"](el, isFill, borderSide); } }, /** Set a property change command for an element or array of elements @param els: Array of elements. Can contain 1 or more elements @param value: Value to be set. This is the color @param isFill: Specifies if setting fill (background) or stroke (border) @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call @param currentValue *OPTIONAL*: current value array. If not found the current value is calculated @param stageRedraw: *OPTIONAL*: True. If set to false the stage will not redraw the selection/outline */ setColor: { value: function(els, value, isFill, eventType, source, currentValue, stageRedraw) { if(eventType === "Changing") { this._setColor(els, value, isFill, eventType, source); } else { // Calculate currentValue if not found for each element if(!currentValue) { var that = this; currentValue = els.map(function(item) { return that.getColor(item, isFill); }); } var command = Montage.create(Command, { _els: { value: els }, _value: { value: value }, _isFill: { value: isFill }, _previous: { value: currentValue }, _eventType: { value: eventType}, _source: { value: "undo-redo"}, description: { value: "Set Color"}, receiver: { value: this}, execute: { value: function(senderObject) { if(senderObject) this._source = senderObject; this.receiver._setColor(this._els, this._value, this._isFill, this._eventType, this._source); this._source = "undo-redo"; return ""; } }, unexecute: { value: function() { this.receiver._setColor(this._els, this._previous, this._isFill, this._eventType, this._source); return ""; } } }); NJevent("sendToUndo", command); command.execute(source); } } }, _setColor: { value: function(els, value, isFill, eventType, source) { for(var i=0, item; item = els[i]; i++) { item.elementModel.controller["setColor"](item, value, isFill); } NJevent("element" + eventType, {type : "setColor", source: source, data: {"els": els, "prop": "color", "value": value, "isFill": isFill}, redraw: null}); } }, getStroke: { value: function(el) { if(!el.elementModel) { NJUtils.makeElementModel(el, "Div", "block"); } return el.elementModel.controller["getStroke"](el); } }, /** Set a property change command for an element or array of elements @param els: Array of elements. Can contain 1 or more elements @param value: Value to be set. This is the stroke info @param eventType: Change/Changing. Will be passed to the dispatched event @param source: String for the source object making the call @param currentValue *OPTIONAL*: current value array. If not found the current value is calculated @param stageRedraw: *OPTIONAL*: True. If set to false the stage will not redraw the selection/outline */ setStroke: { value: function(els, value, eventType, source, currentValue, stageRedraw) { if(eventType === "Changing") { this._setStroke(els, value, isFill, eventType, source); } else { // Calculate currentValue if not found for each element if(!currentValue) { var that = this; currentValue = els.map(function(item) { return that.getStroke(item); }); } var command = Montage.create(Command, { _els: { value: els }, _value: { value: value }, _previous: { value: currentValue }, _eventType: { value: eventType}, _source: { value: "undo-redo"}, description: { value: "Set Color"}, receiver: { value: this}, execute: { value: function(senderObject) { if(senderObject) this._source = senderObject; this.receiver._setStroke(this._els, this._value, this._eventType, this._source); this._source = "undo-redo"; return ""; } }, unexecute: { value: function() { this.receiver._setStroke(this._els, this._previous, this._eventType, this._source); return ""; } } }); NJevent("sendToUndo", command); command.execute(source); } } }, _setStroke: { value: function(els, value, eventType, source) { for(var i=0, item; item = els[i]; i++) { item.elementModel.controller["setStroke"](item, value); } NJevent("element" + eventType, {type : "setStroke", source: source, data: {"els": els, "prop": "stroke", "value": value}, redraw: null}); } }, //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Routines to get/set 3D properties get3DProperty: { value: function(el, prop) { if(!el.elementModel) { NJUtils.makeModelFromElement(el); } return el.elementModel.controller["get3DProperty"](el, prop); } }, get3DProperties: { value: function(el) { if(!el.elementModel) { NJUtils.makeModelFromElement(el); } // var mat = this.getMatrix(el); // var dist = this.getPerspectiveDist(el); var mat = el.elementModel.controller["getMatrix"](el); var dist = el.elementModel.controller["getPerspectiveDist"](el); return {mat:mat, dist:dist}; } }, getMatrix: { value: function(el) { if(!el.elementModel) { NJUtils.makeModelFromElement(el); } return el.elementModel.controller["getMatrix"](el); } }, getPerspectiveDist: { value: function(el) { if(!el.elementModel) { NJUtils.makeModelFromElement(el); } return el.elementModel.controller["getPerspectiveDist"](el); } }, getPerspectiveMode: { value: function(el) { return this.getProperty(el, "-webkit-transform-style"); } }, setMatrix: { value: function(el, mat, isChanging, source) { var dist = el.elementModel.controller["getPerspectiveDist"](el); el.elementModel.controller["set3DProperties"](el, [{mat:mat, dist:dist}], 0, !isChanging); if(isChanging) { NJevent("elementChanging", {type : "setMatrix", source: source, data: {"els": [el], "prop": "matrix", "value": mat}, redraw: null}); } else { NJevent("elementChange", {type : "setMatrix", source: source, data: {"els": [el], "prop": "matrix", "value": mat}, redraw: null}); } } }, has3D: { value: function(el) { var str = this.getProperty(el, "-webkit-transform"); return str && str.length; } } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- });