/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var Layer = require("js/panels/Timeline/Layer.reel").Layer; var TimelineTrack = require("js/panels/Timeline/TimelineTrack.reel").TimelineTrack; var nj = require("js/lib/NJUtils").NJUtils; var ElementMediator = require("js/mediators/element-mediator").ElementMediator; var TimelinePanel = exports.TimelinePanel = Montage.create(Component, { hasTemplate:{ value:true }, /* === BEGIN: Models === */ _arrLayers:{ serializable:true, value:[] }, arrLayers:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._arrLayers; }, set:function (newVal) { // debugger; this._arrLayers = newVal; this.needsDraw = true; this.cacheTimeline(); } }, _temparrLayers:{ value:[] }, temparrLayers:{ get:function () { return this._temparrLayers; }, set:function (newVal) { this._temparrLayers = newVal; } }, _layerRepetition:{ serializable:true, value:null }, layerRepetition:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._layerRepetition; }, set:function (newVal) { this._layerRepetition = newVal; } }, // Set to false to skip array caching array sets in current document _boolCacheArrays:{ value:true }, _currentLayerNumber:{ value:0 }, currentLayerNumber:{ get:function () { return this._currentLayerNumber; }, set:function (newVal) { if (newVal !== this._currentLayerNumber) { this._currentLayerNumber = newVal; this.cacheTimeline(); } } }, _currentLayerSelected:{ value:null }, currentLayerSelected:{ get:function () { return this._currentLayerSelected; }, set:function (newVal) { this._currentLayerSelected = newVal; this.cacheTimeline(); } }, _selectedLayerID:{ value:false }, selectedLayerID:{ get:function () { return this._selectedLayerID; }, set:function (newVal) { if (newVal === false) { // We are clearing the timeline, so just set the value and return. this._selectedLayerID = newVal; return; } if (newVal !== this._selectedLayerID) { var selectIndex = this.getLayerIndexByID(newVal); this._selectedLayerID = newVal; this._captureSelection = true; this.selectLayer(selectIndex); } } }, _millisecondsOffset:{ value:1000 }, millisecondsOffset:{ get:function () { return this._millisecondsOffset; }, set:function (newVal) { if (newVal !== this._millisecondsOffset) { this._millisecondsOffset= newVal; this.drawTimeMarkers(); NJevent('tlZoomSlider',this); } } }, _masterDuration:{ serializable:true, value:0 }, masterDuration:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._masterDuration; }, set:function (val) { this._masterDuration = val; this.timebar.style.width = (this._masterDuration / 12) + "px"; } }, _trackRepetition:{ serializable:true, value:null }, trackRepetition:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._trackRepetition; }, set:function (newVal) { this._trackRepetition = newVal; } }, _selectedKeyframes:{ value:[] }, selectedKeyframes:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._selectedKeyframes; }, set:function (newVal) { this._selectedKeyframes = newVal; } }, _selectedTweens:{ value:[] }, selectedTweens:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._selectedTweens; }, set:function (newVal) { this._selectedTweens = newVal; } }, _isLayer:{ value:false }, _firstTimeLoaded:{ value:true, writable:true }, _captureSelection:{ value:false, writable:true }, _openDoc:{ value:false, writable:true }, timeMarkerHolder:{ value:null }, _dragAndDropHelper : { value: false }, _dragAndDropHelperCoords: { value: false }, _dragAndDropHelperOffset : { value: false }, _dragLayerID : { value: null }, dragLayerID : { get: function() { return this._dragLayerID; }, set: function(newVal) { if (newVal !== this._dragLayerID) { this._dragLayerID = newVal; } } }, _dropLayerID : { value: null }, dropLayerID : { get: function() { return this._dropLayerID; }, set: function(newVal) { if (newVal !== this._dropLayerID) { this._dropLayerID = newVal; var dragLayerIndex = this.getLayerIndexByID(this.dragLayerID), dropLayerIndex = this.getLayerIndexByID(this.dropLayerID), dragLayer = this.arrLayers[dragLayerIndex]; this.arrLayers.splice(dragLayerIndex, 1); this.arrLayers.splice(dropLayerIndex, 0, dragLayer); this.cacheTimeline(); // Clear for future DnD this._dropLayerID = null; this._dragLayerID = null; // Sometimes, just to be fun, the drop and dragend events don't fire. // So just in case, set the draw routine to delete the helper. this._deleteHelper = true; this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _appendHelper: { value: false }, _deleteHelper: { value: false }, _scrollTracks: { value: false }, /* === END: Models === */ /* === BEGIN: Draw cycle === */ prepareForDraw:{ value:function () { this.initTimeline(); // Bind the event handler for the document change events this.eventManager.addEventListener("onOpenDocument", this.handleDocumentChange.bind(this), false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("closeDocument", this.handleDocumentChange.bind(this), false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("switchDocument", this.handleDocumentChange.bind(this), false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("breadCrumbBinding",this,false); // Bind drag and drop event handlers this.container_layers.addEventListener("dragstart", this.handleLayerDragStart.bind(this), false); this.container_layers.addEventListener("dragend", this.handleLayerDragEnd.bind(this), false); this.container_layers.addEventListener("dragover", this.handleLayerDragover.bind(this), false); this.container_layers.addEventListener("drop", this.handleLayerDrop.bind(this), false); // Bind the handlers for the config menu this.checkable_animated.addEventListener("click", this.handleAnimatedClick.bind(this), false); this.checkable_relative.addEventListener("click", this.handleRelativeClick.bind(this), false); this.checkable_absolute.addEventListener("click", this.handleAbsoluteClick.bind(this), false); this.tl_configbutton.addEventListener("click", this.handleConfigButtonClick.bind(this), false); document.addEventListener("click", this.handleDocumentClick.bind(this), false); } }, willDraw:{ value:function () { if (this._isLayer) { this._isLayer = false; } } }, draw: { value: function() { // Drag and Drop: // Do we have a helper to append? if (this._appendHelper === true) { this.container_layers.appendChild(this._dragAndDropHelper); this._appendHelper = false; } // Do we need to move the helper? if (this._dragAndDropHelperCoords !== false) { if (this._dragAndDropHelper !== null) { this._dragAndDropHelper.style.top = this._dragAndDropHelperCoords; } this._dragAndDropHelperCoords = false; } // Do we need to scroll the tracks? if (this._scrollTracks !== false) { this.layout_tracks.scrollTop = this._scrollTracks; this._scrollTracks = false; } // Do we have a helper to delete? if (this._deleteHelper === true) { if (this._dragAndDropHelper === null) { // Problem....maybe a helper didn't get appended, or maybe it didn't get stored. // Try and recover the helper so we can delete it. var myHelper = this.container_layers.querySelector(".timeline-dnd-helper"); if (myHelper != null) { this._dragAndDropHelper = myHelper; } } if (this._dragAndDropHelper !== null) { // We need to delete the helper. Can we delete it from container_layers? if (this._dragAndDropHelper && this._dragAndDropHelper.parentNode === this.container_layers) { this.container_layers.removeChild(this._dragAndDropHelper); this._dragAndDropHelper = null; this._deleteHelper = false; } } } } }, /* === END: Draw cycle === */ /* === BEGIN: Controllers === */ // Create an empty layer template object with minimal defaults and return it for use createLayerTemplate:{ value:function () { var returnObj = {}; returnObj.layerData = {}; returnObj.layerData.layerName = null; returnObj.layerData.layerID = null; returnObj.layerData.isMainCollapsed = true; returnObj.layerData.isPositionCollapsed = true; returnObj.layerData.isTransformCollapsed = true; returnObj.layerData.isStyleCollapsed = true; returnObj.layerData.arrLayerStyles = []; returnObj.layerData.arrLayerStyles = []; returnObj.layerData.elementsList = []; returnObj.layerData.deleted = false; returnObj.layerData.isSelected = false; returnObj.layerData.layerPosition = null; returnObj.layerData.created = false; returnObj.layerData.isTrackAnimated = false; returnObj.layerData.currentKeyframeRule = null; returnObj.layerData.trackPosition = 0; returnObj.layerData.arrStyleTracks = []; returnObj.layerData.tweens = []; returnObj.layerData.layerTag = ""; returnObj.layerData.isVisible = true; returnObj.layerData.isTrackAnimated = false; returnObj.parentElementUUID = null; returnObj.parentElement = null; return returnObj; } }, // cache Timeline data in currentDocument. cacheTimeline: { value: function() { // Store the timeline data in currentDocument... if (this._boolCacheArrays) { // ... but only if we're supposed to. this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers = this.arrLayers; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlCurrentSelectedContainer = this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tllayerNumber = this.currentLayerNumber; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlCurrentLayerSelected = this.currentLayerSelected; } } }, // Initialize Timeline cache in currentDocument. initTimelineCache: { value: function() { // Initialize the currentDocument for a new set of timeline data. this.application.ninja.currentDocument.isTimelineInitialized = true; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers = []; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlCurrentSelectedContainer = this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tllayerNumber = this.currentLayerNumber; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlCurrentLayerSelected = null; } }, // Create an array of style objects for an element, for use // in creating a new layer createLayerStyles : { value: function(ptrElement) { // TODO: Create logic to loop through // CSS properties on element and build // array of layer styles for return. // Right now this method just returns an array of one bogus style. var returnArray = [], newStyle = {}, styleID = "1@0"; // format: layerID + "@" + style counter /* Example new style newStyle.styleID = styleID; newStyle.whichView = "propval"; // Which view do we want to show, usually property/value view (see Style) newStyle.editorProperty = "top"; // the style property newStyle.editorValue = 0; // The current value newStyle.ruleTweener = false; newStyle.isSelected = false; returnArray.push(newStyle); */ return returnArray; } }, // Create an array of style track objects for an element, for use // in creating a new layer createStyleTracks : { value: function(ptrElement) { // TODO: Create logic to loop through // CSS properties on element and build // array of layer styles for return. // Right now this method just returns an array of one bogus style. var returnArray = []; return returnArray; } }, // Bind all document-specific events (pass in true to unbind) _bindDocumentEvents : { value: function(boolUnbind) { var arrEvents = ["deleteLayerClick", "newLayer", "deleteLayer", "elementAdded", "elementsRemoved", "elementReplaced", "selectionChange"], i, arrEventsLength = arrEvents.length; if (boolUnbind) { for (i = 0; i < arrEventsLength; i++) { this.eventManager.removeEventListener(arrEvents[i], this, false); } } else { for (i = 0; i < arrEventsLength; i++) { this.eventManager.addEventListener(arrEvents[i], this, false); } } } }, // Initialize the timeline, runs only once when the timeline component is first loaded initTimeline:{ value:function () { this.layout_tracks = this.element.querySelector(".layout-tracks"); this.layout_markers = this.element.querySelector(".layout_markers"); this.timeline_leftpane.addEventListener("mousedown", this.timelineLeftPaneMousedown.bind(this), false); this.timeline_leftpane.addEventListener("mouseup", this.timelineLeftPaneMouseup.bind(this), false); this.layout_tracks.addEventListener("scroll", this.updateLayerScroll.bind(this), false); this.user_layers.addEventListener("scroll", this.updateLayerScroll.bind(this), false); this.end_hottext.addEventListener("changing", this.updateTrackContainerWidth.bind(this), false); this.playhead.addEventListener("mousedown", this.startPlayheadTracking.bind(this), false); this.playhead.addEventListener("mouseup", this.stopPlayheadTracking.bind(this), false); this.time_markers.addEventListener("click", this.updatePlayhead.bind(this), false); } }, // Initialize the timeline for a document. // Called when a document is opened (new or existing), or when documents are switched. initTimelineForDocument:{ value:function () { if(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.breadCrumbClick === undefined){ this.application.ninja.currentDocument.breadCrumbClick = false; } var myIndex, boolAlreadyInitialized = false; this.drawTimeMarkers(); // Document switching // Check to see if we have saved timeline information in the currentDocument. if ((typeof(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.isTimelineInitialized) === "undefined") && (!this.application.ninja.currentDocument.breadCrumbClick)) { //console.log('TimelinePanel.initTimelineForDocument: new Document'); // No, we have no information stored. // This could mean we are creating a new file, OR are opening an existing file. // First, initialize the caches. this.initTimelineCache(); this.temparrLayers = []; // That's all we need to do for a brand new file. // But what if we're opening an existing document? if (!this.application.ninja.documentController.creatingNewFile) { // Opening an existing document. If it has DOM elements we need to restore their timeline info if (this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.children[0]) { // Yes, it has DOM elements. Loop through them and create a new object for each. for (myIndex = 0; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.children[myIndex]; myIndex++) { this._openDoc = true; this.restoreLayer(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.children[myIndex]); } } } // Draw the repetition. this.arrLayers = this.temparrLayers; this.currentLayerNumber = this.arrLayers.length; boolAlreadyInitialized = true; } else if (this.application.ninja.currentDocument.breadCrumbClick) { //console.log('TimelinePanel.initTimelineForDocument: breadCrumbClick'); // Information stored, but we're moving up or down in the breadcrumb. // Get the current selection and restore timeline info for its children. var parentNode = this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer, storedCurrentLayerNumber = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tllayerNumber; this.temparrLayers = []; for (myIndex = 0; parentNode.children[myIndex]; myIndex++) { this._openDoc = true; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.breadCrumbClick = false; this.restoreLayer(parentNode.children[myIndex]); } this.application.ninja.currentDocument.breadCrumbClick = false; // Draw the repetition. this.arrLayers = this.temparrLayers; this.currentLayerNumber = storedCurrentLayerNumber; boolAlreadyInitialized = true; } else { //console.log('TimelinePanel.initTimelineForDocument: else fallback'); // we do have information stored. Use it. var i = 0, tlArrLayersLength = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers.length; // We're reading from the cache, not writing to it. this._boolCacheArrays = false; for (i = 0; i < tlArrLayersLength; i++) { if (this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers[i].layerData.isSelected === true) { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers[i].layerData._isFirstDraw = true; } else { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers[i].layerData._isFirstDraw = false; } } this.arrLayers = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers; this.currentLayerNumber = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tllayerNumber; this.currentLayerSelected = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlCurrentLayerSelected; if (typeof(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlCurrentSelectedContainer) !== "undefined") { this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer=this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlCurrentSelectedContainer; } // Are we only showing animated layers? if (this.application.ninja.currentDocument.boolShowOnlyAnimated) { // Fake a click. var evt = document.createEvent("MouseEvents"); evt.initMouseEvent("click"); this.checkable_animated.dispatchEvent(evt); } // Ok, done reading from the cache. this._boolCacheArrays = true; // Reset master duration this.resetMasterDuration(); } } }, // Clear the currently-displayed document (and its events) from the timeline. clearTimelinePanel:{ value:function () { // Remove events this._bindDocumentEvents(true); // Remove every event listener for every selected tween in the timeline this.deselectTweens(); // Reset visual appearance // Todo: Maybe this should be stored per document, so we can persist between document switch? this.application.ninja.timeline.playhead.style.left = "-2px"; this.application.ninja.timeline.playheadmarker.style.left = "0px"; this.application.ninja.timeline.updateTimeText(0.00); this.timebar.style.width = "0px"; this.checkable_animated.classList.remove("checked"); this.currentLayerNumber = 0; this.currentLayerSelected = false; this.selectedKeyframes = []; this.selectedTweens = []; this._captureSelection = false; this._openDoc = false; this.end_hottext.value = 25; this.updateTrackContainerWidth(); this.masterDuration = 0; // Clear the repetitions if (this.arrLayers.length > 0) { this.arrLayers = []; this.arrLayers.length = 0; } } }, handleDocumentChange:{ value:function (event) { // Clear the timeline but not the cache //console.log('TimelinePanel.handleDocumentChange'); if ((event.type === "closeDocument") && (this.application.ninja.documentController._documents.length > 0)) { return; } this._boolCacheArrays = false; this.clearTimelinePanel(); this._boolCacheArrays = true; // Rebind the document events for the new document context this._bindDocumentEvents(); // Reinitialize the timeline...but only if there are open documents. if (this.application.ninja.documentController._documents.length > 0) { this.enablePanel(true); this.initTimelineForDocument(); } else { this.enablePanel(false); } } }, handleBreadCrumbBinding:{ value:function(event){ if((typeof(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.isTimelineInitialized) === "undefined")) return; if(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.breadCrumbClick){ this.handleDocumentChange(event); } } }, updateTrackContainerWidth:{ value:function () { this.container_tracks.style.width = (this.end_hottext.value * 80) + "px"; this.master_track.style.width = (this.end_hottext.value * 80) + "px"; this.time_markers.style.width = (this.end_hottext.value * 80) + "px"; if (this.timeMarkerHolder) { this.time_markers.removeChild(this.timeMarkerHolder); } this.drawTimeMarkers(); } }, updateLayerScroll:{ value:function () { this.user_layers.scrollTop = this.layout_tracks.scrollTop; this.layout_markers.scrollLeft = this.layout_tracks.scrollLeft; this.playheadmarker.style.top = this.layout_tracks.scrollTop + "px"; } }, startPlayheadTracking:{ value:function () { this.time_markers.onmousemove = this.updatePlayhead.bind(this); } }, stopPlayheadTracking:{ value:function () { this.time_markers.onmousemove = null; } }, updatePlayhead:{ value:function (event) { var clickedPosition = event.target.offsetLeft + event.offsetX; this.playhead.style.left = (clickedPosition - 2) + "px"; this.playheadmarker.style.left = clickedPosition + "px"; var currentMillisecPerPixel = Math.floor(this.millisecondsOffset / 80); var currentMillisec = currentMillisecPerPixel * clickedPosition; this.updateTimeText(currentMillisec); } }, handleSelectionChange:{ value:function () { var layerIndex, i = 0, arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; this.deselectTweens(); if (this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0]) { for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { if (this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0].uuid === this.arrLayers[i].layerData.elementsList[0].uuid) { layerIndex = this.getLayerIndexByID(this.arrLayers[i].layerData.layerID); this._captureSelection = false; this.selectLayer(layerIndex); this._captureSelection = true; } } } } }, deselectTweens:{ value:function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedTweens.length; i++) { this.selectedTweens[i].deselectTween(); } this.selectedTweens = null; this.selectedTweens = new Array(); } }, timelineLeftPaneMousedown:{ value:function (event) { var ptrParent = nj.queryParentSelector(event.target, ".container-layer"); if (ptrParent !== false) { var myIndex = this.getActiveLayerIndex(); if (myIndex !== false) { this.selectLayer(myIndex, true); } } this._isMousedown = true; } }, timelineLeftPaneMouseup:{ value:function (event) { this._isMousedown = false; } }, createNewLayer:{ value:function (object) { var newLayerName = "", thingToPush = this.createLayerTemplate(), myIndex = 0, i = 0, arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; this.currentLayerNumber = this.currentLayerNumber + 1; newLayerName = "Layer " + this.currentLayerNumber; thingToPush.layerData.layerName = newLayerName; thingToPush.layerData.layerTag = "<" + object.nodeName.toLowerCase() + ">"; thingToPush.layerData.layerID = this.currentLayerNumber; thingToPush.parentElement = this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer; thingToPush.layerData.isSelected = true; thingToPush.layerData._isFirstDraw = true; thingToPush.layerData.created = true; if (this.checkable_animated.classList.contains("checked")) { thingToPush.layerData.isVisible = false; } for (i = 0; i < this.arrLayersLength; i++) { this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isSelected = false; this.arrLayers[i].layerData._isFirstDraw = false; } if (this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes) { // There is a selected layer, so we need to splice the new layer on top of it. myIndex = this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes[0]; thingToPush.layerData.layerPosition = myIndex; thingToPush.layerData.trackPosition = myIndex; this.arrLayers.splice(myIndex, 0, thingToPush); } else { thingToPush.layerData.layerPosition = myIndex; this.arrLayers.splice(myIndex, 0, thingToPush); } this.selectLayer(myIndex); } }, restoreLayer:{ value:function (ele) { var newLayerName, thingToPush = this.createLayerTemplate(); this.currentLayerNumber = this.currentLayerNumber + 1; newLayerName = "Layer " + this.currentLayerNumber; if(ele.dataset.storedLayerName){ newLayerName = ele.dataset.storedLayerName; } thingToPush.layerData.layerName = newLayerName; thingToPush.layerData.layerID = this.currentLayerNumber; thingToPush.layerData.layerTag = "<" + ele.nodeName.toLowerCase() + ">"; thingToPush.parentElement = this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer; if (this.checkable_animated.classList.contains("checked")) { thingToPush.layerData.isVisible = false; } // Are there styles to add? thingToPush.layerData.arrLayerStyles = this.createLayerStyles(); thingToPush.layerData.arrStyleTracks = this.createStyleTracks(); if (this._openDoc) { thingToPush.layerData.elementsList.push(ele); } this.temparrLayers.splice(0, 0, thingToPush); thingToPush.layerData.trackPosition = this.temparrLayers.length - 1; thingToPush.layerData.layerPosition = this.temparrLayers.length - 1; this._openDoc = false; } }, deleteLayer:{ value:function (elements) { // Only delete a selected layer. If no layer is selected, do nothing. var length = elements.length; while(length>0){ if (this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes.length > 0) { // Delete the selected layer. var myIndex = this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes[0]; this.arrLayers.splice(myIndex, 1); var selectIndex = this.arrLayers.length; this.resetMasterDuration(); if(selectIndex>0){ this.selectLayer(selectIndex-1); } length--; } } } }, resetMasterDuration:{ value:function(){ var trackDuration; var length = this.arrLayers.length; if (length > 0) { trackDuration = this.arrLayers[length - 1].layerData.trackDuration; length--; while (length >= 0) { if (this.arrLayers[length].layerData.trackDuration > trackDuration) { trackDuration = this.arrLayers[length].layerData.trackDuration; } length--; } this.masterDuration = trackDuration; } else { this.masterDuration = 0; } } }, handleElementAdded:{ value:function() { this.createNewLayer(this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0]); this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList.push(this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0]); this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList[0].dataset.storedLayerName = this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.layerName; } }, handleElementsRemoved:{ value:function (event) { var deleteElements = event.detail; this.deleteLayer(deleteElements); } }, handleElementReplaced:{ value:function(event){ this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList.pop(); this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList.push(event.detail.data.newChild); this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.animatedElement = event.detail.data.newChild; } }, drawTimeMarkers:{ value:function () { this.timeMarkerHolder = document.createElement("div"); if(this.time_markers.children[0]){ this.time_markers.removeChild(this.time_markers.children[0]); } this.time_markers.appendChild(this.timeMarkerHolder); var i; var totalMarkers = Math.floor(this.time_markers.offsetWidth / 80); for (i = 0; i < totalMarkers; i++) { var timeMark = document.createElement("div"); var markValue = this.calculateTimeMarkerValue(i); timeMark.className = "timemark"; timeMark.innerHTML = markValue; this.timeMarkerHolder.appendChild(timeMark); } } }, calculateTimeMarkerValue:{ value:function (currentMarker) { var currentMilliseconds = currentMarker * this.millisecondsOffset; return this.convertMillisecondsToTime(currentMilliseconds); } }, updateTimeText:{ value:function (millisec) { this.timetext.innerHTML = this.convertMillisecondsToTime(millisec); } }, convertMillisecondsToTime:{ value:function(millisec){ var timeToReturn; var sec = (Math.floor((millisec / 1000))) % 60; var min = (Math.floor((millisec / 1000) / 60)) % 60; var milliSeconds = String(Math.round(millisec / 10)); var returnMillisec = milliSeconds.slice(milliSeconds.length - 2, milliSeconds.length); var returnSec; var returnMin; if (sec < 10) { returnSec = "0" + sec; } else { returnSec = sec; } if (min < 10) { returnMin = "0" + min; } else { returnMin = min; } if (returnMillisec == "0") { returnMillisec = "0" + returnMillisec; } timeToReturn = returnMin + ":" + returnSec + ":" + returnMillisec; return timeToReturn; } }, createLayerHashTable:{ value:function (key, value) { var hashLayerObject; hashLayerObject = Object.create(Object.prototype, { counter:{ value:0, writable:true }, setItem:{ value:function (key, value, index) { if (hashLayerObject[key] === undefined) { hashLayerObject[key] = {}; } if (hashLayerObject[key][index] !== undefined) { for (this.counter = index; hashLayerObject[key][this.counter]; this.counter++) { } for (; this.counter !== index; this.counter--) { hashLayerObject[key][this.counter] = hashLayerObject[key][this.counter - 1]; } } hashLayerObject[key][index] = value; this.counter = 0; } }, getItem:{ value:function (key) { return hashLayerObject[key]; } } }); return hashLayerObject; } }, selectLayer:{ value:function (layerIndex, userSelection) { var i = 0; var arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; if (this.selectedKeyframes) { this.deselectTweens(); } for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { if (i === layerIndex) { this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isSelected = true; } else { this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isSelected = false; } this.triggerLayerBinding(i); } this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes = [layerIndex]; this.currentLayerSelected = this.arrLayers[layerIndex]; if (userSelection) { if (this._captureSelection) { if (this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList.length >= 1) { this.application.ninja.selectionController.selectElements(this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList); } else { this.application.ninja.selectionController.executeSelectElement(); } } this._captureSelection = true; } this.resetMasterDuration(); } }, getLayerIndexByID:{ value:function (layerID, tempArr) { var i = 0, returnVal = false, arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; if (tempArr) { var tempArrLength = this.temparrLayers.length; for (i = 0; i < tempArrLength; i++) { if (this.temparrLayers[i].layerData.layerID === layerID) { returnVal = i; } } } else { for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { if (this.arrLayers[i].layerData.layerID === layerID) { returnVal = i; } } } return returnVal; } }, getLayerIndexByName:{ value:function (layerName) { var i = 0, returnVal = false, arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { if (this.arrLayers[i].layerData.layerName === layerName) { returnVal = i; } } return returnVal; } }, getActiveLayerIndex:{ value:function () { var i = 0, returnVal = false, arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { if (this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isActive === true) { returnVal = i; this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isActive = false; } } return returnVal; } }, enablePanel:{ value:function (boolEnable) { if (boolEnable) { this.timeline_disabler.style.display = "none"; } else { this.timeline_disabler.style.display = "block"; } } }, handleConfigButtonClick: { value: function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); this.handleCheckableClick(event); } }, handleDocumentClick: { value: function(event) { if (this.tl_configbutton.classList.contains("checked")) { this.tl_configbutton.classList.remove("checked"); } } }, handleAnimatedClick: { value: function(event) { if (typeof(this.application.ninja.currentDocument) === "undefined") { return; } if (this.application.ninja.currentDocument == null) { return; } this.handleCheckableClick(event); this.application.ninja.currentDocument.boolShowOnlyAnimated = event.currentTarget.classList.contains("checked"); var boolHide = false, i = 0, arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; if (event.currentTarget.classList.contains("checked")) { // Hide layers with isAnimated = false; boolHide = true; } for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { if (boolHide) { // Hide layers with isAnimated = false if (this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isTrackAnimated === false) { this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isVisible = false; this.triggerLayerBinding(i); } } else { this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isVisible = true; this.triggerLayerBinding(i); } } } }, handleRelativeClick: { value: function(event) { if (!event.currentTarget.classList.contains("checked")) { this.handleCheckableClick(event); } this.checkable_absolute.classList.remove("checked"); // TODO: Use relative positioning } }, handleAbsoluteClick: { value: function(event) { if (!event.currentTarget.classList.contains("checked")) { this.handleCheckableClick(event); } this.checkable_relative.classList.remove("checked"); // TODO: Use absolute positioning. } }, handleCheckableClick: { value: function(event) { if (event.currentTarget.classList.contains("checked")) { event.currentTarget.classList.remove("checked"); } else { event.currentTarget.classList.add("checked"); } } }, // Trigger the layer/track data binding triggerLayerBinding : { value: function(intIndex) { if (this.arrLayers[intIndex].layerData.triggerBinding === true) { this.arrLayers[intIndex].layerData.triggerBinding = false; } else { this.arrLayers[intIndex].layerData.triggerBinding = true; } } }, handleLayerDragStart : { value: function(event) { var dragIcon = document.createElement("img"); event.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; event.dataTransfer.setData('Text', this.identifier); // dragIcon.src = "/images/transparent.png"; dragIcon.src = "" dragIcon.width = 1; event.dataTransfer.setDragImage(dragIcon, 0, 0); // Clone the element we're dragging this._dragAndDropHelper = event.target.cloneNode(true); this._dragAndDropHelper.style.opacity = 0.8; this._dragAndDropHelper.style.position = "absolute"; this._dragAndDropHelper.style.top = "0px"; this._dragAndDropHelper.style.left = "0px"; this._dragAndDropHelper.style.zIndex = 700; this._dragAndDropHelper.style.width = window.getComputedStyle(this.container_layers, null).getPropertyValue("width"); this._dragAndDropHelper.classList.add("timeline-dnd-helper"); // Get the offset var findYOffset = function(obj) { var curleft = curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { do { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; curtop += obj.offsetTop; } while (obj = obj.offsetParent); } return curtop; } this._dragAndDropHelperOffset = findYOffset(this.container_layers); this._appendHelper = true; this._deleteHelper = false; } }, handleLayerDragover: { value: function(event) { var currPos = 0, myScrollTest = ((event.y - (this._dragAndDropHelperOffset - this.user_layers.scrollTop)) + 28) - this.user_layers.scrollTop; if ((myScrollTest < 60) && (this.user_layers.scrollTop >0)) { this._scrollTracks = (this.user_layers.scrollTop - 10) } if ((myScrollTest < 50) && (this.user_layers.scrollTop >0)) { this._scrollTracks = (this.user_layers.scrollTop - 20) } if ((myScrollTest > (this.user_layers.clientHeight + 10))) { this._scrollTracks = (this.user_layers.scrollTop + 10) } if ((myScrollTest > (this.user_layers.clientHeight + 20))) { this._scrollTracks = (this.user_layers.scrollTop + 20) } currPos = event.y - (this._dragAndDropHelperOffset - this.user_layers.scrollTop)- 28; this._dragAndDropHelperCoords = currPos + "px"; this.needsDraw = true; } }, handleLayerDragEnd : { value: function(event) { this._deleteHelper = true; this.needsDraw = true; } }, handleLayerDrop : { value: function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); this._deleteHelper = true; this.needsDraw = true; } }, /* === END: Controllers === */ /* === BEGIN: Logging routines === */ _boolDebug:{ enumerable:false, value:false // set to true to enable debugging to console; false for turning off all debugging. }, boolDebug:{ get:function () { return this._boolDebug; }, set:function (boolDebugSwitch) { this._boolDebug = boolDebugSwitch; } }, log:{ value:function (strMessage) { if (this.boolDebug) { console.log(this.getLineNumber() + ": " + strMessage); } } }, getLineNumber:{ value:function () { try { throw new Error('bazinga') } catch (e) { return e.stack.split("at")[3].split(":")[2]; } } } /* === END: Logging routines === */ });