/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var Layer = require("js/panels/Timeline/Layer.reel").Layer; var TimelineTrack = require("js/panels/Timeline/TimelineTrack.reel").TimelineTrack; var nj = require("js/lib/NJUtils").NJUtils; var ElementMediator = require("js/mediators/element-mediator").ElementMediator; var TimelinePanel = exports.TimelinePanel = Montage.create(Component, { hasTemplate:{ value:true }, /* === BEGIN: Models === */ _arrLayers:{ serializable: true, value:[] }, arrLayers:{ serializable: true, get:function () { return this._arrLayers; }, set:function (newVal) { this._arrLayers = newVal; this.needsDraw = true; this._cacheArrays(); } }, _temparrLayers:{ value:[] }, temparrLayers:{ get:function () { return this._temparrLayers; }, set:function (newVal) { this._temparrLayers = newVal; } }, _layerRepetition:{ serializable: true, value:null }, layerRepetition:{ serializable: true, get:function () { return this._layerRepetition; }, set:function (newVal) { this._layerRepetition = newVal; } }, _cacheArrays : { value: function() { if (this._boolCacheArrays) { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers = this.arrLayers; } } }, // Set to false to skip array caching array sets in current document _boolCacheArrays : { value: true }, _currentLayerNumber:{ value:0 }, currentLayerNumber:{ get:function () { return this._currentLayerNumber; }, set:function (newVal) { if (newVal !== this._currentLayerNumber) { this._currentLayerNumber = newVal; this._setCurrentLayerNumber(); } } }, _setCurrentLayerNumber:{ value:function(){ if (this._boolCacheArrays) { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tllayerNumber = this.currentLayerNumber; } } }, _hashKey:{ value:0 }, hashKey:{ get:function () { return this._hashKey; }, set:function (newVal) { if (newVal !== this._hashKey) { this._hashKey = newVal; this._setHashKey(); } } }, _setHashKey:{ value:function(){ if (this._boolCacheArrays) { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.hashKey = this.hashKey; } } }, currentLayerSelected:{ value: null }, millisecondsOffset:{ value:1000 }, _masterDuration:{ serializable: true, value:0 }, masterDuration:{ serializable:true, get:function(){ return this._masterDuration; }, set:function(val){ this._masterDuration = val; this.timebar.style.width = (this._masterDuration / 12) + "px"; } }, _trackRepetition:{ serializable:true, value:null }, trackRepetition:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._trackRepetition; }, set:function (newVal) { this._trackRepetition = newVal; } }, _selectedKeyframes:{ value:[] }, selectedKeyframes:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._selectedKeyframes; }, set:function (newVal) { this._selectedKeyframes = newVal; } }, _selectedTweens:{ value:[] }, selectedTweens:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._selectedTweens; }, set:function (newVal) { this._selectedTweens = newVal; } }, _breadCrumbContainer:{ value:null }, breadCrumbContainer: { set: function(value) { if(this._breadCrumbContainer !== value) { this._breadCrumbContainer = value; this.LayerBinding(this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer); } }, get: function() { return this._breadCrumbContainer; } }, _isLayer:{ value:false }, _firstTimeLoaded:{ value:true, writable:true }, _captureSelection:{ value:false, writable:true }, _openDoc:{ value:false, writable:true }, timeMarkerHolder:{ value: null }, /* === END: Models === */ /* === BEGIN: Draw cycle === */ prepareForDraw:{ value:function () { this.initTimeline(); // Bind the event handler for the document change events this.eventManager.addEventListener("onOpenDocument", this.handleDocumentChange.bind(this), false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("closeDocument", this.handleDocumentChange.bind(this), false); this.eventManager.addEventListener("switchDocument", this.handleDocumentChange.bind(this), false); } }, willDraw:{ value:function () { if (this._isLayer) { this.insertLayer(); this._isLayer = false; } } }, /* === END: Draw cycle === */ /* === BEGIN: Controllers === */ // Create an empty layer template object with minimal defaults and return it for use createLayerTemplate : { value : function() { var returnObj = {}; returnObj.layerData = {}; returnObj.layerData.layerName = null; returnObj.layerData.layerID = null; returnObj.layerData.isMainCollapsed = true; returnObj.layerData.isPositionCollapsed = true; returnObj.layerData.isTransformCollapsed = true; returnObj.layerData.isStyleCollapsed = true; returnObj.layerData.arrLayerStyles = []; returnObj.layerData.elementsList = []; returnObj.layerData.deleted = false; returnObj.layerData.isSelected = false; returnObj.layerData.layerPosition = null; returnObj.layerData.created=false; returnObj.layerData.isTrackAnimated = false; returnObj.layerData.currentKeyframeRule = null; returnObj.layerData.trackPosition = 0; returnObj.layerData.arrStyleTracks = []; returnObj.layerData.tweens = []; returnObj.parentElementUUID = null; returnObj.parentElement = null; return returnObj; } }, // Bind all document-specific events (pass in true to unbind) _bindDocumentEvents : { value: function(boolUnbind) { var arrEvents = ["deleteLayerClick", "newLayer", "deleteLayer", "elementAdded", "elementDeleted", "selectionChange"], i, arrEventsLength = arrEvents.length; if (boolUnbind) { for (i = 0; i < arrEventsLength; i++) { this.eventManager.removeEventListener(arrEvents[i], this, false); } } else { for (i = 0; i < arrEventsLength; i++) { this.eventManager.addEventListener(arrEvents[i], this, false); } Object.defineBinding(this, "breadCrumbContainer", { boundObject: this.application.ninja, boundObjectPropertyPath:"currentSelectedContainer", oneway: true }); } } }, // Initialize the timeline, runs only once when the component is first loaded. // Sets up basic event listeners, gets some selectors, etc. initTimeline : { value: function() { this.layout_tracks = this.element.querySelector(".layout-tracks"); this.layout_markers = this.element.querySelector(".layout_markers"); this.newlayer_button.identifier = "addLayer"; this.newlayer_button.addEventListener("click", this, false); this.deletelayer_button.identifier = "deleteLayer"; this.deletelayer_button.addEventListener("click", this, false); this.timeline_leftpane.addEventListener("click", this.timelineLeftPaneClick.bind(this), false); this.layout_tracks.addEventListener("scroll", this.updateLayerScroll.bind(this), false); this.user_layers.addEventListener("scroll", this.updateLayerScroll.bind(this), false); this.end_hottext.addEventListener("changing", this.updateTrackContainerWidth.bind(this), false); this.playhead.addEventListener("mousedown", this.startPlayheadTracking.bind(this), false); this.playhead.addEventListener("mouseup", this.stopPlayheadTracking.bind(this), false); this.time_markers.addEventListener("click", this.updatePlayhead.bind(this), false); } }, // Initialize the timeline for a document. Called when a document is opened (new or existing), or // when documents are switched. initTimelineForDocument:{ value:function () { var myIndex; this.drawTimeMarkers(); // Document switching // Check to see if we have saved timeline information in the currentDocument. if (typeof(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.isTimelineInitialized) === "undefined") { // No, we have no information stored. Create it. this.application.ninja.currentDocument.isTimelineInitialized = true; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers = []; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tllayerNumber = 0; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlLayerHashTable=[]; this.temparrLayers = []; this.hashKey = this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer.uuid; // Are we creating a new doc, or opening an existing one? if(!this.application.ninja.documentController.creatingNewFile) { // Opening an existing document. // Does it have any DOM elements? if(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.children[0]) { // Yes, it has DOM elements. Loop through them and create a new // object for each. myIndex=0; while(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.children[myIndex]) { this._openDoc=true; this.restoreLayer(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot.children[myIndex]); myIndex++; } } else { // No, it has no DOM elements. Build an empty layer object. this.restoreLayer(1); } // Feed the new array of objects into the repetitions // and select the first layer. this.arrLayers=this.temparrLayers; // TODO: We need a better solution to this race condition than a timeout. this._captureSelection = true; var that = this; setTimeout(function() { that.selectLayer(0, true); }, 1000) } else { // New document. Create default layer. this.createNewLayer(1); } // After recreating the tracks and layers, store the result in the currentDocument. this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers = this.arrLayers; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tllayerNumber = this.currentLayerNumber; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlLayerHashTable = this.hashInstance; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlElementHashTable = this.hashElementMapToLayer; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.hashKey=this.hashKey; } else { // we do have information stored. Use it. this._boolCacheArrays = false; this.arrLayers = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlArrLayers; this.currentLayerNumber = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tllayerNumber; this.hashInstance = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlLayerHashTable; this.hashElementMapToLayer = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.tlElementHashTable; this.hashKey = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.hashKey; this._boolCacheArrays = true; } } }, // Clear the currently-displayed document (and its events) from the timeline. clearTimelinePanel : { value: function() { // Remove events this._bindDocumentEvents(true); // Remove every event listener for every selected tween in the timeline this.deselectTweens(); // Reset visual appearance // Todo: Maybe this should be stored per document? this.application.ninja.timeline.playhead.style.left = "-2px"; this.application.ninja.timeline.playheadmarker.style.left = "0px"; this.application.ninja.timeline.updateTimeText(0.00); this.timebar.style.width = "0px"; // Clear variables. this.hashInstance = null; this.hashElementMapToLayer = null; this.currentLayerNumber = 0; this.currentLayerSelected = false; this.selectedKeyframes = []; this.selectedTweens = []; this._captureSelection = false; this._openDoc = false; this._firstTimeLoaded=true; this.end_hottext.value = 25; this.updateTrackContainerWidth(); // Clear the repetitions if (this.arrLayers.length > 0) { this.arrLayers = []; } } }, handleDocumentChange:{ value:function(event){ this._boolCacheArrays = false; this.clearTimelinePanel(); this._boolCacheArrays = true; this._bindDocumentEvents(); this.hashInstance = this.createLayerHashTable(); this.hashElementMapToLayer = this.createElementMapToLayer(); // Reinitialize the timeline...but only if there are open documents. if (this.application.ninja.documentController._documents.length > 0) { this.initTimelineForDocument(); } } }, updateTrackContainerWidth:{ value: function(){ this.container_tracks.style.width = (this.end_hottext.value * 80) + "px"; this.master_track.style.width = (this.end_hottext.value * 80) + "px"; this.time_markers.style.width = (this.end_hottext.value * 80) + "px"; if (this.timeMarkerHolder) { this.time_markers.removeChild(this.timeMarkerHolder); } this.drawTimeMarkers(); } }, updateLayerScroll:{ value:function () { this.user_layers.scrollTop = this.layout_tracks.scrollTop; this.layout_markers.scrollLeft = this.layout_tracks.scrollLeft; } }, startPlayheadTracking:{ value:function(){ this.time_markers.onmousemove = this.updatePlayhead.bind(this); } }, stopPlayheadTracking:{ value:function () { this.time_markers.onmousemove = null; } }, updatePlayhead:{ value:function (event) { var clickedPosition = event.target.offsetLeft + event.offsetX; this.playhead.style.left = (clickedPosition - 2) + "px"; this.playheadmarker.style.left = clickedPosition + "px"; var currentMillisecPerPixel = Math.floor(this.millisecondsOffset / 80); var currentMillisec = currentMillisecPerPixel * clickedPosition; this.updateTimeText(currentMillisec); } }, handleSelectionChange:{ value:function(){ var key , switchSelectedLayer,layerIndex; this.deselectTweens(); if(this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0]){ key = this.application.ninja.selectedElements[0].uuid; switchSelectedLayer = this.hashElementMapToLayer.getItem(key); if(switchSelectedLayer!==undefined){ layerIndex = this.getLayerIndexByID(switchSelectedLayer.layerID); this._captureSelection=false; this.selectLayer(layerIndex); this._captureSelection=true; } } } }, updateTimeText:{ value:function (millisec) { var timeText; var sec = (Math.floor((millisec / 1000))) % 60; var min = (Math.floor((millisec / 1000) / 60)) % 60; var milliSec = String(Math.round(millisec / 10)); var returnMillisec = milliSec.slice(milliSec.length - 2, milliSec.length); var returnSec; var returnMin; if (sec < 10) { returnSec = "0" + sec; } else { returnSec = sec; } if (min < 10) { returnMin = "0" + min; } else { returnMin = min; } if (millisec == 0) { returnMillisec = "00"; } timeText = returnMin + ":" + returnSec + ":" + returnMillisec; this.timetext.innerHTML = timeText; } }, deselectTweens:{ value:function () { for (var i = 0; i < this.selectedTweens.length; i++) { this.selectedTweens[i].deselectTween(); } this.selectedTweens = null; this.selectedTweens = new Array(); } }, handleAddLayerClick:{ value:function (event) { this._isLayer = true; this.needsDraw = true; this.application.ninja.selectionController.executeSelectElement(); } }, handleDeleteLayerClick:{ value:function (event) { if (this.arrLayers.length === 1) { // do not delete last layer return; } if (this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes === null) { // nothing is selected, do not delete return; } this.removeLayer(); } }, LayerBinding:{ value:function (node) { var i = 0; if(typeof(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.isTimelineInitialized) === "undefined"){ if (this._firstTimeLoaded) { this._firstTimeLoaded = false; } else { this.arrLayers.length = 0; this.hashKey = node.uuid; if (this.returnedObject = this.hashInstance.getItem(this.hashKey)) { this._hashFind = true; } this.currentLayerNumber = 0; this.createNewLayer(1); this.selectLayer(0); } } } }, timelineLeftPaneClick:{ value:function (event) { var ptrParent = nj.queryParentSelector(event.target, ".container-layer"); if (ptrParent !== false) { var myIndex = this.getActiveLayerIndex(); this.selectLayer(myIndex, true); } } }, createNewLayer:{ value:function(object){ var hashVariable = 0; if (object._undoStatus) { if (object._el.parentElementUUID !== this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer.uuid) { dLayer = this.hashInstance.getItem(object._el.parentElementUUID); while (dLayer[hashVariable]) { if (dLayer[hashVariable].layerData._layerID === object._el._layerID) { dLayer[hashVariable].layerData.deleted = false; parentNode = dLayer[hashVariable].parentElement; break; } hashVariable++; } this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer = parentNode; this.LayerBinding(parentNode); } else { dLayer = this.hashInstance.getItem(object._el.parentElementUUID); while (dLayer[hashVariable].layerData) { if (dLayer[hashVariable].layerData._layerID === object._el._layerID) { dLayer[hashVariable].layerData.deleted = false; this.arrLayers.splice(object._layerPosition, 0, object._el); this.selectLayer(object._layerPosition); break; } hashVariable++; } } } else { var newLayerName = "", thingToPush = this.createLayerTemplate(), myIndex = 0, indexToSelect = 0; this.currentLayerNumber = this.currentLayerNumber + 1; newLayerName = "Layer " + this.currentLayerNumber; thingToPush.layerData.layerName = newLayerName; thingToPush.layerData.layerID = this.currentLayerNumber; thingToPush.parentElementUUID = this.hashKey; thingToPush.parentElement = this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer; if (!!this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes) { // There is a selected layer, so we need to splice the new // layer on top of it. myIndex = this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes[0]; thingToPush.layerData.layerPosition = myIndex; thingToPush.layerData.isSelected = true; thingToPush.layerData.trackPosition = myIndex; this.arrLayers.splice(myIndex, 0, thingToPush); this._LayerUndoPosition = myIndex; //this.hashLayerNumber.setItem(this.hashKey, thingToPush.layerData); this.hashInstance.setItem(this.hashKey, thingToPush.layerData, myIndex); indexToSelect = myIndex; } else { thingToPush.layerData.layerPosition = this.arrLayers.length - 1; this.arrLayers.push(thingToPush); this._LayerUndoPosition = this.arrLayers.length - 1; //this.hashLayerNumber.setItem(this.hashKey, thingToPush.layerData); this.hashInstance.setItem(this.hashKey, thingToPush.layerData, thingToPush.layerData.layerPosition); } this._LayerUndoObject = thingToPush; this._LayerUndoIndex = thingToPush.layerData.layerID; this._LayerUndoStatus = true; this.selectLayer(indexToSelect, true); } } }, restoreLayer:{ value:function (ele) { var hashIndex = 0 ,layerResult; if (this._hashFind) { while (layerResult = this.returnedObject[hashIndex]) { if (layerResult.layerData.deleted !== true) { this.arrLayers.push(layerResult); } hashIndex++; } this._hashFind = false; }else { var newLayerName = "", thingToPush = this.createLayerTemplate(), newTrack = {}, myIndex = 0; this.currentLayerNumber = this.currentLayerNumber + 1; newLayerName = "Layer " + this.currentLayerNumber; thingToPush.layerData.layerName = newLayerName; thingToPush.layerData.layerID = this.currentLayerNumber; thingToPush.parentElementUUID = this.hashKey; thingToPush.parentElement = this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer; if(this._openDoc){ ele.uuid =nj.generateRandom(); thingToPush.layerData.elementsList.push(ele); } thingToPush.layerData.trackPosition = this.temparrLayers.length - 1; thingToPush.layerData.layerPosition = this.temparrLayers.length - 1; this.temparrLayers.push(thingToPush); this.hashInstance.setItem(this.hashKey, thingToPush.layerData, thingToPush.layerData.layerPosition); if(this._openDoc) { var selectedIndex = this.getLayerIndexByID(thingToPush.layerData.layerID,this.temparrLayers); this.hashElementMapToLayer.setItem(ele.uuid,ele,this.temparrLayers[selectedIndex]); this._openDoc=false; } /* this._LayerUndoObject = thingToPush; this._LayerUndoIndex = thingToPush.layerData.layerID; this._LayerUndoStatus = true; */ } } }, deleteLayer:{ value:function (object) { var dLayer,parentNode, hashVariable = 0, k = 0, index = 0, j = 0; if (this.arrLayers.length > 0) { if (object._undoStatus) { if (object._el.parentElementUUID !== this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer.uuid) { dLayer = this.hashInstance.getItem(object._el.parentElementUUID); while (dLayer[hashVariable].layerData) { if (dLayer[hashVariable].layerData._layerID === object._el._layerID) { dLayer[hashVariable].layerData.deleted = true; parentNode = dLayer[hashVariable].parentElement; break; } hashVariable++; } this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer = parentNode; this.LayerBinding(parentNode); } else { dLayer = this.hashInstance.getItem(object._el.parentElementUUID); while (dLayer[hashVariable].layerData) { if (dLayer[hashVariable].layerData.deleted === true) { } else if (dLayer[hashVariable].layerData._layerID === object._el._layerID) { while (this.arrLayers.length) { if (dLayer[hashVariable].layerData._layerID === this.arrLayers[k].layerData._layerID) { dLayer[hashVariable].layerData.deleted = true; this.arrLayers.splice(k, 1); if(k>0){ this.selectLayer(k-1); }else{ this.selectLayer(k); } break; } k++; } } hashVariable++; } } } else { if (!!this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes) { var myIndex = this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes[0]; this._LayerUndoObject = this.arrLayers[myIndex]; dLayer = this.hashInstance.getItem(this.hashKey); dLayer[myIndex].layerData.deleted = true; this.arrLayers.splice(myIndex, 1); this._LayerUndoIndex = this._LayerUndoObject.layerData.layerID; this._LayerUndoPosition = myIndex; if(myIndex===0){ this.selectLayer(0); } else{ this.selectLayer(myIndex-1); } ElementMediator.deleteElements(dLayer[myIndex].layerData.elementsList); } else { dLayer = this.hashInstance.getItem(this.hashKey); dLayer[this.arrLayers.length - 1].layerData.deleted = true; ElementMediator.deleteElements(dLayer[this.arrLayers.length - 1].layerData.elementsList); this._LayerUndoPosition = this.arrLayers.length - 1; this._LayerUndoObject = this.arrLayers.pop(); this._LayerUndoIndex = this._LayerUndoObject.layerData.layerID; } } } } }, handleElementAdded:{ value:function (event) { event.detail.uuid=nj.generateRandom(); if(this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList[0]!==undefined){ if(this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.isTrackAnimated){ // need to prevent element adding to dom, not just clear the drawing canvas //this.application.ninja.stage.clearDrawingCanvas(); console.log("cannot add elements to a layer with animated element"); }else{ this.hashElementMapToLayer.setItem(event.detail.uuid, event.detail,this.currentLayerSelected); this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList.push(event.detail); } }else{ this.hashElementMapToLayer.setItem(event.detail.uuid, event.detail,this.currentLayerSelected); this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList.push(event.detail); } } }, handleElementDeleted:{ value:function (event) { var length; this.deleteElement = event.detail; length = this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList.length - 1; while (length >= 0) { if (this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList[length] === this.deleteElement) { this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList.splice(length, 1); break; } length--; } } }, drawTimeMarkers:{ value:function () { this.timeMarkerHolder = document.createElement("div"); this.time_markers.appendChild(this.timeMarkerHolder); var i; var totalMarkers = Math.floor(this.time_markers.offsetWidth / 80); for (i = 0; i < totalMarkers; i++) { var timeMark = document.createElement("div"); var markValue = this.calculateTimeMarkerValue(i); timeMark.className = "timemark"; timeMark.innerHTML = markValue; this.timeMarkerHolder.appendChild(timeMark); } } }, calculateTimeMarkerValue:{ value:function (currentMarker) { var timeToReturn; var currentMilliseconds = currentMarker * this.millisecondsOffset; var sec = (Math.floor((currentMilliseconds / 1000))) % 60; var min = (Math.floor((currentMilliseconds / 1000) / 60)) % 60; var milliSec = String(Math.round(currentMilliseconds / 10)); var returnMillisec = milliSec.slice(milliSec.length - 2, milliSec.length); var returnSec; var returnMin; if (sec < 10) { returnSec = "0" + sec; } else { returnSec = sec; } if (min < 10) { returnMin = "0" + min; } else { returnMin = min; } if (currentMarker == 0) { returnMillisec = "00"; } timeToReturn = returnMin + ":" + returnSec + ":" + returnMillisec; return timeToReturn; } }, createLayerHashTable:{ value:function (key, value) { var hashLayerObject; hashLayerObject = Object.create(Object.prototype, { counter:{ value:0, writable:true }, setItem:{ value:function (key, value, index) { if (hashLayerObject[key] === undefined) { hashLayerObject[key] = {}; } if (hashLayerObject[key][index] !== undefined) { this.counter = index; while (hashLayerObject[key][this.counter]) { this.counter++; } while (this.counter !== index) { hashLayerObject[key][this.counter] = hashLayerObject[key][this.counter - 1]; this.counter = this.counter - 1; } } hashLayerObject[key][index] = value; this.counter = 0; } }, getItem:{ value:function (key) { return hashLayerObject[key]; } } }); return hashLayerObject; } }, createLayerNumberHash:{ value:function (key, value) { var hashLayerNumberObject; hashLayerNumberObject = Object.create(Object.prototype, { setItem:{ value:function (key, value) { if (value !== undefined) { hashLayerNumberObject[key] = value.layerData.layerID; } } }, getItem:{ value:function (key) { if (hashLayerNumberObject[key] === undefined) { return; } return hashLayerNumberObject[key]; } } }); return hashLayerNumberObject; } }, createElementMapToLayer:{ value:function(){ var hashMappingObject; hashMappingObject = Object.create(Object.prototype, { mappingArray:{ value:{}, writable:true }, setItem: { value: function(key,value,layer) { if(this.mappingArray[key]===undefined){ this.mappingArray[key]={}; } this.mappingArray[key]["ele"] = value; this.mappingArray[key].layerID = layer.layerData.layerID; } }, getItem: { value: function(key) { return this.mappingArray[key]; } } }); return hashMappingObject; } }, selectLayer:{ value:function (layerIndex, userSelection) { var i = 0; var arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; if(this.selectedKeyframes){ this.deselectTweens(); } for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { if (i === layerIndex) { this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isSelected = true; } else { this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isSelected = false; } } //if (layerIndex !== false) { this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes = [layerIndex]; this.currentLayerSelected = this.arrLayers[layerIndex]; if(userSelection){ if(this._captureSelection){ if(this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList.length >= 1) { this.application.ninja.selectionController.selectElements(this.currentLayerSelected.layerData.elementsList); } else { this.application.ninja.selectionController.executeSelectElement(); } } this._captureSelection = true; } /* } else { this.layerRepetition.selectedIndexes = null; this.trackRepetition.selectedIndexes = null; this.currentLayerSelected = null; } */ } }, getLayerIndexByID:{ value:function (layerID,tempArr) { var i = 0, returnVal = false, arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; if(tempArr){ var tempArrLength=this.temparrLayers.length; for (i = 0; i < tempArrLength; i++) { if (this.temparrLayers[i].layerData.layerID === layerID) { returnVal = i; } } }else{ for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { if (this.arrLayers[i].layerData.layerID === layerID) { returnVal = i; } } } return returnVal; } }, getLayerIndexByName:{ value:function (layerName) { var i = 0, returnVal = false, arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { if (this.arrLayers[i].layerData.layerName === layerName) { returnVal = i; } } return returnVal; } }, getActiveLayerIndex:{ value:function () { var i = 0, returnVal = false, arrLayersLength = this.arrLayers.length; for (i = 0; i < arrLayersLength; i++) { if (this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isActive === true) { returnVal = i; this.arrLayers[i].layerData.isActive = false; } } return returnVal; } }, insertLayer:{ value:function () { var cmd = this.addLayerCommand(); cmd.execute(); cmd._el = this._LayerUndoObject; cmd._layerID = this._LayerUndoIndex; cmd._layerPosition = this._LayerUndoPosition; cmd._undoStatus = this._LayerUndoStatus; NJevent("sendToUndo", cmd); } }, removeLayer:{ value:function () { var cmd = this.deleteLayerCommand(); cmd.execute(); cmd._el = this._LayerUndoObject; cmd._layerID = this._LayerUndoIndex; cmd._layerPosition = this._LayerUndoPosition; cmd._undoStatus = this._LayerUndoStatus; NJevent("sendToUndo", cmd); } }, addLayerCommand:{ value:function () { var command; var that=this; command = Object.create(Object.prototype, { _el:{value:null, writable:true}, _layerID:{value:null, writable:true}, _layerPosition:{value:null, writable:true}, _undoStatus:{value:false, writable:true}, description:{ value:"Add Layer"}, receiver:{value:TimelinePanel}, execute:{ value:function () { that.createNewLayer(this); } }, unexecute:{ value:function () { that.deleteLayer(this); } } }); return command; } }, deleteLayerCommand:{ value:function () { var command; var that=this; command = Object.create(Object.prototype, { description:{ value:"Delete Layer"}, receiver:{value:TimelinePanel}, execute:{ value:function () { that.deleteLayer(this); } }, unexecute:{ value:function () { that.createNewLayer(this); } } }); return command; } }, /* === END: Controllers === */ /* === BEGIN: Logging routines === */ _boolDebug: { enumerable: false, value: false // set to true to enable debugging to console; false for turning off all debugging. }, boolDebug: { get: function() { return this._boolDebug; }, set: function(boolDebugSwitch) { this._boolDebug = boolDebugSwitch; } }, log: { value: function(strMessage) { if (this.boolDebug) { console.log(this.getLineNumber() + ": " + strMessage); } } }, getLineNumber: { value: function() { try { throw new Error('bazinga') }catch(e){ return e.stack.split("at")[3].split(":")[2]; } } } /* === END: Logging routines === */ });