var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage; var Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component; var defaultEventManager = require("montage/core/event/event-manager").defaultEventManager; var Track = exports.Track = Montage.create(Component, { hasTemplate:{ value: true }, _trackID:{ value:null, writable:true, enumerable:true }, trackID:{ get:function(){ return this._trackID; }, set:function(value){ this._trackID = value; } }, _spans:{ serializable:true, value:[] }, spans:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._spans; }, set:function (newVal) { this._spans = newVal; } }, _spanRepetition:{ serializable:true, value:null }, spanRepetition:{ serializable:true, get:function () { return this._spanRepetition; }, set:function (newVal) { this._spanRepetition = newVal; } }, trackDuration:{ value:0 }, currentKeyframe:{ value:0 }, currentMillisecClicked:{ value: 0 }, isAnimated:{ value:false }, animatedElement:{ value:null }, ninjaStylesContoller:{ value: null }, //TEMP keyFrames:{ value:[], writable:true, enumerable:true }, prepareForDraw: { value: function() { this.keyFrames = new Array(); this.spans = new Array(); this.track_lane.addEventListener("click", this, false); this.addNewEndPoint(0); this.ninjaStylesContoller =; } }, handleNewTween:{ value: function(event){ var newTween = Tween.create(); } }, handleClick:{ value:function (ev) { var currentMillisecPerPixel = Math.floor( / 80); this.currentMillisecClicked = currentMillisecPerPixel * (ev.offsetX + parseInt(; // TEMP - if the SHIFT key is down, add a new keyframe or split an existing span // This needs to move to a keyboard shortcut that is TBD if (ev.shiftKey) { var prevFrame = this.keyFrames[this.keyFrames.length - 1][0]; if (ev.offsetX > prevFrame) { this.addNewEndPoint(ev.offsetX); this.currentMillisecClicked = currentMillisecPerPixel * ev.offsetX; } else { this.currentMillisecClicked = currentMillisecPerPixel * (ev.offsetX + parseInt(; this.splitSpan(ev); } } console.log("currentMillisecClicked = " + this.currentMillisecClicked); } }, addNewEndPoint : { value: function(xpos){ var newKeyFrame = document.createElement("div"); newKeyFrame.className = "keyframe"; = (xpos - 2) + "px"; this.track_lane.appendChild(newKeyFrame); if(xpos > 0){ var prevFrame = this.keyFrames[this.keyFrames.length - 1][0]; var newDefaultSpan = document.createElement("div"); newDefaultSpan.className = "defaultSpan"; = prevFrame + "px"; = (xpos - prevFrame) + "px"; this.track_lane.appendChild(newDefaultSpan); this.spans.push(newDefaultSpan); } var keyframePercent = this.currentMillisecClicked /; var keyframeProperties; //console.log(keyframePercent); this.keyFrames.push([xpos, keyframePercent, keyframeProperties]); //console.log(this.keyFrames) } }, splitSpan: { value: function(ev){ console.log("splitting span at span offsetX: " + ev.offsetX); //this.track_lane.removeChild(; } }, updateKeyframePercents:{ value:function(){ } }, addAnimationRuleToElement:{ value: function(){ } }, calculateKeyframePercent:{ value:function() { } }, buildKeyframesString:{ value:function(){ } } });