/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, TreeNode = require("js/components/treeview/tree-node").TreeNode; exports.Style = Montage.create(TreeNode, { delegate : { value: null }, disabledClass : { value: 'style-item-disabled' }, editingStyleClass : { value: 'edit-style-item' }, editNewEmptyClass : { value: 'edit-empty-style' }, invalidStyleClass : { value: "style-item-invalid" }, propertyText : { value: "property" }, _valueText : { value: "value" }, valueText : { get: function() { return this._valueText; }, set: function(text) { this._valueText = text; this.units = this.getUnits(text); } }, getUnits : { value: function(val) { if(val.split(/\s/).length > 1) { return false; } else if(/(px|em|pt|in|cm|mm|ex|pc|%)$/.test(val)) { return val.replace(/^.*(px|em|pt|in|cm|mm|ex|pc|%).*/, '$1'); } return null; } }, _enabled : { value: true, distinct: true }, enabled : { get: function() { return this._enabled; }, set: function(value) { this._enabled = value; this.needsDraw = true; } }, dirty : { get: function() { return this.propertyField.isDirty || this.valueField.isDirty; }, set: function(value) { } }, _invalid: { value: null }, invalid : { get: function() { return this._invalid; }, set: function(value) { this._invalid = value; this.needsDraw = true; } }, _editing : { value : null }, editing : { get: function() { return this._editing; }, set: function(value) { this._editing = value; this.needsDraw = true; } }, _editingNewStyle : { value: null }, editingNewStyle : { get: function() { return this._editingNewStyle; }, set: function(value) { this._editingNewStyle = value; this.needsDraw = true; } }, handleEvent : { value: function(e) { console.log(e); } }, handleDragstart : { value: function(e) { e.dataTransfer.effectAllowed = 'move'; e.dataTransfer.setData('Text', 'my styles, baby!'); this.element.classList.add("dragged"); } }, handleDragend : { value: function(e) { this.element.classList.remove("dragging"); this.element.classList.remove("dragged"); } }, handleDrag : { value: function(e) { this.element.classList.add("dragging"); } }, handleDrop : { value: function(e) { this.element.classList.remove("drag-enter"); } }, handleSourceObjectSet: { value: function() { //debugger; this.propertyText = this.sourceObject.name; this.valueText = this.sourceObject.value; } }, handleWebkitTransitionEnd : { value: function(e) { console.log("trans end"); } }, handleClick : { value: function(e) { console.log("handleAction"); this.editingNewStyle = this.editing = true; } }, handleStart : { value: function(e) { this.editing = true; } }, //// Handler for both hintable components handleStop : { value: function(e) { var event = e; ///// Function to determine if an empty (new) style should return ///// to showing the add button, i.e. the fields were not clicked function shouldStopEditing() { var clicked; if(e._event.detail.originalEventType === 'mousedown') { clicked = e._event.detail.originalEvent.target; return clicked !== this.propertyField.element && clicked !== this.valueField.element; } return; } if(this.sourceObject.isEmpty && !this.dirty && shouldStopEditing.bind(this)()) { this.editingNewStyle = false; } this.treeView.contentController.delegate.handleStyleStop(e); //this.editing = false; } }, handlePropertyChange : { value: function(e) { var property = this.propertyField.value, oldProperty = this.propertyField._preEditValue, value = this.valueField.value, rule = this.treeView.parentComponent.declaration.parentRule, delegate = this.treeView.contentController.delegate; delegate.handlePropertyChange(rule, property, value, oldProperty, this); } }, handleValueChange : { value: function(e) { var property = this.propertyField.value, value = this.valueField.value, rule = this.treeView.parentComponent.declaration.parentRule, delegate = this.treeView.contentController.delegate; delegate.handleValueChange(rule, property, value, this); } }, prepareForDraw : { value: function() { console.log("style's prepare for draw"); this.element.addEventListener('dragstart', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('drag', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('dragend', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('drop', this, false); this.element.addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this, false); ///// Add listeners to the value/property fields this.propertyField.addEventListener('start', this, false); this.valueField.addEventListener('start', this, false); this.propertyField.addEventListener('stop', this, false); this.valueField.addEventListener('stop', this, false); // this.propertyField.addEventListener('change', this, false); // this.valueField.addEventListener('change', this, false); if(this.sourceObject.isEmpty) { this.element.draggable = false; this.addStyleButton.addEventListener('click', this, false); } else { this.element.removeChild(this.addStyleButton); delete this.addStyleButton; } } }, willDraw : { value: function() { if(this.invalid) { this._element.title = "Unrecognized Style"; } else { this._element.removeAttribute('title'); } } }, draw : { value : function() { //debugger; if(this.sourceObject[this.labelKey]) { this._labelText = this.sourceObject[this.labelKey]; } else { console.log("Label key unknown"); } if(this.sourceObject.isEmpty) { this.element.classList.add('empty-css-style'); } else { this.element.classList.remove('empty-css-style'); } if(this._enabled) { this.element.classList.remove(this.disabledClass); } else { this.element.classList.add(this.disabledClass); } if(this._editingNewStyle) { if(!this.propertyField.isEditable) { this.propertyField.start(); } this.element.classList.add(this.editNewEmptyClass); } else { this.element.classList.remove(this.editNewEmptyClass); } if(this._invalid) { this._element.classList.add(this.invalidStyleClass); } else { this._element.classList.remove(this.invalidStyleClass); } if(this.editing) { this._element.classList.add(this.editingStyleClass); } else { this._element.classList.remove(this.editingStyleClass); } } } });