/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component, drawUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/draw-utils").DrawUtils, vecUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/vec-utils").VecUtils; exports.Stage = Montage.create(Component, { // TODO - Need to figure out how to remove this dependency // Needed by some tools that depend on selectionDrawn event to set up some logic drawNow: { value : false }, // TO REVIEW zoomFactor: {value : 1 }, _canvasSelectionPrefs: { value: { "thickness" : 1.0, "color" : "#46a1ff" } }, _canvasDrawingPrefs: { value: { "thickness" : 1.0, "color" : "#000" } }, drawingContextPreferences: { get: function() { return this._canvasDrawingPrefs; } }, _iframeContainer: { value: null }, _scrollFlag: {value: true, writable: true}, outFlag: { value: false, writable: true }, _resizeCanvases: { value: true }, viewUtils: { get: function() { return this.stageDeps.viewUtils; } }, snapManager: { get: function() { return this.stageDeps.snapManager; } }, drawUtils: { get: function() { return this.stageDeps.drawUtils; } }, resizeCanvases: { get: function() { return this._resizeCanvases; }, set: function(value) { this._resizeCanvases = value; if(value) { this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _updatedStage: { value: false }, updatedStage: { get: function() { return this._updatedStage; }, set: function(value) { this._updatedStage = value; if(value) { this.needsDraw = true; } } }, _currentDocumentStageView: { value: "front" }, currentDocumentStageView: { get: function() { return this._currentDocumentStageView; }, set: function(value) { if(this._currentDocumentStageView !== value) { this._currentDocumentStageView = value; this.setStageView(this.currentDocumentStageView); } } }, contextMenu: { value: false }, /** MAIN CANVASES **/ _canvas: { value: null }, // selection bounds, 3d normals and the overall 3d selection box use this canvas canvas: { get: function() { return this._canvas; } }, _context: { value: null }, context: { get: function() { return this._context; } }, _layoutCanvas: { value: null }, layoutCanvas: { get: function() { return this._layoutCanvas; } }, _drawingCanvas: { value: null }, drawingCanvas: { get: function() { return this._drawingCanvas; } }, _drawingContext: { value: null }, drawingContext: { get: function() { return this._drawingContext; } }, _clickPoint: { value: { x: { value: null }, y: { value: null } } }, // We will set this to false while moving objects to improve performance showSelectionBounds: { value: true }, _viewport: { value: null }, _documentOffsetLeft: { value: 0 }, _documentOffsetTop: { value: 0 }, _scrollLeft: { value: 0 }, _scrollTop: { value: 0 }, _userContentLeft: { value: 0 }, _userContentTop: { value: 0 }, _userContentBorder: { value: 0 }, viewport: { get: function () { return this._viewport; }, set: function(value) { this._viewport = value; } }, documentOffsetLeft: { get: function() { return this._documentOffsetLeft; }, set: function(value) { this._documentOffsetLeft = value; } }, documentOffsetTop: { get: function() { return this._documentOffsetTop }, set: function(value) { this._documentOffsetTop = value; } }, scrollLeft: { get: function() { return this._scrollLeft; } }, scrollTop: { get: function() { return this._scrollTop; } }, userContentLeft: { get: function() { return this._userContentLeft; }, set: function(value) { this._userContentLeft = value;} }, userContentTop: { get: function() { return this._userContentTop; }, set: function(value) { this._userContentTop = value;} }, userContentBorder: { get: function() { return this._userContentBorder; }, set: function(value) { this._userContentBorder = value; } }, _currentDocument: { value : null }, currentDocument : { get : function() { return this._currentDocument; }, set : function(value) { if (value === this._currentDocument) { return; } if(!this._currentDocument && value.currentView === "design") { this.showRulers(); this.hideCanvas(false); } this._currentDocument = value; if(!value) { this.hideRulers(); this.hideCanvas(true); } else if(this._currentDocument.currentView === "design") { this.clearAllCanvas(); this.initWithDocument(false); } } }, _userPaddingLeft: { value: 0 }, _userPaddingTop: { value: 0 }, userPaddingLeft: { get: function() { return this._userPaddingLeft; }, set: function(value) { this._userPaddingLeft = value; this._documentOffsetLeft = -value; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName("HTML")[0].style["padding-left"] = -value + "px"; this.userContentLeft = this._documentOffsetLeft; this.updatedStage = true; } }, userPaddingTop: { get: function() { return this._userPaddingTop; }, set: function(value) { this._userPaddingTop = value; this._documentOffsetTop = -value; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot.ownerDocument.getElementsByTagName("HTML")[0].style["padding-top"] = -value + "px"; this.userContentTop = this._documentOffsetTop; this.updatedStage = true; } }, willDraw: { value: function() { if(this.resizeCanvases) { // TODO GET THE SCROLL SIZE FROM THE CSS -- 11 px this._canvas.width = this._layoutCanvas.width = this._drawingCanvas.width = this.element.offsetWidth - 11 ; this._canvas.height = this._layoutCanvas.height = this._drawingCanvas.height = this.element.offsetHeight - 11;// - 26 - 26; // Hack for now until a full component this.layout.draw(); } else if(this.updatedStage) { this.layout.draw(); this.layout.draw3DInfo(true); } } }, didDraw: { value: function() { this.resizeCanvases = false; this.updatedStage = false; } }, prepareForDraw: { value: function() { this._context = this._canvas.getContext("2d"); this._drawingContext= this._drawingCanvas.getContext("2d"); // Setup event listeners this._drawingCanvas.addEventListener("mousedown", this, false); this._drawingCanvas.addEventListener("mouseup", this, false); this._drawingCanvas.addEventListener("dblclick", this, false); this._drawingCanvas.addEventListener("mousewheel", this, false); // Hide the canvas this.hideCanvas(true); this.eventManager.addEventListener( "appMouseUp", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener( "openDocument", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener( "switchDocument", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener( "enableStageMove", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener( "disableStageMove", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener( "selectionChange", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener( "elementChanging", this, false); this.eventManager.addEventListener( "elementChange", this, false); } }, // Event details will contain the active document prior to opening a new one handleOpenDocument: { value: function(evt) { this.initWithDocument(); } }, handleSwitchDocument: { value: function(evt) { this.initWithDocument(true); } }, initWithDocument: { value: function(didSwitch) { var designView = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design; // Recalculate the canvas sizes because of splitter resizing this._canvas.width = this._layoutCanvas.width = this._drawingCanvas.width = this.element.offsetWidth - 11 ; this._canvas.height = this._layoutCanvas.height = this._drawingCanvas.height = this.element.offsetHeight - 11; designView.iframe.contentWindow.addEventListener("scroll", this, false); this.addPropertyChangeListener("appModel.show3dGrid", this, false); this._userPaddingLeft = 0; this._userPaddingTop = 0; this._documentOffsetLeft = 0; this._documentOffsetTop = 0; this._userContentLeft = 0; this._userContentTop = 0; this._scrollLeft = 0; this._scrollTop = 0; if(designView._template) { var initialLeft = parseInt((this.canvas.width - designView._template.size.width)/2); var initialTop = parseInt((this.canvas.height - designView._template.size.height)/2); if(initialLeft > this.documentOffsetLeft) { this.userPaddingLeft = -initialLeft; } if(initialTop > this.documentOffsetTop) { this.userPaddingTop = -initialTop; } } if(didSwitch) { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design.document.body.scrollLeft = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.scrollLeft; this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design.document.body.scrollTop = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.scrollTop; this.handleScroll(); } else { this.centerStage(); } // TODO - We will need to modify this once we support switching between multiple documents this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance._configure(true); } }, /** * Event handler for the change @ 3DGrid */ handleChange: { value: function(notification) { if("appModel.show3dGrid" === notification.currentPropertyPath) { if(this.appModel.show3dGrid) { drawUtils.drawXY = true; this.stageDeps.snapManager.updateWorkingPlaneFromView(); this.updatedStage = true; } else { drawUtils.drawXY = false; drawUtils.drawYZ = false; drawUtils.drawXZ = false; this.updatedStage = true; } } } }, enableMouseInOut: { value: function() { this._drawingCanvas.addEventListener("mouseout", this, false); this._drawingCanvas.addEventListener("mouseover", this, false); } }, disableMouseInOut: { value: function() { this._drawingCanvas.removeEventListener("mouseout", this, false); this._drawingCanvas.removeEventListener("mouseover", this, false); } }, handleMouseout: { value: function(event) { this.outFlag = true; } }, handleMouseover : { value: function(event) { this.outFlag = false; } }, handleMousedown: { value: function(event) { // Call the focus manager to set focus to blur any focus'd elements this.focusManager.setFocus(); var point; // event.preventDefault(); // commenting because HTML elements in the IDE are retaining focus // If right click set the context menu to true to prevent a mouse up. if (event._event.button == 2) { this.contextMenu = true; return; } point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.canvas, new WebKitPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)); this._clickPoint.x = point.x; // event.layerX; this._clickPoint.y = point.y; // event.layerY; this.enableMouseInOut(); this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.downPoint.x = point.x; this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.downPoint.y = point.y; this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.HandleLeftButtonDown(event); } }, handleMouseup: { value: function(event) { // If the mouse up comes from dismissing the context menu return if(this.contextMenu) { this.contextMenu = false; return; } //this.disableMouseInOut(); this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.HandleLeftButtonUp(event); } }, handleDblclick: { value: function(event) { event.preventDefault(); this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.HandleDoubleClick(event); } }, handleMousewheel: { value: function(event) { if(event._event.wheelDelta > 0) { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design.document.body.scrollTop -= 20; } else { this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design.document.body.scrollTop += 20; } } }, /** * Enables the MouseMove on Canvas */ handleEnableStageMove: { value: function() { this._drawingCanvas.addEventListener("mousemove", this, false); } }, handleDisableStageMove: { value: function() { this._drawingCanvas.removeEventListener("mousemove", this, false); } }, handleMousemove: { value: function(event) { this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.HandleMouseMove(event); } }, handleAppMouseUp: { value: function(event) { if(this.outFlag) { if(this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.isDrawing) { this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.HandleLeftButtonUp(event); } this.disableMouseInOut(); this.outFlag = false; } } }, handleSelectionChange: { value: function(event) { // TODO - this is a hack for now because some tools depend on selectionDrawn event for some logic if(this.drawNow) { this.draw(); this.drawNow = false; } else { this.needsDraw = true; } } }, handleElementChanging: { value: function(event) { this.needsDraw = true; } }, handleElementChange: { value: function(event) { this.needsDraw = true; } }, /** Handles the Stage Scroll. */ handleScroll: { value: function() { this._scrollLeft = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design.document.body.scrollLeft; this._scrollTop = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design.document.body.scrollTop; this.userContentLeft = this._documentOffsetLeft - this._scrollLeft; this.userContentTop = this._documentOffsetTop - this._scrollTop; // Need to clear the snap cache and set up the drag plane //snapManager.setupDragPlaneFromPlane( workingPlane ); this.stageDeps.snapManager._isCacheInvalid = true; this.updatedStage = true; } }, /** * Toggles all Canvas on/off */ hideCanvas: { value: function(hide) { if(hide) { this._canvas.style.visibility = "hidden"; this._layoutCanvas.style.visibility = "hidden"; this._drawingCanvas.style.visibility = "hidden"; } else { this._canvas.style.visibility = "visible"; this._layoutCanvas.style.visibility = "visible"; this._drawingCanvas.style.visibility = "visible"; } } }, /** * Center the Stage */ centerStage: { value: function() { var designView = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design; if(designView._template) { designView.document.body.scrollLeft = this._documentOffsetLeft - parseInt((this.canvas.width - designView._template.size.width)/2); designView.document.body.scrollTop = this._documentOffsetTop - parseInt((this.canvas.height - designView._template.size.height)/2); } else { designView.document.body.scrollLeft = this._documentOffsetLeft; designView.document.body.scrollTop = this._documentOffsetTop; } this.handleScroll(); } }, /** * Clears the drawing canvas */ clearDrawingCanvas: { value: function() { this._drawingContext.clearRect(0, 0, this._drawingCanvas.width, this._drawingCanvas.height); } }, clearCanvas: { value: function() { this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); } }, clearAllCanvas: { value: function() { this._drawingContext.clearRect(0, 0, this._drawingCanvas.width, this._drawingCanvas.height); this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.layout.clearCanvas(); } }, SelectTool: { value: function(cursor) { this._drawingCanvas.style.cursor = cursor; this.clearDrawingCanvas(); } }, /** * GetElement: Returns the element or selectable element under the X,Y coordinates passed as an obj with x,y * * @param position: mouse event * @param selectable (default == null) if true this will return the current container element * @return: Returns the element or container or null if the the X,Y hits the exclusion list and tool cannot operate on stage */ getElement: { value: function(position, selectable) { var point, element, docView = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design; point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.canvas, new WebKitPoint(position.pageX - docView.iframe.contentWindow.pageXOffset + this.documentOffsetLeft, position.pageY - docView.iframe.contentWindow.pageYOffset + this.documentOffsetTop)); element = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design.getElementFromPoint(point.x - this.userContentLeft,point.y - this.userContentTop); if(!element) debugger; // workaround Chrome 3d bug if(this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance._canSnap && this.application.ninja.currentDocument.inExclusion(element) !== -1) { point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.canvas, new WebKitPoint(position.pageX, position.pageY)); element = this.getElementUsingSnapping(point); } if(selectable) { if(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.inExclusion(element) !== -1) { return this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer; } var activeContainerId = this.application.ninja.currentSelectedContainer.uuid; if(element.parentNode.uuid === activeContainerId) { return element; } else { var outerElement = element.parentNode; while(outerElement.parentNode && outerElement.parentNode.uuid !== activeContainerId) { // If element is higher up than current container then return if(outerElement.id === "UserContent") return; // else keep going up the chain outerElement = outerElement.parentNode; } return outerElement; } } else { return element; } } }, /** * getElementUsingSnapping: Returns the object at point using snap manager * * @param: point * @return: Returns the Object in the user document under the point */ getElementUsingSnapping: { value: function(point) { this.stageDeps.snapManager.enableElementSnap( true ); var hitRec = this.stageDeps.snapManager.snap(point.x, point.y, true); this.stageDeps.snapManager.enableElementSnap( this.stageDeps.snapManager.elementSnapEnabledAppLevel() ); if (hitRec) { return hitRec.getElement(); } else { return null; } } }, draw: { value: function() { this.clearCanvas(); drawUtils.updatePlanes(); //TODO Set this variable in the needs draw so that it does not have to be calculated again for each draw for selection change if(this.application.ninja.selectedElements.length) { // drawUtils.drawSelectionBounds handles the single selection case as well, // so we don't have to special-case the single selection case. // TODO drawUtils.drawSelectionBounds expects an array of elements. // TODO If we use the routine to only draw selection bounds, then we may want to change it // TODO to work on _element instead of re-creating a new Array here. var selArray = new Array(); for(var i = 0; this.application.ninja.selectedElements[i];i++) { var curElement = this.application.ninja.selectedElements[i]; // Add element to array that is used to calculate 3d-bounding box of all elements selArray.push( curElement ); // Draw bounding box around selected item. this.drawElementBoundingBox(curElement); // Draw the element normal drawUtils.drawElementNormal(curElement); } if(this.showSelectionBounds && this.application.ninja.selectedElements.length > 1) { drawUtils.drawSelectionBounds( selArray ); } } NJevent("selectionDrawn"); } }, /** * draw3DSelectionRectangle -- Draws a 3D rectangle used for marquee selection * Uses the _canvasDrawingPrefs for line thickness and color * * @params: x, y, w, h */ draw3DSelectionRectangle: { value:function(x0,y0, x1,y1, x2,y2, x3,y3) { // this.clearCanvas(); this.clearDrawingCanvas(); this._drawingContext.strokeStyle = this._canvasDrawingPrefs.color; this._drawingContext.lineWidth = this._canvasDrawingPrefs.thickness; //this._drawingContext.strokeRect(x,y,w,h); this._drawingContext.beginPath(); this._drawingContext.moveTo( x0 + 0.5, y0 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( x2 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( x3 + 0.5, y3 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( x0 + 0.5, y0 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.closePath(); this._drawingContext.stroke(); this._drawingContext.font = "10px sans-serif"; this._drawingContext.textAlign = "right"; // GET USER CONTENT COORDINATES var userCoor = this.toUserContentCoordinates(x0, y0); var textWidth = this._drawingContext.measureText(userCoor[0]).width; this._drawingContext.fillText("X: " + Math.round(userCoor[0]), x0+textWidth+4, y0 - 5); this._drawingContext.fillText("Y: " + Math.round(userCoor[1]), x0-5, y0+10); // When in 'Shift Mode' there is no Mouse Position for that event var txtX, txtY = 0; var point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.canvas, new WebKitPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)); (point.x) ? txtX = point.x : txtX = this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.downPoint.x; (point.y) ? txtY = point.y : txtY = this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.downPoint.y; var h = Math.round(Math.abs(y2-y0)); var w = Math.round(Math.abs(x2-x0)); this._drawingContext.fillText("H: " + h, txtX + 38, txtY - 4); this._drawingContext.fillText("W: " + w, txtX - 5, txtY + 12); } }, /** * Draws selection highlight and reg. point for a given element */ drawElementBoundingBox: { value: function(elt) { this.stageDeps.viewUtils.setViewportObj( elt ); var bounds3D = this.stageDeps.viewUtils.getElementViewBounds3D( elt ); // convert the local bounds to the world // for (var j=0; j<4; j++) { // bounds3D[j] = this.localToGlobal(bounds3D, j, elt); // } var zoomFactor = 1; if (this._viewport && this._viewport.style && this._viewport.style.zoom) { zoomFactor = Number(this._viewport.style.zoom); } var tmpMat = this.stageDeps.viewUtils.getLocalToGlobalMatrix( elt ); for (var j=0; j<4; j++) { var localPt = bounds3D[j]; var tmpPt = this.stageDeps.viewUtils.localToGlobal2(localPt, tmpMat); if(zoomFactor !== 1) { tmpPt = vecUtils.vecScale(3, tmpPt, zoomFactor); tmpPt[0] += this._scrollLeft*(zoomFactor - 1); tmpPt[1] += this._scrollTop*(zoomFactor - 1); } bounds3D[j] = tmpPt; } // draw it this.context.strokeStyle = this._canvasSelectionPrefs.color; this.context.lineWidth = this._canvasSelectionPrefs.thickness; this.context.beginPath(); this.context.moveTo( bounds3D[3][0] + 0.5 , bounds3D[3][1] - 0.5 ); // This more granular approach lets us specify different gaps for the selection around the element this.context.lineTo( bounds3D[0][0] - 0.5 , bounds3D[0][1] - 0.5 ); this.context.lineTo( bounds3D[1][0] - 0.5 , bounds3D[1][1] + 0.5 ); this.context.lineTo( bounds3D[2][0] + 0.5 , bounds3D[2][1] + 0.5 ); this.context.lineTo( bounds3D[3][0] + 0.5 , bounds3D[3][1] + 0.5 ); this.context.closePath(); this.context.stroke(); } }, /** * draw3DProjectedAndUnprojectedRectangles -- Draws a 3D rectangle used for marquee selection. * Draws a second rectangle to indicate the projected * location of the created geometry * Uses the _canvasDrawingPrefs for line thickness and color * * @params: x, y, w, h */ draw3DProjectedAndUnprojectedRectangles: { value:function(unProjPts, projPts) { this.clearDrawingCanvas(); this._drawingContext.strokeStyle = this._canvasDrawingPrefs.color; this._drawingContext.lineWidth = this._canvasDrawingPrefs.thickness; this._drawingContext.beginPath(); var x0 = unProjPts[0][0], y0 = unProjPts[0][1], x1 = unProjPts[1][0], y1 = unProjPts[1][1], x2 = unProjPts[2][0], y2 = unProjPts[2][1], x3 = unProjPts[3][0], y3 = unProjPts[3][1]; this._drawingContext.moveTo( x0 + 0.5, y0 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( x2 + 0.5, y2 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( x3 + 0.5, y3 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( x0 + 0.5, y0 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.closePath(); this._drawingContext.stroke(); this.stageDeps.snapManager.drawDashedLine( projPts[0], projPts[1], this._drawingContext ); this.stageDeps.snapManager.drawDashedLine( projPts[1], projPts[2], this._drawingContext ); this.stageDeps.snapManager.drawDashedLine( projPts[2], projPts[3], this._drawingContext ); this.stageDeps.snapManager.drawDashedLine( projPts[3], projPts[0], this._drawingContext ); this._drawingContext.font = "10px sans-serif"; this._drawingContext.textAlign = "right"; // GET USER CONTENT COORDINATES var userCoor = this.toUserContentCoordinates(x0, y0); var textWidth = this._drawingContext.measureText(userCoor[0]).width; this._drawingContext.fillText("X: " + Math.round(userCoor[0]), x0+textWidth+4, y0 - 5); this._drawingContext.fillText("Y: " + Math.round(userCoor[1]), x0-5, y0+10); // When in 'Shift Mode' there is no Mouse Position for that event var txtX, txtY = 0; var point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.canvas, new WebKitPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)); (point.x) ? txtX = point.x : txtX = this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.downPoint.x; (point.y) ? txtY = point.y : txtY = this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.downPoint.y; var h = Math.round(Math.abs(y2-y0)); var w = Math.round(Math.abs(x2-x0)); this._drawingContext.fillText("H: " + h, txtX + 38, txtY - 4); this._drawingContext.fillText("W: " + w, txtX - 5, txtY + 12); } }, /** * drawLine -- Draws a line in 3D space * Uses the _canvasDrawingPrefs for line thickness and color * * @params: x0, y0, x1, y1 */ drawLine: { value:function(x0, y0, x1, y1, strokeSize, strokeColor) { this.clearDrawingCanvas(); var origStrokeStyle = this._drawingContext.strokeStyle; var origLineWidth = this._drawingContext.lineWidth; this._drawingContext.strokeStyle = strokeColor; this._drawingContext.lineWidth = strokeSize; this._drawingContext.beginPath(); this._drawingContext.moveTo( x0 + 0.5, y0 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.lineTo( x1 + 0.5, y1 + 0.5 ); this._drawingContext.closePath(); this._drawingContext.stroke(); this._drawingContext.font = "10px sans-serif"; this._drawingContext.textAlign = "right"; // GET USER CONTENT COORDINATES var userCoor = this.toUserContentCoordinates(x0, y0); var textWidth = this._drawingContext.measureText(userCoor[0]).width; this._drawingContext.fillText("X: " + Math.round(userCoor[0]), x0+textWidth+4, y0 - 5); this._drawingContext.fillText("Y: " + Math.round(userCoor[1]), x0-5, y0+10); // When in 'Shift Mode' there is no Mouse Position for that event var txtX, txtY = 0; var point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.canvas, new WebKitPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)); (point.x) ? txtX = point.x : txtX = this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.downPoint.x; (point.y) ? txtY = point.y : txtY = this.application.ninja.toolsData.selectedToolInstance.downPoint.y; var h = Math.round(Math.abs(y1-y0)); var w = Math.round(Math.abs(x1-x0)); this._drawingContext.fillText("H: " + h, txtX + 38, txtY - 4); this._drawingContext.fillText("W: " + w, txtX - 5, txtY + 12); this._drawingContext.strokeStyle = origStrokeStyle; this._drawingContext.lineWidth = origLineWidth; } }, toUserContentCoordinates: { value: function(x,y) { return [x - this._userContentLeft, y - this._userContentTop]; } }, toViewportCoordinates: { value: function(x,y) { return [x + this._userContentLeft, y + this._userContentTop]; } }, setStageAsViewport: { value: function() { this.stageDeps.viewUtils.setViewportObj(this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot); } }, setZoom: { value: function(value) { if(!this._firstDraw) { var userContent = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot; if (userContent) { var w = this._canvas.width, h = this._canvas.height; var globalPt = [w/2, h/2, 0]; this.stageDeps.viewUtils.setStageZoom( globalPt, value/100 ); //TODO - Maybe move to mediator. var newVal = value/100.0; if (newVal >= 1) this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.views.design.iframe.style.zoom = value/100; this.updatedStage = true; NJevent( "zoomChange"); } } } }, getPlaneForView: { value: function( side ) { var plane = [0,0,1,0]; switch(side) { case "top": plane = [0,1,0,0]; plane[3] = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot.offsetHeight / 2.0; break; case "side": plane = [1,0,0,0]; plane[3] = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot.offsetWidth / 2.0; break; case "front": plane = [0,0,1,0]; break; default: console.log( "unrecognized view in snapManager.getPlaneForView: " + side ); break; } return plane; } }, setStageView: { value: function(side) { var mat, currentDoc = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.model.documentRoot, isDrawingGrid = this.application.ninja.appModel.show3dGrid; // Stage 3d Props. currentDoc.elementModel.props3D.ResetTranslationValues(); currentDoc.elementModel.props3D.ResetRotationValues(); switch(side){ case "top": mat = Matrix.RotationX(Math.PI * 270.0/180.0); drawUtils.drawXY = drawUtils.drawYZ = false; drawUtils.drawXZ = isDrawingGrid; break; case "side": mat = Matrix.RotationY(Math.PI * 270/180); drawUtils.drawXY = drawUtils.drawXZ = false; drawUtils.drawYZ = isDrawingGrid; break; case "front": mat = Matrix.I(4); drawUtils.drawYZ = drawUtils.drawXZ = false; drawUtils.drawXY = isDrawingGrid; break; } workingPlane = this.getPlaneForView( side ); this.stageDeps.viewUtils.setMatrixForElement(currentDoc, mat, false); drawUtils.setWorkingPlane(workingPlane); // Todo: Figure out where to put the DrawHandles //stageManagerModule.stageManager._toolsList.action("DrawHandles"); this.stageDeps.snapManager.updateWorkingPlaneFromView(); } }, saveScroll:{ value: function(){ this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.savedLeftScroll = this._iframeContainer.scrollLeft; this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.savedTopScroll = this._iframeContainer.scrollTop; } }, restoreScroll:{ value: function(){ this._iframeContainer.scrollLeft = this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.savedLeftScroll; this._scrollLeft = this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.savedLeftScroll; this._iframeContainer.scrollTop = this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.savedTopScroll; this._scrollTop = this.application.ninja.documentController.activeDocument.savedTopScroll; } }, showRulers:{ value:function(){ this.application.ninja.rulerTop.style.display = "block"; this.application.ninja.rulerLeft.style.display = "block"; } }, hideRulers:{ value:function(){ this.application.ninja.rulerTop.style.display = "none"; this.application.ninja.rulerLeft.style.display = "none"; } }, showCodeViewBar:{ value:function(isCodeView){ if(isCodeView === true) { this.application.ninja.editorViewOptions.element.style.display = "block"; this.application.ninja.documentBar.element.style.display = "none"; } else { this.application.ninja.documentBar.element.style.display = "block"; this.application.ninja.editorViewOptions.element.style.display = "none"; } } }, collapseAllPanels:{ value:function(){ this.application.ninja.panelSplitter.collapse(); this.application.ninja.timelineSplitter.collapse(); this.application.ninja.toolsSplitter.collapse(); this.application.ninja.optionsSplitter.collapse(); } }, restoreAllPanels:{ value:function(){ this.application.ninja.panelSplitter.restore(); this.application.ninja.timelineSplitter.restore(); this.application.ninja.toolsSplitter.restore(); this.application.ninja.optionsSplitter.restore(); } } });