/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, ElementsMediator = require("js/mediators/element-mediator").ElementMediator, toolBase = require("js/tools/ToolBase").toolBase; exports.EyedropperTool = Montage.create(toolBase, { _isMouseDown: { value: false }, _previousColor: { value: null}, _color: { value: null}, Configure: { value: function ( doActivate ) { if (doActivate) { NJevent("enableStageMove"); } else { NJevent("disableStageMove"); } } }, HandleLeftButtonDown: { value : function ( event ) { this._isMouseDown = true; this._previousColor = this.application.ninja.colorController[this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.input].css; this._updateColorFromPoint(event); } }, HandleMouseMove: { value : function (event) { if(this._escape) { this._isMouseDown = false; this._escape = false; } if(this._isMouseDown) { this._updateColorFromPoint(event); } } }, HandleLeftButtonUp: { value : function (event) { { this._isMouseDown = false; if(this._escape) { this._escape = false; } this._updateColor(this._color); this._color = null; } } }, HandleEscape: { value: function(event) { if(this._color && this._color.value) { var color = this.application.ninja.colorController.getColorObjFromCss(this._previousColor); if (color && color.value) { color.value.wasSetByCode = true; color.value.type = 'change'; if (color.value.a) { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.alpha = {value: color.value.a, wasSetByCode: true, type: 'change'}; } this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel[color.mode] = color.value; this._color = null; } } this._escape = true; } }, _updateColorFromPoint: { value : function (event) { var obj = this.application.ninja.stage.GetElement(event); if (obj) { // TODO - figure out if user clicked on a border - for now, just get fill var c = ElementsMediator.getColor(obj, true); if(c) { var color = this.application.ninja.colorController.getColorObjFromCss(c.color.css); if (color && color.value) { color.value.wasSetByCode = true; color.value.type = 'changing'; if (color.value.a) { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.alpha = {value: color.value.a, wasSetByCode: true, type: 'changing'}; } this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel[color.mode] = color.value; this._color = color; } } } } }, _updateColor: { value: function(color) { if (color && color.value) { var input = this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.input; if(input === "fill") { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorToolbar.fill_btn.color(color.mode, color.value); } else { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorToolbar.stroke_btn.color(color.mode, color.value); } // Updating color chips will set the input type to "chip", so set it back here. this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.input = input; color.value.wasSetByCode = true; color.value.type = 'change'; if (color.value.a) { this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel.alpha = {value: color.value.a, wasSetByCode: true, type: 'change'}; } this.application.ninja.colorController.colorModel[color.mode] = color.value; this._previousColor = color.value.css; } } } });