/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, snapManager = require("js/helper-classes/3D/snap-manager").SnapManager, viewUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/view-utils").ViewUtils, vecUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/vec-utils").VecUtils, drawUtils = require("js/helper-classes/3D/draw-utils").DrawUtils, DrawingTool = require("js/tools/drawing-tool").DrawingTool; exports.ZoomTool = Montage.create(DrawingTool, { drawingFeedback: { value: { mode: "Draw2D", type: "" } }, _mode :{ value: null}, _isDrawing: {value: false}, _zoomFactor :{value: 1.0}, _hasDraw :{value:false}, _escPressed:{value:true}, _layerX:{value:0}, _layerY:{value:0}, _delta:{value:0}, _x:{value:0}, _y:{value:0}, _factor:{value:1}, HandleLeftButtonDown: { value : function (event) { NJevent("enableStageMove"); this._isDrawing=true; var point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.application.ninja.stage.canvas, new WebKitPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)); this.downPoint.x = point.x; this.downPoint.y = point.y; } }, HandleAltKeyDown: { value: function(event) { this.setCursor(); this._altKeyDown=true; } }, HandleAltKeyUp: { value: function(event) { this.setCursor(); this._altKeyDown=false; } }, HandleEscape: { value: function(event) { this.application.ninja.stage.clearDrawingCanvas(); this._escPressed=false; } }, Configure: { value: function(wasSelected) { if(this.options.selectedElement==="zoomOutTool"){ var cursor = "url('images/cursors/zoom_minus.png'), default"; this.application.ninja.stage.drawingCanvas.style.cursor = cursor; } if(wasSelected) { this.AddCustomFeedback(); this.eventManager.addEventListener( "toolDoubleClick", this, false); this.application.ninja.stage.drawingCanvas.addEventListener("mousewheel", this, false); } else { this.RemoveCustomFeedback(); this.eventManager.removeEventListener( "toolDoubleClick", this, false); this.application.ninja.stage.drawingCanvas.removeEventListener("mousewheel", this, false); } } }, AddCustomFeedback: { value: function (event) { this.application.ninja.stage.canvas.addEventListener("mousewheel", this, false); } }, handleScrollValue:{ value:function(){ this._mode = "mouseWheelZoom"; this._zoomFactor= this.application.ninja.documentBar.zoomFactor/100; if(this._delta > 0){ this._zoomFactor *= 1.2; } else{ this._zoomFactor /= 1.2; } this._zoomFactor = this.checkZoomLimit(this._zoomFactor); this._setZoom(this._mode,this._zoomFactor); this._mode="modeReset"; } }, handleMousewheel :{ value:function(event){ var point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.application.ninja.stage.canvas, new WebKitPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)); this._layerX = point.x; this._layerY = point.y; this._delta = 0; if (event.wheelDelta) { this._delta = event.wheelDelta/120; } if (this._delta){ this.handleScrollValue(this._delta); } if (event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault(); event.returnValue = false; } }, HandleMouseMove: { value : function (event) { // check for some reasonable amount of mouse movement var dx = Math.abs(event.layerX - this.downPoint.x), dy = Math.abs(event.layerY - this.downPoint.y); if ((dx >= 4) || (dy >= 4)) { // Drawing the Marquee if(this.options.selectedElement==="zoomInTool") { if(this._altKeyDown) this._hasDraw=false; else this._hasDraw = true; } else { if(this._altKeyDown) this._hasDraw=true; else this._hasDraw=false; } if(this._hasDraw) { this.doDraw(event); this._x = this.downPoint.x; this._y = this.downPoint.y; } } } }, handleZoomChange: { value: function(event) { } }, _setZoom:{ value:function(mode,zoomFactor) { var userContent = this.application.ninja.currentDocument.documentRoot; this._oldValue = this.application.ninja.documentBar.zoomFactor; var globalPt; if(this._mode==="mouseClickZoom") { if(this.options.selectedElement==="zoomInTool") { if(this._altKeyDown) this._factor = this._oldValue/(zoomFactor*100); else this._factor = (zoomFactor*100)/this._oldValue; } else { if(this._altKeyDown) this._factor = (zoomFactor*100)/this._oldValue; else this._factor = this._oldValue/(zoomFactor*100); } var hitRec = snapManager.snap( this._layerX, this._layerY, true ); if (hitRec) { var elt = hitRec.getElement(); if (elt) { // console.log( "hit: " + hitRec.getElement().id ); var localToGlobalMat = viewUtils.getLocalToGlobalMatrix( elt ); var localPt; if (elt != userContent) localPt = hitRec.calculateElementPreTransformScreenPoint(); else { localPt = hitRec.calculateElementWorldPoint(); viewUtils.pushViewportObj( userContent ); var cop = viewUtils.getCenterOfProjection(); this._localPt = [cop[0] + localPt[0], cop[1] + localPt[1], localPt[2]]; localPt = this._localPt.slice(); viewUtils.popViewportObj(); } globalPt = MathUtils.transformAndDivideHomogeneousPoint( localPt, localToGlobalMat ); } else globalPt = [this._layerX, this._layerY, 0]; } else globalPt = [this._layerX, this._layerY, 0]; } else if (this._mode==="marqueeZoom") { this._factor = (zoomFactor*100)/this._oldValue; var p0 = [this._x, this._y, 0]; var p1 = [this._layerX, this._layerY, 0]; globalPt = vecUtils.vecAdd(3, p0, p1); vecUtils.vecScale(3, globalPt, 0.5); } else if (this._mode === "doubleClickReset") { if (userContent) { var w = userContent.offsetWidth, h = userContent.offsetHeight; if(userContent.width) w = userContent.width; if(userContent.height) h = userContent.height; globalPt = [ w/2, h/2, 0]; } else globalPt = [0,0,0]; zoomFactor = 1; } else if (this._mode === "mouseWheelZoom") { var w = this.application.ninja.stage._canvas.width, h = this.application.ninja.stage._canvas.height; globalPt = [w/2, h/2, 0]; } else { console.log( "unhandled zoom mode: " + this._mode ); return; } // apply the scale to the matrices var localPt = viewUtils.globalToLocal( globalPt, userContent ); viewUtils.setStageZoom( globalPt, zoomFactor ); // let the document and stage manager know about the zoom change this.application.ninja.stage._firstDraw = true; this.application.ninja.documentBar.zoomFactor = zoomFactor*100; //this.application.ninja.stage.zoomFactor = zoomFactor; if (zoomFactor >= 1) this.application.ninja.currentDocument.iframe.style.zoom = zoomFactor; this.application.ninja.stage._firstDraw = false; //tmp3 = viewUtils.localToGlobal( localPt, userContent ); // DEBUG - remove this line // if we are resetting the zoom, clear out the translation from the matrices if (this._mode === "doubleClickReset") { viewUtils.clearStageTranslation(); this.application.ninja.stage.centerStage(); } // we need to redraw the entire stage after a zoom this.application.ninja.stage.updatedStage = true; } }, handleToolDoubleClick: { value: function () { this._zoomFactor = 1; this._mode="doubleClickReset"; this._setZoom(this._mode ,this._zoomFactor); } }, RemoveCustomFeedback: { value: function (event) { this.application.ninja.stage.canvas.removeEventListener("mousewheel", this, false); } }, HandleLeftButtonUp : { value : function(event) { var point = webkitConvertPointFromPageToNode(this.application.ninja.stage.canvas, new WebKitPoint(event.pageX, event.pageY)); this._layerX = point.x; this._layerY = point.y; if(event.which===1){ if(this._isDrawing){ this.endDraw(event); if(this._hasDraw){ if(this._escPressed){ this._mode="marqueeZoom"; this._zoomFactor =this.application.ninja.documentBar.zoomFactor/100; this._zoomFactor *=4; this._zoomFactor = this.checkZoomLimit(this._zoomFactor); this._setZoom(this._mode,this._zoomFactor); this._mode="modeReset"; } this._escPressed=true; } else{ this._mode="mouseClickZoom"; this._zoomFactor=this.application.ninja.documentBar.zoomFactor/100; if((this.options.selectedElement==="zoomInTool")){ if(this._altKeyDown) this._zoomFactor /= 1.2 ; else this._zoomFactor *= 1.2 ; } else{ if(this._altKeyDown){ this._zoomFactor *= 1.2 ; } else{ this._zoomFactor /= 1.2 ; } } this._zoomFactor = this.checkZoomLimit(this._zoomFactor); this._setZoom(this._mode,this._zoomFactor); this._mode="modeReset"; } } this._hasDraw=false; NJevent("disableStageMove"); this._isDrawing = false ; } else { return; } } }, checkZoomLimit:{ value:function( zoomFactor ){ if(zoomFactor > 20) zoomFactor = 20; if(zoomFactor < .25) zoomFactor = .25; return zoomFactor; } }, setCursor:{ value:function(){ if(this._altKeyDown){ if(this.options.selectedElement==="zoomOutTool"){ var cursor = "url('images/cursors/zoom_minus.png'), default"; this.application.ninja.stage.drawingCanvas.style.cursor = cursor; } else{ var cursor = "url('images/cursors/zoom.png'), default"; this.application.ninja.stage.drawingCanvas.style.cursor = cursor; } } else{ if(this.options.selectedElement==="zoomOutTool"){ var cursor = "url('images/cursors/zoom.png'), default"; this.application.ninja.stage.drawingCanvas.style.cursor = cursor; } else{ var cursor = "url('images/cursors/zoom_minus.png'), default"; this.application.ninja.stage.drawingCanvas.style.cursor = cursor; } } } } });