/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /** @module "montage/ui/rich-text-editor.reel" @requires montage/core/core */ var Montage = require("montage/core/core").Montage, Component = require("montage/ui/component").Component, MutableEvent = require("montage/core/event/mutable-event").MutableEvent, Resizer = require("node_modules/labs/rich-text-editor.reel/rich-text-resizer").Resizer, Sanitizer = require("node_modules/labs/rich-text-editor.reel/rich-text-sanitizer").Sanitizer; /** @class module:"montage/ui/rich-text-editor.reel".RichTextEditor @extends module:montage/ui/component.Component */ exports.RichTextEditor = Montage.create(Component,/** @lends module:"montage/ui/rich-text-editor.reel".RichTextEditor# */ { /** Description TODO @private */ _hasSelectionChangeEvent: { enumerable: false, value: null // Need to be preset to null, will be set to true or false later on }, /** Description TODO @private */ _uniqueId: { enumerable: false, value: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + "-" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) }, /** Description TODO @private */ _needsSelectionReset: { enumerable: false, value: false }, /** Description TODO @private */ _selectionChangeTimer: { enumerable: false, value: null }, /** Description TODO @private */ _activeLink: { enumerable: false, value: null }, /** Description TODO @private */ _needsActiveLinkOn: { enumerable: false, value: false }, /** Description TODO @private */ _hasFocus: { enumerable: false, value: false }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ hasFocus: { enumerable: true, get: function() { return this._hasFocus; } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _dirty: { enumerable: false, value: false }, /** Description TODO @private */ _value: { enumerable: false, value: "" }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ value: { enumerable: true, serializable: true, get: function() { var contentNode = this.element.firstChild, content; if (this._dirtyValue) { if (this._resizer) { contentNode = this._resizer.cleanup(contentNode); } contentNode = this._cleanupActiveLink(contentNode); content = contentNode ? contentNode.innerHTML : ""; if (content == "
") { // when the contentEditable div is emptied, Chrome add a
, let's filter it out content = ""; } if (this._sanitizer) { content = this._sanitizer.didGetValue(content, this._uniqueId); } this._value = content; this._dirtyValue = false; } return this._value; }, set: function(value) { if (this._value !== value || this._dirtyValue) { if (this._resizer) { this._needsHideResizer = true; } if (this._sanitizer) { value = this._sanitizer.willSetValue(value, this._uniqueId); } this._value = value; this._dirtyValue = false; this._dirtyTextValue = true; this._needsSelectionReset = true; this._needsResetContent = true; this.needsDraw = true; } } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _textValue: { enumerable: false, value: "" }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ textValue: { enumerable: true, get: function() { var contentNode = this.element.firstChild, childNodes; if (this._dirtyTextValue) { if (contentNode) { if (this._resizer) { contentNode = this._resizer.cleanup(contentNode); } contentNode = this._cleanupActiveLink(contentNode); } this._textValue = contentNode ? this._innerText(contentNode) : ""; this._dirtyTextValue = false; } return this._textValue; }, set: function (value) { if (this._textValue !== value || this._dirtyTextValue) { if (this._resizer) { this._needsHideResizer = true; } this._textValue = value; this._dirtyTextValue = false; this._dirtyValue = true; this._needsSelectionReset = true; this._needsResetContent = true; this.needsDraw = true; } } }, /** Description TODO @type {} */ delegate: { enumerable: true, value: null }, /** Description TODO @private */ _sanitizer: { enumerable: false, value: Sanitizer.create() }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ sanitizer: { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._sanitizer; }, set: function(value) { this._sanitizer = value; } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _resizer: { enumerable: false, value: Resizer.create() }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ resizer: { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._resizer; }, set: function(value) { // force hide the current resizer if (this._resizer){ this._resizer.hide(true); delete this._needsHideResizer; } this._resizer = value; this._resizer.initialize(this); } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _statesDirty: { enumerable: false, value: false }, /** Description TODO @private */ _states: { enumerable: false, value: null }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ states: { enumerable: true, get: function() { this.updateStates(); return this._states; } }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ updateStates: { enumerable: true, value: function() { var actions = this._actions, key, action, states, state, statesChanged = false, hasFocus = this._hasFocus; if (this._states == null || this._statesDirty) { this._states = this._states || {}; if (hasFocus) { this._statesDirty = false; states = this._states; for (key in actions) { action = actions[key]; state = "false"; if (action.enabled && action.status) { state = document.queryCommandValue(key); if (typeof state == "boolean") { state = state ? "true" : "false"; } // Clean up font name if (key == "fontname") { state = state.replace(/'/g, ""); } } if (states[key] !== state) { states[key] = state; statesChanged = true; } } if (statesChanged) { this._states = states; // As we do not use a setter, we need to manually dispatch a change event this.dispatchEvent(MutableEvent.changeEventForKeyAndValue("states" , this._states)); } } } return this._states; } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _allowDrop: { enumerable: false, value: true }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ allowDrop: { enumerable: true, serializable: true, get: function() { return this._allowDrop; }, set: function(value) { this._allowDrop = value; } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _actions: { enumerable: false, value: { bold: {enabled: true, needsValue:false, status: true}, italic: {enabled: true, needsValue:false, status: true}, underline: {enabled: true, needsValue:false, status: true}, strikethrough: {enabled: true, needsValue:false, status: true}, indent: {enabled: true, needsValue:false, status: false}, outdent: {enabled: true, needsValue:false, status: false}, insertorderedlist: {enabled: true, needsValue:false, status: true}, insertunorderedlist: {enabled: true, needsValue:false, status: true}, fontname: {enabled: true, needsValue:true, status: true}, fontsize: {enabled: true, needsValue:true, status: true}, hilitecolor: {enabled: true, needsValue:true, status: true}, forecolor: {enabled: true, needsValue:true, status: true} } }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ actions: { enumerable: false, get: function() { var actions = this._actions, action, actionsArray = []; for (action in actions) { actionsArray.push(action); } return actionsArray; } }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ enabledActions: { enumerable: true, serializable: true, get: function() { var actions = this._actions, action, actionsArray = []; for (action in actions) { if (actions[action].enabled) { actionsArray.push(action); } } return actionsArray; }, set: function(enabledActions) { var actions = this._actions, nbrEnabledActions = enabledActions.length, action, i; for (action in actions) { actions[action].enabled = false; } for (i = 0; i < nbrEnabledActions; i ++) { action = enabledActions[i]; if (actions[action] !== undefined) { actions[action].enabled = true; } } } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _needsFocus: { value: false }, /** Description TODO @type {Function} */ focus: { value: function() { this._needsFocus = true; this.needsDraw = true; } }, // Component Callbacks /** Description TODO @function */ prepareForDraw: { enumerable: false, value: function() { var el = this.element, div; if (this._resizer) { this._resizer.initialize(this); } el.classList.add('montage-editor-frame'); el.addEventListener("focus", this); el.addEventListener("dragstart", this, false); el.addEventListener("dragend", this, false); el.addEventListener("dragover", this, false); el.addEventListener("drop", this, false); this._needsResetContent = true; } }, /** Description TODO @function */ draw: { enumerable: false, value: function() { var thisRef = this, editorElement = this.element, element, range, offset; if (this._needsResetContent === true) { // Reset the editor content in order to reset the browser undo stack editorElement.innerHTML = '
'; // Set the contentEditable value if (this._value && !this._dirtyValue) { editorElement.firstChild.innerHTML = this._value; // Since this property affects the textValue, we need to fire a change event for it as well this.dispatchEvent(MutableEvent.changeEventForKeyAndValue("textValue" , this.textValue)); } else if (this._textValue && !this._dirtyTextValue) { editorElement.firstChild.innerText = this._textValue; // Since this property affects the value, we need to fire a change event for it as well this.dispatchEvent(MutableEvent.changeEventForKeyAndValue("value" , this.value)); } else { editorElement.firstChild.innerHTML = ""; } this._adjustPadding(); delete this._needsResetContent; } if (this._resizer) { // Need to hide the resizer? if (this._needsHideResizer) { this._resizer.hide(); delete this._needsHideResizer; } // Need to show the resizer? if (this._needsShowResizerOn) { element = this._needsShowResizerOn; this._resizer.show(element); // Select the element and its resizer this._selectingResizer = true; offset = this._nodeOffset(element); range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(element.parentNode, offset); range.setEnd(element.parentNode, offset + 1); this._selectedRange = range; // Note: Chrome (and maybe other browsers) will fire 2 selectionchange event asynchronously, to work around it let's use a timer setTimeout(function() {delete thisRef._selectingResizer;}, 0); delete this._needsShowResizerOn; } // Let's give a change to the resizer to do any custom drawing if needed this._resizer.draw(); } if (this._needsActiveLinkOn !== false && this._needsActiveLinkOn != this._activeLink) { this._showActiveLink(this._needsActiveLinkOn); this._needsActiveLinkOn = false; } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ didDraw: { value: function() { if (this._needsFocus) { this.element.firstChild.focus(); if(document.activeElement == this.element.firstChild) { this._needsFocus = false; } else { // Make sure the element is visible before trying again to set the focus var style = window.getComputedStyle(this.element); if (style.getPropertyValue("visibility") == "hidden" || style.getPropertyValue("display") == "none") { this._needsFocus = false; } else { this.needsDraw = true; } } } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ _adjustPadding: { enumerable: false, value: function() { var el = this.element.firstChild, minLeft = 0, minTop = 0; var walkTree = function(node, parentLeft, parentTop) { var nodes = node ? node.childNodes : [], nbrNodes = nodes.length, i, offsetLeft = node.offsetLeft, offsetTop = node.offsetTop; if (node.offsetParent) { offsetLeft += parentLeft; offsetTop += parentTop; } if (minLeft > offsetLeft) { minLeft = offsetLeft; } if (minTop > offsetTop) { minTop = offsetTop; } for (i = 0; i < nbrNodes; i ++) { walkTree(nodes[i], offsetLeft, offsetTop) } }; walkTree(el, el.offsetLeft, el.offsetTop); var computedStyle = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(el), paddingLeft = computedStyle.paddingLeft, paddingTop = computedStyle.paddingTop; if (paddingLeft.match(/%$/)) { paddingLeft = parseInt(paddingLeft, 10) * el.clientWidth; } else { paddingLeft = parseInt(paddingLeft, 10); } if (paddingTop.match(/%$/)) { paddingTop = parseInt(paddingTop, 10) * el.clientHeight; } else { paddingTop = parseInt(paddingTop, 10); } if (minLeft < 0) { el.style.paddingLeft = (-minLeft - paddingLeft) + "px"; } if (minTop < 0) { el.style.paddingTop = (-minTop - paddingTop) + "px"; } } }, // Event handlers // Event handlers /** Description TODO @function */ handleFocus: { enumerable: false, value: function() { var thisRef = this, el = this.element, content = el.firstChild, savedRange, timer; this._hasFocus = true; if (this._needsSelectionReset) { var node = this._lastInnerNode(), range, length, leafNodes = ["#text", "BR", "IMG"]; // Select the last inner node if (node) { if (leafNodes.indexOf(node.nodeName) !== -1) { node = node.parentNode; } range = document.createRange(); length = node.childNodes ? node.childNodes.length : 0; range.setStart(node, length); range.setEnd(node, length); this._selectedRange = range; } // Scroll the content to make sure the caret is visible, but only only if the focus wasn't the result of a user click/touch savedRange = this._selectedRange; timer = setInterval(function() { if (thisRef._equalRange(thisRef._selectedRange, savedRange) && content.scrollTop + content.offsetHeight != content.scrollHeight) { content.scrollTop = content.scrollHeight - content.offsetHeight; } }, 10); setTimeout(function(){clearInterval(timer)}, 1000); this._needsSelectionReset = false; } el.addEventListener("blur", this); el.addEventListener("input", this); el.addEventListener("keypress", this); el.addEventListener("paste", this, false); el.addEventListener(window.Touch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", this); document.addEventListener(window.Touch ? "touchend" : "mouseup", this); document.addEventListener("selectionchange", this, false); // Check if the browser does not supports the DOM event selectionchange if (this._hasSelectionChangeEvent === null) { var thisRef = this; setTimeout(function(){ if (thisRef._hasSelectionChangeEvent === null) { thisRef._hasSelectionChangeEvent = false; } }, 0); } if (this._hasSelectionChangeEvent === false) { // We need to listen to more event in order to simulate a selectionchange event el.addEventListener("keydup", this); } // Turn off image resize (if supported) document.execCommand("enableObjectResizing", false, false); // Force use css for styling (if supported) document.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, true); // Update the states if they are dirty if (this._statesDirty) { this.updateStates(); } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleBlur: { enumerable: false, value: function() { var el = this.element; // Force a selectionchange when we lose the focus this.handleSelectionchange(); el.removeEventListener("blur", this); el.removeEventListener("input", this); el.removeEventListener("keypress", this); el.removeEventListener("paste", this, false); el.removeEventListener(window.Touch ? "touchstart" : "mousedown", this); document.removeEventListener(window.Touch ? "touchend" : "mouseup", this); document.removeEventListener("selectionchange", this); if (this._hasSelectionChangeEvent === false) { el.removeEventListener("keydup", this); } this._hasFocus = false; } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleKeypress: { enumerable: false, value: function() { if (this._hasSelectionChangeEvent === false) { this.handleSelectionchange(); } if (this._activeLink) { this._hideActiveLink(); } this._markDirty(); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleInput: { enumerable: false, value: function(event) { if (this._hasSelectionChangeEvent === false) { this.handleSelectionchange(); } if (this._activeLink) { this._hideActiveLink(); } this.handleDragend(event); this._markDirty(); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleShortcut: { enumerable: false, value: function(event, action) { if (this._actions[action] && this._actions[action].enabled) { this.doAction(action); return true; } return false; } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleMousedown: { enumerable: false, value: function(event) { if (this._resizer) { if (this.resizer.startUserAction(event)) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleMouseup: { enumerable: false, value: function(event) { var thisRef = this, element = event.target, range, offset; if (this._resizer) { if (this.resizer.endUserAction(event)) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); return; } } if (element.tagName === "IMG") { if (this._currentResizerElement !== element) { this._needsShowResizerOn = element; this.needsDraw = true; } } else { if (this._resizer && this._resizer.element) { this._needsHideResizer = true; this.needsDraw = true; } if (this._hasSelectionChangeEvent === false) { this.handleSelectionchange(); } this.handleDragend(event); } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleTouchstart: { enumerable: false, value: function() { this.handleMousedown(event); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleTouchend: { enumerable: false, value: function() { this.handleMouseup(event); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleSelectionchange: { enumerable: false, value: function() { var thisRef = this, range, element, hideLinkPopup = true; if (this._ignoreSelectionchange) { return; } if (this._hasSelectionChangeEvent == null) { this._hasSelectionChangeEvent = true; } if (this._resizer) { if (this._selectingResizer !== true && this._resizer.element) { this._needsHideResizer = true; this.needsDraw = true; } } //Check if we are inside an anchor range = this._selectedRange; if (range && range.collapsed) { element = range.commonAncestorContainer; while (element && element != this._element) { if (element.nodeName == "A") { hideLinkPopup = false; if (element != this._activeLink) { this._needsActiveLinkOn = element; this.needsDraw = true; } break; } element = element.parentElement; } } if (hideLinkPopup) { this._needsActiveLinkOn = null; this.needsDraw = true; } this._statesDirty = true; if (this._selectionChangeTimer) { clearTimeout(this._selectionChangeTimer); } this._selectionChangeTimer = setTimeout(function() { thisRef._dispatchEditorEvent("editorSelect"); }, 50); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleDragstart: { enumerable: false, value: function(event) { // let's remember which element we are dragging this._dragSourceElement = event.srcElement; } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleDragend: { enumerable: false, value: function(event) { delete this._dragSourceElement; delete this._dragOverX; delete this._dragOverY; this.handleSelectionchange(); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleDragover: { enumerable: false, value: function(event) { var thisRef = this, range; // If we are moving an element from within the ourselves, let the browser deal with it... if (this._dragSourceElement) { return; } // JFD TODO: check if drop type is acceptable... event.dataTransfer.dropEffect = this._allowDrop ? "copy" : "none"; event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); // Update the caret if (event.x !== this._dragOverX || event.y !== this._dragOverY) { this._dragOverX = event.x; this._dragOverY = event.y; this._ignoreSelectionchange = true; if (document.caretRangeFromPoint) { range = document.caretRangeFromPoint(event.x, event.y); } else if (event.rangeParent && event.rangeOffset) { range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(event.rangeParent, event.rangeOffset); range.setEnd(event.rangeParent, event.rangeOffset); } if (range) { this._selectedRange = range; } if (this._ignoreSelectionchangeTimer) { clearTimeout(this._ignoreSelectionchangeTimer) } this._ignoreSelectionchangeTimer = setTimeout(function(){ delete thisRef._ignoreSelectionchange; thisRef._ignoreSelectionchangeTimer = null; }, 0); } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handleDrop: { enumerable: false, value: function(event) { var thisRef = this, files = event.dataTransfer.files, fileLength = files.length, file, data, reader, i, delegateMethod, response; if (this._dragSourceElement) { // Let the browser do the job for us, just make sure we cleanup after us this.handleDragend(event); this.handleSelectionchange(); return; } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (fileLength) { for (i = 0; i < fileLength; i ++) { file = files[i]; delegateMethod = this._delegateMethod("fileDrop"); response = true; if (window.FileReader) { reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function() { data = reader.result; if (delegateMethod) { response = delegateMethod.call(this.delegate, this, file, data); } if (response === true) { if (file.type.match(/^image\//i)) { document.execCommand("insertimage", false, data); thisRef._markDirty(); } } } reader.onprogress = function(e) { } reader.onerror = function(e) { } reader.readAsDataURL(file); } else { // Note: This browser does not support the File API, we cannot do a preview... if (delegateMethod) { response = delegateMethod.call(this.delegate, this, file); } if (response === true) { // TODO: for now, we do nothing, up to the consumer to deal with that case } } } } else { data = event.dataTransfer.getData("text/html"); if (data) { // Sanitize Fragment (CSS & JS) if (this._sanitizer) { data = this._sanitizer.willInsertHTMLData(data, this._uniqueId); } } else { data = event.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain") || event.dataTransfer.getData("text"); if (data) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerText = data; data = div.innerHTML; } } if (data) { var delegateMethod = this._delegateMethod("drop"), response; if (delegateMethod) { response = delegateMethod.call(this.delegate, this, data, "text/html"); if (response === true) { data = data.replace(/\]+>/gi, ""); // Remove the meta tag. } else { data = response === false ? null : response ; } } else { data = data.replace(/\]+>/gi, ""); // Remove the meta tag. } if (data && data.length) { document.execCommand("inserthtml", false, data); this._markDirty(); } } } this.handleDragend(event); } }, /** Description TODO @function */ handlePaste: { enumerable: false, value: function(event) { var thisRef = this, clipboardData = event.clipboardData, data = clipboardData.getData("text/html"), delegateMethod, response, div, isHTML, item, file, reader; /* NOTE: Chrome, and maybe the other browser too, returns html or plain text data when calling getData("text/html), To determine if the data is actually html, check the data starts with either an html or a meta tag */ isHTML = data && data.match(/^(]*>|)/i); if (data && isHTML) { // Sanitize Fragment (CSS & JS) if (this._sanitizer) { data = this._sanitizer.willInsertHTMLData(data, this._uniqueId); } } else { data = clipboardData.getData("text/plain") || clipboardData.getData("text"); if (data) { // Convert plain text to html div = document.createElement('div'); div.innerText = data; data = div.innerHTML; } } if (data) { delegateMethod = this._delegateMethod("paste"); if (delegateMethod) { response = delegateMethod.call(this.delegate, this, data, "text/html"); if (response === true) { data = data.replace(/\]+>/gi, ""); // Remove the meta tag. } else { data = response === false ? null : response ; } } else { data = data.replace(/\]+>/gi, ""); // Remove the meta tag. } if (data && data.length) { document.execCommand("inserthtml", false, data); this._markDirty(); } } else { // Maybe we have trying to paste an image as Blob... if (clipboardData.items.length) { item = clipboardData.items[0]; if (item.kind == "file" && item.type.match(/^image\/.*$/)) { file = item.getAsFile(); response = true; if (window.FileReader) { reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function() { data = reader.result; this._delegateMethod("filePaste"); if (delegateMethod) { response = delegateMethod.call(this.delegate, this, file, data); } if (response === true) { if (file.type.match(/^image\//i)) { document.execCommand("insertimage", false, data); thisRef._markDirty(); } } } reader.onprogress = function(e) { } reader.onerror = function(e) { } reader.readAsDataURL(file); } else { // Note: This browser does not support the File API, we cannot handle it directly... if (delegateMethod) { response = delegateMethod.call(this.delegate, this, file); } if (response === true) { // TODO: for now, we do nothing, up to the consumer to deal with that case } } } } } event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }, /** Description TODO @function @param {String} pointer TODO @param {Component} demandingComponent TODO @returns {Boolean} false */ surrenderPointer: { value: function(pointer, demandingComponent) { return false; } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _observePointer: { value: function(pointer) { this.eventManager.claimPointer(pointer, this); this._observedPointer = pointer; } }, /** Description TODO @private */ _releaseInterest: { value: function() { this.eventManager.forfeitPointer(this._observedPointer, this); this._observedPointer = null; } }, // Actions /** Description TODO @function */ handleAction: { enumerable: false, value: function(event) { var target = event.currentTarget, action = target.action || target.identifier, value = false; if (action) { if (this._actions[action].needsValue) { value = target.actionValue; if (value !== undefined) { value = target[value]; if (value === undefined) { value = target.actionValue; } } else { value = target.value; } if (value === undefined) { value = false; } } this.doAction(action, value); } } }, /** Description TODO @function */ doAction: { enumerable: true, value: function(action, value) { // Check if the action is valid and enabled if (this._actions[action] && this._actions[action].enabled === true) { if (value === undefined) { value = false; } document.execCommand(action, false, value); this.handleSelectionchange(); this._markDirty(); } } }, // Private methods /** Description TODO @private @function */ _dispatchEditorEvent: { enumerable: false, value: function(type, value) { var editorEvent = document.createEvent("CustomEvent"); editorEvent.initCustomEvent(type, true, false, value === undefined ? null : value); editorEvent.type = type; this.dispatchEvent(editorEvent); } }, /** Description TODO @private @function */ _markDirty: { enumerable: false, value: function() { var thisRef = this, updateValues = function() { clearTimeout(thisRef._forceUpdateValuesTimeout); delete thisRef._forceUpdateValuesTimeout; clearTimeout(thisRef._updateValuesTimeout); delete thisRef._updateValuesTimeout; thisRef.dispatchEvent(MutableEvent.changeEventForKeyAndValue("value" , thisRef.value)); thisRef.dispatchEvent(MutableEvent.changeEventForKeyAndValue("textValue" , thisRef.textValue)); thisRef._dispatchEditorEvent("editorChange"); }; // Clear the cached value this._dirtyValue = true; this._dirtyTextValue = true; if (!this._forceUpdateValuesTimeout) { this._forceUpdateValuesTimeout = setTimeout(updateValues, 1000); } if (this._updateValuesTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._updateValuesTimeout); } this._updateValuesTimeout = setTimeout(updateValues, 200); } }, /** Description TODO @private @function */ _delegateMethod: { enumerable: false, value: function(name) { var delegate, delegateFunctionName, delegateFunction; if (typeof this.identifier === "string") { delegateFunctionName = this.identifier + name.toCapitalized(); } else { delegateFunctionName = name; } if ((delegate = this.delegate) && typeof (delegateFunction = delegate[delegateFunctionName]) === "function") { return delegateFunction; } return null; } }, /** Description TODO @private @function */ _nodeOffset: { enumerable: false, value: function(node) { var parentNode = node.parentNode, childNodes = parentNode.childNodes, i; for (i in childNodes) { if (childNodes[i] === node) { return parseInt(i, 10); // i is a string, we need an integer } } return 0; } }, /** Description TODO @private @function */ _lastInnerNode: { enumerable: false, value: function() { var nodes = this.element.firstChild.childNodes, nbrNodes = nodes.length, node = null; while (nodes) { nbrNodes = nodes.length; if (nbrNodes) { node = nodes[nbrNodes - 1]; nodes = node.childNodes; } else { break; } } return node; } }, /** Description TODO @private @function */ _selectedRange: { enumerable: false, set: function(range) { if (window.getSelection) { var selection = window.getSelection(); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } else { range.select(); } }, get: function() { var userSelection, range; if (window.getSelection) { userSelection = window.getSelection(); } else if (document.selection) { // Opera! userSelection = document.selection.createRange(); } if (userSelection.getRangeAt) { if (userSelection.rangeCount) { return userSelection.getRangeAt(0); } else { // return an empty selection return document.createRange(); } } else { // Safari! var range = document.createRange(); range.setStart(userSelection.anchorNode, userSelection.anchorOffset); range.setEnd(userSelection.focusNode, userSelection.focusOffset); return range; } } }, /** Description TODO @private @function */ _equalRange: { enumerable: false, value: function(rangeA, rangeB) { return (rangeA.startContainer == rangeB.startContainer && rangeA.startOffset == rangeB.startOffset && rangeA.endContainer == rangeB.endContainer && rangeA.endOffset == rangeB.endOffset); } }, /** Description TODO @private @function */ _showActiveLink: { enumerable: false, value: function(element) { var editorElement = this._element.firstChild, popup, parentNode, nextSibling, w, h, l, t, docH, docW, maxWidth, style, popupExtraWidth = 53; // This is depending of the popup css if (this._activeLink != element) { this._hideActiveLink(); if (element) { parentNode = element.parentNode; nextSibling = element.nextSibling; // sanity check: make sure we don't already have a popup installed for that element if (!nextSibling || nextSibling.tagName !== "DIV" || !nextSibling.classList.contains("montage-link-popup")) { oh = editorElement.offsetHeight; ow = editorElement.offsetWidth; st = editorElement.scrollTop; sl = editorElement.scrollLeft; w = element.offsetWidth -1, h = element.offsetHeight -1, l = element.offsetLeft, t = element.offsetTop, style = ""; if (t > 60 && t - st + h + 50 > oh) { style = "bottom: " + (oh - t + 5) + "px;"; } else { style = "top: " + (t + h + 5 ) + "px;"; } var maxWidth = ow - l - popupExtraWidth + sl; if (maxWidth < 150) { maxWidth = 150; } if (l + maxWidth + popupExtraWidth - sl > ow) { l = ow - maxWidth - popupExtraWidth + sl; } if (l < 3) { l = 3; } style += " left: " + l + "px;" style += "max-width: " + maxWidth + "px;" popup = document.createElement("DIV"); popup.className = "montage-link-popup"; popup.setAttribute("contentEditable", "false"); popup.setAttribute("style", style); popup.innerHTML = '' + element.href + ''; parentNode.insertBefore(popup, nextSibling); this._activeLink = element; } } } } }, /** Description TODO @private @function */ _hideActiveLink: { enumerable: false, value: function() { var popups, nbrPopups, popup, i; if (this._activeLink) { popups = this._element.firstChild.getElementsByClassName("montage-link-popup"); nbrPopups = popups.length; // Note: We should not have more than one popup, this is just in case... for (i = 0; i < nbrPopups; i ++) { popup = popups[0]; popup.parentNode.removeChild(popup); } this._activeLink = null; } } }, /** Description TODO @private @function */ _cleanupActiveLink: { enumerable: false, value: function(contentNode) { var cleanContentNode = contentNode, popups = contentNode.getElementsByClassName("montage-link-popup"), nbrPopups, popup, i; if (popups) { // We don't want to hide the popup, just return a copy of the content without any popup cleanContentNode = contentNode.cloneNode(true); popups = cleanContentNode.getElementsByClassName("montage-link-popup"); nbrPopups = popups.length; // Note: We should not have more than one popup, this is just in case... for (i = 0; i < nbrPopups; i ++) { popup = popups[0]; popup.parentNode.removeChild(popup); } } return cleanContentNode; } }, _innerText: { enumerable: false, value: function(contentNode) { var result = "", textNodeContents = [], _walkNode = function(node) { var child; if (node.nodeName == "STYLE") { return; } // TODO: We need to insert newlines after block elements (and remove any newline coming from HTML) for (child = node.firstChild; child; child = child.nextSibling) { if (child.nodeType == 3) { // text node textNodeContents.push(child.nodeValue); } else { _walkNode(child); } } }; _walkNode(contentNode); result = textNodeContents.join(""); return result; } } });