/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /** @module montage/core/converter/bytes-converter @requires montage/core/core @requires montage/core/converter/converter @requires montage/core/converter/number-converter */ var Montage = require("montage").Montage; var Converter = require('core/converter/converter').Converter; var _numericValueToString = require("core/converter/number-converter")._numericValueToString; var _stringToNumericValue = require("core/converter/number-converter")._stringToNumericValue; var NUMERIC_SCALES_BINARY_ = require("core/converter/number-converter").NUMERIC_SCALES_BINARY_; var isDef = require('core/converter/converter').isDef; /** @private */ var NUMERIC_SCALE_PREFIXES_BYTES = [ 'P', 'T', 'G', 'M', 'K', '', 'm', 'u', 'n' ]; /** Converts a string to number of bytes, taking into account the units. Binary conversion. @function @param {string} stringValue String to be converted to numeric value. @return {number} Numeric value for string. @private */ var stringToNumBytes = function(stringValue) { return _stringToNumericValue(stringValue, NUMERIC_SCALES_BINARY_); }; /** Converts number of bytes to string representation. Binary conversion. Default is to return the additional 'B' suffix, e.g. '10.5KB' to minimize confusion with counts that are scaled by powers of 1000. @function @param {Number} val Value to be converted. @param {Number} opt_decimals The number of decimals to use. Defaults to 2. @param {Boolean} opt_suffix If true, include trailing 'B' in returned string. Default is true. @return {String} String representation of number of bytes. @private */ var numBytesToString = function(val, opt_decimals, opt_suffix) { var suffix = ''; if (!isDef(opt_suffix) || opt_suffix) { suffix = 'B'; } return _numericValueToString(val, NUMERIC_SCALES_BINARY_, opt_decimals, suffix, NUMERIC_SCALE_PREFIXES_BYTES); }; /** Formats a number of bytes in human readable form: 54, 450K, 1.3M, 5G etc. @function @param {Number} bytes The number of bytes to show. @param {Number} opt_decimals The number of decimals to use. Defaults to 2. @return {String} The human readable form of the byte size. @private */ var fileSize = function(bytes, opt_decimals) { return numBytesToString(bytes, opt_decimals, false); }; /** @class module:montage/core/converter/bytes-converter.BytesConverter @classdesc Converts a numeric value to byte format (for example, 2048 is converted to 2MB). @extends module:montage/core/converter.Converter */ exports.BytesConverter = Montage.create(Converter, /** @lends module:montage/core/converter/bytes-converter.BytesConverter# */ { /** The number of decimals to include in the formatted value. Default is 2. @type {Property} @default {Number} 2 */ decimals: { value: 2, serializable: true }, /** Converts the specified value to byte format. @function @param {Property} v The value to format. @returns {String} The value converted to byte format. @example var Converter= require("core/converter/converter").Converter; var BytesConverter = require("core/converter/converter").BytesConverter; var bytes = "12341234"; var byteconverter = BytesConverter.create(); console.log("Converted: " + byteconverter.convert(bytes)); console.log("Reverted: " + byteconverter.revert(bytes)); // Converted: 11.77MB // Reverted: 12341234 */ convert: { value: function(v) { return fileSize(v, this.decimals); } }, /** Reverts a formatted byte string to a standard number. @function @param {String} v The value to revert. @returns {String} v @see module:montage/converter.BytesConverter#convert @example var Converter= require("core/converter/converter").Converter; var BytesConverter = require("core/converter/converter").BytesConverter; var bytes = "11.77MB"; var byteconverter = BytesConverter.create(); console.log("Reverted: " + byteconverter.revert(bytes)); // Reverted: 12341234 */ revert: { value: function(v) { return v; } } });