/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ /** Defines extensions to native Array object. @see [Array class]{@link external:Array} @module montage/core/shim/array */ /** @external Array */ /** @function external:Array#equals @param {object} right The object to compare. @returns {Boolean} true or false */ if (!Array.prototype.equals) { Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "equals", { value: function (right) { var i = 0, length = this.length, lhs, rhs; if (this === right) { return true; } if (!right || !Array.isArray(right)) { return false; } if (length !== right.length) { return false; } else { for (; i < length; ++i) { if (i in this) { lhs = this[i], rhs = right[i]; if (lhs !== rhs && (lhs && rhs && !lhs.equals(rhs))) { return false; } } else { if (i in right) { return false; } } } } return true; } }); } Object.defineProperty(Array, "isCanvasPixelArray", { value: function(obj) { return Object.prototype.toString.call(obj) === "[object CanvasPixelArray]"; } }); /** Description @member external:Array#getProperty @function @param {Object} aPropertyPath @param {Property} unique @param {Property} preserve @param {Function} visitedComponentCallback @param {Array} currentIndex */ var _index_array_regexp = /^[0-9]+$/; Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "getProperty", { value: function(aPropertyPath, unique, preserve, visitedComponentCallback, currentIndex) { if (aPropertyPath == null) { return; } currentIndex = currentIndex || 0; var result, propertyIsNumber = _index_array_regexp.test(aPropertyPath),//!isNaN(aPropertyPath), parenthesisStartIndex = propertyIsNumber ? -1 : aPropertyPath.indexOf("(", currentIndex), parenthesisEndIndex = propertyIsNumber ? -1 : aPropertyPath.lastIndexOf(")"), currentPathComponentEndIndex = propertyIsNumber ? -1 : aPropertyPath.indexOf(".", currentIndex), nextDelimiterIndex = -1, itemResult, index, currentPathComponent, functionName, functionArgPropertyPath, tmpResult, uniques; // PARSE: Determine the indices of the currentPathComponent we're concerned with if (currentPathComponentEndIndex > -1 && parenthesisStartIndex > -1) { // We have both a dot and an open parenthesis somewhere in the path, figure out the next path component if (currentPathComponentEndIndex > parenthesisStartIndex) { // The next dot was actually inside the function call; use the entire function call: foo.bar(a.b.c) -> bar(a.b.c) nextDelimiterIndex = parenthesisEndIndex + 1; functionName = aPropertyPath.substring(currentIndex, parenthesisStartIndex); } else { // The next dot comes before the start of the function parenthesis; use the dot: foo.bar(a.b.c) -> foo nextDelimiterIndex = currentPathComponentEndIndex; } } else { // We have either a dot, parenthesis, or neither if (parenthesisStartIndex > -1) { // we had a starting parenthesis; use the END parenthesis to include the entire function call nextDelimiterIndex = parenthesisEndIndex + 1; functionName = aPropertyPath.substring(currentIndex, parenthesisStartIndex); } else { nextDelimiterIndex = currentPathComponentEndIndex; } } // Find the component of the propertyPath we want to deal with during this particular invocation of this function currentPathComponent = propertyIsNumber ? aPropertyPath : aPropertyPath.substring(currentIndex, (nextDelimiterIndex === -1 ? aPropertyPath.length : nextDelimiterIndex)); // EVALUATE: Determine the value of the currentPathComponent if (functionName) { // We have a function to execute as part of this propertyPath; execute it assuming that it will know // how to handle the property path being passed along // TODO do we call this before or after finding the result (probably before to maintain the chain // of one invocation's discovered value being the context of the next invocation if (visitedComponentCallback) { visitedComponentCallback(this, functionName + "()", null, null, null); } functionArgPropertyPath = aPropertyPath.substring(parenthesisStartIndex + 1, parenthesisEndIndex); result = this[functionName](functionArgPropertyPath, visitedComponentCallback); } else { // TODO we don't provide any way to access properties that are actually accessible on the array itself // we assume that by default, any property in a propertyPath after an array refers to a property // you are interested in getting on each member of the array if (isNaN(currentPathComponent)) { if (visitedComponentCallback) { //console.log("....", currentPathComponent, aPropertyPath , currentPathComponentEndIndex != -1 ? aPropertyPath.slice(currentPathComponentEndIndex + 1) : null); //console.log(aPropertyPath.slice(currentIndex)); visitedComponentCallback(this, null, undefined, null, aPropertyPath.slice(currentIndex)); } result = []; index = 0; // The currentPathComponent is some property not directly on this array, and not an index in the array // so we'll be getting an array of resolving this currentPathComponent on each member in the array if (preserve) { while((itemResult = this[index]) != null) { result[index] = itemResult.getProperty(aPropertyPath, unique, preserve, visitedComponentCallback, currentIndex); index++; } } else { // TODO in either case, why do we stop if we encounter null|undefined? there could be useful // values after that in the collection. I already had to fix an issue here where a zero // would short-circuit the loop while((itemResult = this[index]) != null) { tmpResult = itemResult.getProperty(aPropertyPath, unique, preserve, visitedComponentCallback, currentIndex); if (Array.isArray(tmpResult)) { result = result.concat(tmpResult); } else { result[index] = tmpResult; } index++; } if (unique) { var uniques = {}; // TODO reuse this object if possible // TODO don't recreate this filter function each time result = result.filter(function(element) { return uniques[element] ? false : (uniques[element] = true); }); } } } else { // The currentPathComponent is an index into this array result = this[currentPathComponent]; if (visitedComponentCallback) { visitedComponentCallback(this, currentPathComponent, result, null, currentPathComponentEndIndex != -1 ? aPropertyPath.slice(currentPathComponentEndIndex + 1) : null); } if (currentPathComponentEndIndex > 0) { result = result ? result.getProperty(aPropertyPath, unique, preserve, visitedComponentCallback, currentPathComponentEndIndex + 1) : undefined; } else if (visitedComponentCallback && currentPathComponentEndIndex === -1 && result) { // If we're at the end of the path, but have a result, visit it //visitedComponentCallback(result, null, null, null, null); } } } return result; }, enumerable: false }); /** @member external:Array#count @function @returns this.length */ Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "count", { value: function() { return this.length; } }); /** Description @member external:Array#any @function @param {Object} propertyPath @param {Function} visitedCallback @returns result */ Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "any", { value: function(propertyPath, visitedCallback) { var result; if (propertyPath) { result = this.some(function(value) { return !!value.getProperty(propertyPath, null, null, visitedCallback); }); } else { result = this.some(function(value) { return !!value; }); } return result; } }); /** Description @function external:Array#sum @param {Object} propertyPath @param {Function} visitedCallback @returns sum */ Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "sum", { value: function(propertyPath, visitedCallBack) { var sum = 0, result, resultSum; if (propertyPath) { this.map(function(value) { result = value.getProperty(propertyPath, null, null, visitedCallBack); if (Array.isArray(result)) { resultSum = 0; result.map(function(value) { return (resultSum += Number(value)); }); result = resultSum; } return (sum += Number(result)); }); } else { this.map(function(value) { return (sum += Number(value)); }); } return sum; } }); /** Removes all members of this array making the object suitable for reuse @function module:montage/core/core.Array.wipe */ Object.defineProperty(Array.prototype, "wipe", { value: function() { this.length = 0; return this; } });