var Montage = require("./core").Montage; var UUID = require("./uuid"); var Promise = require("./promise").Promise; var PromiseQueue = require("./promise-queue").PromiseQueue; var CacheMap = require("./shim/structures").CacheMap; var logger = require("./logger").logger("promise-connections"); var rootId = ""; exports.connect = connect; function connect(port, local, options) { return PromiseConnection.create().init(port, local, options); } var PromiseConnection = exports.PromiseConnection = Montage.create(Montage, { init: { value: function (port, local, options) { options = options || {}; // sigil for debug message prefix this.sigil = Math.random().toString(36).toUpperCase().slice(2, 4); this.makeId = options.makeId || UUID.generate; this.locals = CacheMap(options.max); this.port = Adapter.adapt(port, options.origin); this.port.forEach(function (message) { this.log("receive:", message); message = JSON.parse(message); if (!this.receivers[message.type]) return; if (!this.locals.has( return; this.receivers[message.type].call(this, message); }, this); this.makeLocal(rootId); this.resolveLocal(rootId, local); return this.makeRemote(rootId); } }, log: { value: function (/*...args*/) { logger.debug.apply(logger, ["Connection:", this.sigil].concat( } }, encode: { value: function (object) { if (Promise.isPromise(object)) { var id = this.makeId(); this.makeLocal(id); this.resolveLocal(id, object); return {"@": id}; } else if (Array.isArray(object)) { return, this); } else if (typeof object === "object") { var newObject = {}; if (, key)) { var newKey = key; if (/^[!@]$/.exec(key)) newKey = key + key; newObject[newKey] = this.encode(object[key]); } return newObject; } else { return object; } } }, decode: { value: function (object) { if (!object) { return object; } else if (object['!']) { return Promise.reject(object['!']); } else if (object['@']) { return this.makeRemote(object['@']); } else if (Array.isArray(object)) { return, this); } else if (typeof object === 'object') { var newObject = {}; for (var key in object) { if (, key)) { var newKey = key; if (/^(@@|!!)$/.exec(key)) newKey = key.substring(1); newObject[newKey] = this.decode(object[key]); } } return newObject; } else { return object; } } }, makeLocal: { value: function (id) { if (!this.locals.has(id)) { this.locals.set(id, Promise.defer()); } return this.locals.get(id).promise; } }, resolveLocal: { value: function (id, value) { this.log('resolve:', 'L' + JSON.stringify(id), JSON.stringify(value)); this.locals.get(id).resolve(value); } }, makeRemote: { value: function (id) { return RemotePromise.create().init(this, id); } }, receivers: { value: Object.create(null, { resolve: { value: function (message) { if (this.locals.has( { this.resolveLocal(, this.decode(message.resolution)); } } }, send: { value: function (message) { var connection = this; this.locals.get( .send(message.op, this.decode(message.args)) .then(function (resolution) { return () { return JSON.stringify({ type: 'resolve', to: message.from, resolution: connection.encode(resolution) }) }) .fail(function (error) { console.log('XXX:', error); return JSON.stringify({ type: 'resolve', to: message.from, resolution: null }); }) }, function (reason, error, rejection) { return () { return JSON.stringify({ type: 'resolve', to: message.from, resolution: {'!': connection.encode(reason)} }) }) .fail(function () { return JSON.stringify({ type: 'resolve', to: message.from, resolution: {'!': null} }); }) }) .then(function (envelope) { connection.port.put(envelope); }) .end(); } } }) } }); var RemotePromise = Montage.create(Promise.AbstractPromise, { init: { value: function (connection, id) { this._connection = connection; this._id = id; this.Promise = Promise; return this; } }, _handlers: { value: {} }, _fallback: { value: function (resolve, op /*...args*/) { var localId = this._connection.makeId(); var response = this._connection.makeLocal(localId); var args =, 2); this._connection.log('sending:', 'R' + JSON.stringify(this._id), JSON.stringify(op), JSON.stringify(args)); this._connection.port.put(JSON.stringify({ type: 'send', to: this._id, from: localId, op: op, args: this._connection.encode(args) })); return response; } } }); var Adapter = exports.Adapter = Montage.create(Montage, { adapt: { value: function (port, origin) { return this.create().init(port, origin); } }, init: { value: function (port, origin) { if (port.postMessage) { // MessagePorts this._send = function (message) { // some message ports require an "origin" port.postMessage(message, origin); }; } else if (port.send) { // WebSockets have a "send" method, indicating // that we cannot send until the connection has // opened. We change the send method into a // promise for the send method, resolved after // the connection opens, rejected if it closes // before it opens. var deferred = Promise.defer(); this._send = deferred.promise; port.addEventListener("open", function () { deferred.resolve(port.send); }); port.addEventListener("close", function () { queue.close(); deferred.reject("Connection closed."); }); } else if (port.get && port.put) { return port; } else { throw new Error("An adaptable message port required"); } // Message ports have a start method; call it to make sure // that messages get sent. port.start && port.start(); var queue = this._queue = PromiseQueue.create().init(); function onmessage(event) { queue.put(; } if (port.addEventListener) { port.addEventListener("message", onmessage, false); } else { // onmessage is one thing common between WebSocket and // WebWorker message ports. port.onmessage = onmessage; } this._port = port; this.closed = queue.closed; return this; } }, get: { value: function () { return this._queue.get(); } }, put: { value: function (value) { return Promise.invoke(this._send, "call", this._port, value); } }, forEach: { value: PromiseQueue.forEach }, close: { value: function (reason, error, rejection) { this._port.close && this._port.close(); return this._queue.close(); } } });