/* This file contains proprietary software owned by Motorola Mobility, Inc.
No rights, expressed or implied, whatsoever to this software are provided by Motorola Mobility, Inc. hereunder.
(c) Copyright 2011 Motorola Mobility, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
*/ var Montage = require("montage").Montage, Component = require("ui/component").Component, TextInput = require("ui/text-input").TextInput, logger = require("core/logger").logger("autocomplete"), ResultsList = require("ui/autocomplete/results-list.reel/results-list").ResultsList, ArrayController = require("ui/controller/array-controller").ArrayController, Popup = require("ui/popup/popup.reel").Popup, PressComposer = require("ui/composer/press-composer").PressComposer; var KEY_UP = 38, KEY_DOWN = 40, KEY_RIGHT = 39, KEY_ENTER = 13, KEY_ESC = 27; var getElementPosition = function(obj) { var curleft = 0, curtop = 0, curHt = 0, curWd = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { do { curleft += obj.offsetLeft; curtop += obj.offsetTop; curHt += obj.offsetHeight; curWd += obj.offsetWidth; } while ((obj = obj.offsetParent)); } return { top: curtop, left: curleft, height: curHt, width: curWd }; }; /** * The Autocomplete input */ var Autocomplete = exports.Autocomplete = Montage.create(TextInput, { didCreate: { value: function() { this.delay = 500; this.minLength = 2; } }, hasTemplate: {value: true}, delegate: { value: null }, separator: { value: ',', distinct: true }, _delay: {value: null}, delay: { distinct: true, get: function(){ return this._delay; }, set: function(value) { if(value !== this._delay) { if(String.isString(value)) { value = parseInt(value, 10); } this._delay = value; } } }, /** * Number of characters the user must type before the suggest query is fired * Default = 2 */ minLength: { value: null }, _tokens: {value: null}, tokens: { get: function() { return this._tokens; }, set: function(value) { this._tokens = value; this._valueSyncedWithInputField = false; this.needsDraw = true; }, modify: function(v) { this._tokens = v; }, distinct: true }, // overridden here to get the substring/searchString value: { get: function() { return this._value; //var arr = this.tokens; //return (arr ? arr.join(',') : this._value); }, set: function(newValue, fromInput) { this._value = newValue ? newValue.trim() : ''; // get the entered text after the separator var value = this._value; if(fromInput) { this._valueSyncedWithInputField = true; if(value) { var arr = value.split(this.separator).map(function(item) { return item.trim(); }); this.activeTokenIndex = this._findActiveTokenIndex(this.tokens, arr); this._tokens = value.split(this.separator).map(function(item) { return item.trim(); }); if(this._tokens.length && this._tokens.length > 0) { var searchTerm = this._tokens[this.activeTokenIndex]; searchTerm = searchTerm ? searchTerm.trim() : ''; if(searchTerm.length >= this.minLength) { var self = this; clearTimeout(this.delayTimer); this.delayTimer = setTimeout(function() { self.delayTimer = null; if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug('SEARCH for ', searchTerm); } self.performSearch(searchTerm); }, this.delay); } else { this.showPopup = false; } } else { this.showPopup = false; } } } else { this.activeTokenIndex = 0; this._tokens = []; this.showPopup = false; this._valueSyncedWithInputField = false; this.needsDraw = true; } } }, //---- Private // width of the popup overlayWidth: { value: null, enumerable: false }, delayTimer: { value: null, enumerable: false }, // valid values are 'loading', 'complete' and 'timeout' // --> ResultList.loadingStatus _loadingStatus: {value: false, enumerable: false}, loadingStatus: { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._loadingStatus; }, set: function(value) { this._loadingStatus = value; if(this._loadingStatus === 'loading') { this.showPopup = false; } this.needsDraw = true; } }, // the index of the token in the tokens Array that is being worked on activeTokenIndex: {value: null}, /** @private */ _findActiveTokenIndex: { enumerable: false, value: function(before, after) { if(before == null || after == null) { return 0; } var i=0, len = after.length; for(i=0; i< len; i++) { if(i < before.length) { if(before[i] === after[i]) { continue; } else { break; } } } return i; } }, // -> resultsController.activeIndexes _activeIndexes: {value: null, enumerable: false}, activeItemIndex: { enumerable: false, get: function() { if(this._activeIndexes && this._activeIndexes.length > 0) { return this._activeIndexes[0]; } return null; }, set: function(value) { if(value == null) { this._activeIndexes = []; } else { this._activeIndexes = [value]; } } }, _suggestedValue: {value: null}, suggestedValue: { distinct: true, enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._suggestedValue; }, set: function(value) { if(value) { this._suggestedValue = value; var arr = this.tokens; arr[this.activeTokenIndex] = this._suggestedValue; this.tokens = arr; this.showPopup = false; } } }, // private popup: { enumerable: false, value: null }, _showPopup: {value: null}, showPopup: { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._showPopup; }, set: function(value) { if(value != this._showPopup) { this._showPopup = value; this.needsDraw = true; } } }, // the delegate should set the suggestions. // suggestions -> resultsController.objects _suggestions: {value: null}, suggestions: { enumerable: false, get: function() { return this._suggestions; }, set: function(value) { if (logger.isDebug) { logger.debug('got suggestions: ', value); } this.loadingStatus = 'complete'; this._suggestions = value; this.showPopup = (value && value.length > 0); } }, // resultsController -> resultsList.contentController resultsController: { enumerable: false, value: null }, // repetition resultsList: { enumerable: false, value: null }, performSearch: { enumerable: false, value: function(searchTerm) { if(this.delegate) { // index on the popup this.activeItemIndex = 0; this.loadingStatus = 'loading'; //this.showPopup = true; // delegate must set the results on the AutoComplete var fn = this.identifier + 'ShouldGetSuggestions'; if(typeof this.delegate[fn] === 'function') { this.delegate[fn](this, searchTerm); } else if(typeof this.delegate.shouldGetSuggestions === 'function') { this.delegate.shouldGetSuggestions(this, searchTerm); } else { // error - d } } } }, _addEventListeners: { enumerable: false, value: function() { this.element.addEventListener("keyup", this); this.element.addEventListener("input", this); } }, _removeEventListeners: { enumerable: false, value: function() { this.element.removeEventListener("keyup", this); this.element.removeEventListener("input", this); } }, _getPopup: { enumerable: false, value: function() { var popup = this.popup; if(!popup) { popup = Popup.create(); popup.content = this.resultsList; popup.anchor = this.element; popup.delegate = this; // dont let the popup take away the focus // we need the focus on the textfield popup.focusOnShow = false; this.popup = popup; } return this.popup; } }, // Delegate method to position the suggest popup willPositionPopup: { value: function(popup, defaultPosition) { var anchor = popup.anchorElement, anchorPosition = getElementPosition(anchor); return { left: anchorPosition.left, top: anchorPosition.top + 30 }; } }, prepareForDraw: { value: function() { this._addEventListeners(); this.element.classList.add('montage-autocomplete'); // create the Repetition for the suggestions this.resultsController = ArrayController.create(); Object.defineBinding(this.resultsController, "content", { boundObject: this, boundObjectPropertyPath: "suggestions", oneway: true }); Object.defineBinding(this, "suggestedValue", { boundObject: this.resultsController, boundObjectPropertyPath: "selectedObjects.0", oneway: true }); this.resultsList = ResultsList.create(); Object.defineBinding(this.resultsList, "contentController", { boundObject: this, boundObjectPropertyPath: "resultsController", oneway: true }); Object.defineBinding(this.resultsList, "activeIndexes", { boundObject: this, boundObjectPropertyPath: "_activeIndexes", oneway: true }); var popup = this._getPopup(); } }, prepareForActivationEvents: { value: function() { // add pressComposer to handle the claimPointer related work var pressComposer = PressComposer.create(); this.addComposer(pressComposer); } }, draw: { value: function() { var el = this.element; var fn = Object.getPrototypeOf(Autocomplete).draw; fn.call(this); if (!this._valueSyncedWithInputField) { this.value = this.tokens.join(this.separator); this.element.value = this.value; this._valueSyncedWithInputField = true; } if(this.showPopup) { this.popup.show(); // reset active index this.activeItemIndex = 0; } else { if(this.popup && this.popup.displayed) { this.popup.hide(); } } var isLoading = (this.loadingStatus === 'loading'); this.element.classList[isLoading ? 'add' : 'remove']('montage-autocomplete-loading'); } }, handleKeyup: { enumerable: false, value: function(e) { var code = e.keyCode, popup = this._getPopup(); switch(code) { case KEY_DOWN: if(popup.displayed == false) { popup.show(); this.activeItemIndex = 0; } else { var list = this.suggestions || []; if(list.length > 0 && this.activeItemIndex < list.length-1) { this.activeItemIndex++; } else { this.activeItemIndex = 0; } } break; case KEY_UP: if(popup.displayed == true) { if(this.activeItemIndex > 0) { this.activeItemIndex --; } else { this.activeItemIndex = 0; } } break; case KEY_ENTER: if(popup.displayed == true) { this.resultsController.selectedIndexes = [this.activeItemIndex]; //this.selectSuggestedValue(); // select the currently active item in the results list } break; } this.element.focus(); } } });